Implementation of Continuous Control RL Algorithms.
Repository used for our paper Actor-Expert: A Framework for using Q-learning in Continuous Action Spaces.
Q-learning methods
- Actor-Expert, Actor-Expert+: Actor-Expert: A Framework for using Q-learning in Continuous Action Spaces
- Actor-Expert with PICNN
- Wire-Fitting: Reinforcement Learning with High-dimensional, Continuous Actions
- Normalized Advantage Functions(NAF): Continuous Deep Q-Learning with Model-based Acceleration
- (Partial) Input Convex Neural Networks(PICNN): Input Convex Neural Networks - adapted from
- QT-Opt: QT-Opt: Scalable Deep Reinforcement Learning for Vision-Based Robotic Manipulation - both single and mixture gaussian
Policy Gradient methods
- Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient(DDPG): Continuous Control with Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Advantage Actor-Critic baseline with Replay Buffer: Not to be confused with ACER
Create virtual environment and install necessary packages through "pip3 -r requirements.txt"
Settings for available environments and agents are provided in jsonfiles/
ENV=Pendulum-v0 (must match jsonfiles/environment/*.json name)
AGENT=ddpg (must match jsonfiles/agent/*.json name)
INDEX=0 (useful for running sweeps over different settings and doing multiple runs)
Run: python3 --env_json jsonfiles/environment/$ENV.json --agent_json jsonfiles/agent/$AGENT.json --index $INDEX
and --monitor
is optional, to visualize/monitor the agents' training, only available for openai gym or mujoco environments. --write_plot
is also available to plot the learned action-values and policy on Bimodal1DEnv domain.)
ENV.json is used to specify evaluation settings:
- TotalMilSteps: Total training steps to be run (in million)
- EpisodeSteps: Steps in an episode (Use -1 to use the default setting)
- EvalIntervalMilSteps: Evaluation Interval steps during training (in million)
- EvalEpisodes: Number of episodes to evaluate in a single evaluation
AGENT.json is used to specify agent hyperparameter settings:
- norm: type of normalization to use
- exploration_policy: "ou_noise", "none": Use "none" if the algorithm has its own exploration mechanism
- actor/critic l1_dim, l2_dim: layer dimensions
- learning rate
- other algorithm specific settings