Unofficial implementation of "Prompt-to-Prompt Image Editing with Cross Attention Control" with Stable Diffusion, the code is based on the offical StableDiffusion repository.
The repository reproduced the cross attention control algorithm in "Prompt-to-Prompt Image Editing with Cross Attention Control". The code is based on the official stable diffusion repository
Please check and leave many issues and comments !
Prompt-to-Prompt Image Editing with Cross Attention Control
Unofficial implementation of cross attention control
- Implementation of controlling reweighting function through argument.
- Any resolution inference: The code is now operated in only the resolution 512x512. Some parts are hard-coded the resolution of images.
- Modifying the code of visualization attention map: any nuber of sample images.
Please refer to compvis/stablediffusion for set environment. The repository is based on compvis/stablediffusion repository.
If you clone this repository run the commend as below:
conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate sdmp2p
Set the checkpoints to the path:
The word swapping, adding new phrase and reweighting function is implemented as below:
# located in "./ldm/modules/"
def cross_attention_control(self, tattmap, sattmap=None, pmask=None, t=0, tthres=0, token_idx=[0], weights=[[1. , 1. , 1.]]):
attn = tattmap
sattn = sattmap
h = 8
bh, n, d = attn.shape
if t>=tthres:
""" 1. swap & ading new phrase """
if sattmap is not None:
bh, n, d = attn.shape
pmask, sindices, indices = pmask
pmask = pmask.view(1,1,-1).repeat(bh, n, 1)
attn = (1-pmask)*attn[:,:,indices] + (pmask)*sattn[:,:,sindices]
""" 2. reweighting """
attn = rearrange(attn,'(b h) n d -> b h n d', h=h) # (6,8,4096,77) -> (img1(uc), img2(uc), img1(c), img1(c), img2(c), img3(c))
num_iter = bh//(h*2) #: 3
for k in range(len(token_idx)):
for i in range(num_iter):
attn[num_iter+i, :, :, token_idx[k]] *= weights[k][i]
attn = rearrange(attn,'b h n d -> (b h) n d', h=h) # (6,8,4096,77)
return attn
The mask and indice are from the function in "./":
def get_indice(model, prompts, sprompts, device="cuda"):
""" from cross attention control( """
# input_ids: 49406, 1125, 539, 320, 2368, 6765, 525, 320, 11652, 49407]
tokenizer = model.cond_stage_model.tokenizer
tokens_length = tokenizer.model_max_length
tokens = tokenizer(prompts[0], padding="max_length", max_length=tokenizer.model_max_length, truncation=True, return_tensors="pt", return_overflowing_tokens=True)
stokens= tokenizer(sprompts[0], padding="max_length", max_length=tokenizer.model_max_length, truncation=True, return_tensors="pt", return_overflowing_tokens=True)
p_ids = tokens.input_ids.numpy()[0]
sp_ids = stokens.input_ids.numpy()[0]
mask = torch.zeros(tokens_length)
indices_target = torch.arange(tokens_length, dtype=torch.long)
indices = torch.zeros(tokens_length, dtype=torch.long)
for name, a0, a1, b0, b1 in SequenceMatcher(None, sp_ids, p_ids).get_opcodes():
if b0 < tokens_length:
if name == "equal" or (name == "replace" and a1-a0 == b1-b0):
mask[b0:b1] = 1
indices[b0:b1] = indices_target[a0:a1]
mask =
indices =
indices_target =
return [mask, indices, indices_target]
Run the shell script, ./ written as below:
python ./scripts/\
--prompt "a cake with jelly beans decorations"\
--n_samples 3\
--strength 0.99\
--sprompt "a cake with decorations"\
# --save_attn_dir "/root/media/data1/sdm/attenmaps_apples_swap_orig/"\
# --is_get_attn\
chmod -R 777 ./
If you want to get reulsts with only target prompt, annotate the arguments "is-swap" and "--sprompt". The final shell script is written as below:
python ./scripts/\
--prompt "a cake with jelly beans decorations"\
--n_samples 3\
--strength 0.99\
#--sprompt "a cake with decorations"\
# --save_attn_dir "/root/media/data1/sdm/attenmaps_apples_swap_orig/"\
# --is_get_attn\
chmod -R 777 ./
The results are save in "./outputs/swap-samples"
(left to right, weights are -2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
The reweighting function is implemented, but it can't be controlled by argument. The weight contorll through argument is not yet implemented.
Therefore, you should changed the weight for the specific token index as below:
The code is located on the line249 and 257 in "./ldm/modules/"
def forward(self, x, context=None, scontext=None, pmask=None, time=None, mask=None):
x.shape: (6,4096,320)
q, k, v shape: (6, hw, 320), (6, 77, 320), (6, 77, 320)
-> q,k,v shape: (32, hw, 40=320/8=self.head), (32, 77, 40=320/8=self.head), (32, 77, 40=320/8=self.head)
- visualization.
1. aggregate all attention map across the "timesteps" and "heads"
2. Normalization divided by "max" with respecto to "each token"
h = self.heads
if scontext == "selfattn":
sim, attn, v = self.get_attmap(x=x, h=self.heads, context=context, mask=None)
sattn = None
if scontext is None:
sim, attn, v = self.get_attmap(x=x, h=self.heads, context=context, mask=None)
sattn = None
""" cross attention control: only reweighting is possible. """
""" The swap and adding new phrase do not work because, the source prompt does not exist in this case. """
ex) A photo of a house on a snowy mountain
: for controlling "snowy":
the token index=8.
the weights for sample1~3 are -2, 1, 5 in this example.
attn = self.cross_attention_control(tattmap=attn, t=time, token_idx=[2], weights=[[-2., 1., 5.]] )
x, sx = x.chunk(2)
sim, attn, v = self.get_attmap(x=x, h=self.heads, context=context, mask=None)
ssim, sattn, sv = self.get_attmap(x=sx, h=self.heads, context=scontext, mask=None)
""" cross attention control """
bh, hw, tleng = attn.shape
attn = self.cross_attention_control(tattmap=attn, sattmap=sattn, pmask=pmask, t=time, token_idx=[0], weights=[[1., 1., 1.]] )
We can compare the results with different weight through this scripts: (If you use "fixed_code", all the samples are generated with same fixed latent vectors. For better comparison, I recommend you to utilize this argument.)
# ./
python ./scripts/\
--prompt "A photo of a house on a snowy mountain"\
--n_samples 3\
--strength 0.99\
#--sprompt "photo of a cat riding on a bicycle"\
# --save_attn_dir "/root/media/data1/sdm/attenmaps_apples_swap_orig/"\
# --is_get_attn\
chmod -R 777 ./
Please note that visualization code
We follow the visualization cross-attention map as described in the Prompt-to-Prompt:
def avg_attmap(self, attmap, token_idx=0):
num_sample(=batch_size) = 3
uc,c = 2 #(unconditional, condiitonal)
-> 3*2=6
attmap.shape: similarity matrix.
token_idx: index of token for visualizing, 77: [SOS, ...text..., EOS]
nsample2, head, hw, context_dim = attmap.shape
#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
attmap_sm = F.softmax(attmap.float(), dim=-1)#F.softmax(torch.Tensor(attmap).float(), dim=-1) # (6, 8, hw, context_dim)
att_map_sm = attmap_sm[nsample2//2:, :, :, :] # (3, 8, hw, context_dim)
att_map_mean = torch.mean(att_map_sm, dim=1) # (3, hw, context_dim)
b, hw, context_dim = att_map_mean.shape
h = int(math.sqrt(hw))
w = h
return att_map_mean.view(b,h,w,context_dim) # (3, h, w, context_dim)
For getting visualized cross-attention map, please run the shell script:
# ./
for a in 1,1,0 0,0,1 0,0,2 0,0,3 2,2,1 2,2,2 2,2,3 0,2,1 0,2,2 0,2,3
IFS=',' read item1 item2 item3 <<< "${a}"
--root ${attenmap}\
--save_dir ./atten_${sample_name}_${token_idx}/\
--slevel ${item1}\
--elevel ${item2}\
--stime 0\
--etime 49\
--res ${item3}\
--token_idx ${token_idx}\
--img_path ./outputs/swap-samples/${sample_name}.png
--root ./atten_${sample_name}_${token_idx}\
--token_idx ${token_idx}
chmod -R 777 ./
Parameters in ./
Name = Default Value | Description | Example |
prompt="" |
the target prompt as a string | "a cake with jelly beans decorations" |
sprompt="" |
the source prompt as a string | "a cake with decorations" |
is-swap=store_true |
if you word swap or adding new phrase with source prompt | |
n_samples=3 |
number of samples to generate, the default values is 3 now. | |
is_get_attn=store_true |
store cross-attention map or not | |
save_attn_dir="" |
the path that the cross-attention map will be saved in. |
Parameters in ./
Name = Default Value | Description | Example |
attenmap="" |
the path that the attention maps are saved in. It is same with "save_attn_dir" | |
sample_name="" |
the name of samples that were generated, which were saved in ./outputs/swap-images | "a_cake_with_jelly_beans_decorations" |
token_idx=0 |
the token index that we want to visualize. |