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@sunxfancy sunxfancy released this 08 Mar 19:47
· 60 commits to master since this release

This version added a new feature to support libFuzzer. Now it can define domains and generate structured fuzzing input from it.
An example fuzz test case can be written like that:

FUZZ_TEST_CASE("fuzz_test") {
    LOG("Run fuzz_test");
    FUZZ_FUNC([=](int k, std::string num) {
        int t = atoi(num.c_str());
        LOG("k: {k}, num:{num}, t: {t}", k, num, t);
        REQUIRE(k == t);
        .WithDomains(InRange<int>(0, 10), Arbitrary<std::string>())
        .WithSeeds({{5, "Foo"}, {10, "Bar"}})