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Icepay Payments (ICEX2.0) driver for the Omnipay PHP payment processing library.


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Omnipay: Icepay Payments (ICEX2.0)

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Omnipay is a framework agnostic, multi-gateway payment processing library for PHP 7.2.9+. This package implements Icepay Payments support for Omnipay and it supports ICEX2.0. Therefore you need a SecretKey and a ContractProfileId (also known as UserId).

Do note that this implementation does not support Authorise-Capture (for Afterpay) yet.


To install, simply add it to your composer.json file:

$ composer require superbrave/omnipay-icepay-payments


First, create the Omnipay gateway:

$gateway = Omnipay\Omnipay::create('\Omnipay\IcepayPayments\Gateway');
// or
$gateway = new \Omnipay\IcepayPayments\Gateway(/* $httpClient, $httpRequest */);

Then, initialize it with the correct credentials:

    'secretKey' => $secretKey, // The given secret key.
    'contractProfileId' => $contractProfileId, // The given contract profile id or user id.
    'testMode' => false // Optional, default: true
// or


For general usage instructions, please see the main Omnipay repository.

General flow

  1. Create a transaction.
  2. Check for the transaction status.
  3. Perform one refund(s) operations if needed.


To create a new order, use the transaction method:

$data = [
    'Contract' => [
        'ContractProfileId' => '85cf0581-36e2-45c7-8d8c-a24c6f52902c',
        'AmountInCents' => 1337,
        'CurrencyCode' => 'EUR',
        'Reference' => '829c7998-6497-402c-a049-51801ba33662',
    'Postback' => [
        'UrlCompleted' => '',
        'UrlError' => '',
        'UrlsNotify' => [
    'IntegratorFootprint' => [
        'IPAddress' => '',
        'TimeStampUTC' => '0',
    'ConsumerFootprint' => [
        'IPAddress' => '',
        'TimeStampUTC' => '0',
    'Fulfillment' => [
        'PaymentMethod' => 'IDEAL',
        'IssuerCode' => 'ABNAMRO',
        'AmountInCents' => 1337,
        'CurrencyCode' => 'EUR',
        'Consumer' => [
            'Address' => [
                'CareOf' => null,
                'City' => 'Bree duh',
                'CountryCode' => 'NL',
                'HouseNumber' => null,
                'PostalCode' => '4817 HX',
                'Street' => 'Quite 18',
            'Category' => 'Person',
        'Timestamp' => '2019-03-09T12:00:00Z',
        'LanguageCode' => 'nl',
        'CountryCode' => 'NL',
        'Reference' => '829c7998-6497-402c-a049-51801ba33662',
        'Order' => [
            'OrderNumber' => '12345AB',
            'CurrencyCode' => 'EUR',
            'TotalGrossAmountCents' => 1337,
            'TotalNetAmountCents' => 1337,
        'Description' => '829c7998-6497-402c-a049-51801ba33662',

$request = $gateway->authorize($data);

$response = $response->send();

API documentation


$data = [
    'ContractProfileId' => '85cf0581-36e2-45c7-8d8c-a24c6f52902c',
    'AmountInCents' => 1337,
    'CurrencyCode' => 'EUR',
    'Reference' => '829c7998-6497-402c-a049-51801ba33662',

$request = $gateway->fetchTransaction($data);

$response = $request->send();

API documentation


Do note: refunds implementation has not been tested.

$data = [
    'ContractProfileId' => '85cf0581-36e2-45c7-8d8c-a24c6f52902c',
    'AmountInCents' => 1337,
    'CurrencyCode' => 'EUR',
    'Reference' => '829c7998-6497-402c-a049-51801ba33662',

$request = $gateway->refund($data);

$response = $request->send();

API documentation


This omnipay gateway is under the MIT license. See the complete license.