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Python Sdk for gocron



pip install pygocron

How to use


Install the gocron

Go to gocron homepage, for those don't understand Chinese, you can follow my brief instruction here to delpoy it:

  • firt, go to gocron relase page and find a proper gocron version, for Linux user, u can download the gocron-v{VERSION}-linux-amd64.tar.gz, unzip the downloaded file, and u will find a executable file named gocron, then you can just run ./gocron web(run nohup ./gocron web & to run a backgroudly)

  • second, go to gocron relase page again,this time we will download the gocron-node-v{VERSION}-linux-amd64.tar.gz, unzip the downloaded file, and u will find a executable file named gocron-node, then you can just run ./gocron-node(run nohup ./gocron & to run it backgroudly)

  • last, u can open the browser and go to the url of http://{your server address}:5920, the page u saw was a Configuration page, you need to define such as admin username and password sort of things, and donn't forget to provide a database connection too(mysql or postgresql)

Instantiate a PyGoCron object

from pygocron.pygocron import PyGoCron

pgc = PyGoCron(gocron_address="", 
        gocron_admin_user= "your admin username", 
        gocron_admin_password="your password")

Off course, u can initialize it by run pgc = PyGoCron(), after u setted the following environment variables:


Create a task

        name: "test job",
        spec: "0 0 0 * * *", # cron expression, differ from normal cron expression, it can be set at `second` level(the third `0` here)
        command: "echo 1", # system command
        tag: str = "Test",   

PS: To see descriptions for all arguments, u can use help(pgc.create_task), same for following methods

Get a task id by name

task_id = pgc.get_task_id_by_name(name="test job")


Run a task off manualy


Get task log

logs = pgc.get_task_logs(task_id=1)


Note the status field in the return object, 0 stands for failed, 1 for running, and 2 for success; While running get_task_logs and use status as an argument, things will be totally different, 0 now for all tasks(default value), 1 for faild tasks and 2 for running tasks. For instance if u want to get all running tasks u can run:

logs = pgc.get_task_logs(status=2)


Better idea is to keep the meanning of status identical, unfortunately this is the gocron design

Get all existing nodes

nods = pgc.get_nodes()


Disable a task


Enable a task


Other methods

runpgc.get_all_methods() to get all exsiting methods