Born to a family of doctors, I was dubbed the black sheep, tinkering with computers and fascinated by anything technological. But, when you grow up in a household where medical jargon dominates conversations, a particular sentiment toward it develops. Progressing through my career, I have attempted to combine my passion for technology with my keen interest in medicine.
🔨 I'm currently working on,
🔬 Building and evaluating deep learning based biomarkers to help out in the clinic at AIM Harvard
🔥 Contributing and developing a simplified framework to run deep learning models project-lighter/lighter
⏮️ Previously I've enjoyed working with,
🔍 Image synthesis (CBCT
▶️ CT) and segmentation (CT) techniques to improve radiotherapy at Maastro Clinic and ganslate-team -
🛠️ Various Computer Vision-based functionality for a revolutionary customer assistance platform at Blinkin
- 🎓PhD in Artififical Intelligence in Radiology at the GROW School of Oncology and Reproduction
- 🎓 Masters in Artificial Intelligence at the DKE specialized in Deep Learning and Computer Vision.
I find myself most comfortable with,