This repository contains Machine Learning Projects in Python programming language. All the projects are done on Jupyter Notebooks.
The following libraries are required to successfully implement the projects.
- Python 3.6+
- NumPy (for Linear Algebra)
- Pandas (for Data Preprocesssing)
- Scikit-learn (for ML models)
- Matplotlib (for Data Visualization)
- Seaborn (for statistical data visualization)
The projects are divided into various categories listed below -
- Linear Regression Single Variables. : A Simple Linear Regression Model to model the linear relationship between Population and Profit for plot sales.
- Linear Regression Multiple Variables. : In this project, I build a Linear Regression Model for multiple variables for predicting the House price based on acres and number of rooms.
Logistic Regression : In this project, I train a binary Logistic Regression classifier to predict whether a student will get selected on the basis of mid semester and end semester marks.
Support Vector Machine : In this project, I build a Support Vector Machines classifier for predicting Social Network Ads . It predicts whether a user with age and estimated salary will buy the product after watching the ads or not. It uses the Radial Basic Function Kernal of SVM.
K Nearest Neighbours : K Nearest Neighbours or KNN is the simplest of all machine learning algorithms. In this project, I build a kNN classifier on the Iris Species Dataset which predict the three species of Iris with four features sepal_length, sepal_width, petal_length and petal_width.
Naive Bayes : In this project, I build a Naïve Bayes Classifier to classify the different class of a message from sklearn dataset called fetch_20newsgroups.
Decision Tree Classification : In this project, I used the Iris Dataset and tried a Decision Tree Classifier which give an accuracy of 96.7% which is less than KNN.
Random Forest Classification : In this project I used Random Forest Classifier and Random Forest Regressor on the Social Network Ads dataset.
- K Means Clustering : K-Means clustering is used to find intrinsic groups within the unlabelled dataset and draw inferences.It is one of the most detailed projects, In this project, I implement K-Means Clustering on Credit Card Dataset to cluster different credit card users based on the features.I scaled the data using StandardScaler because normalizing(scale in range 0 to 1) will improves the convergence.I also implemented the Elbow Method to search for the best numbers of clusters.For visualizing the dataset I used PCA(Principal Component Analysis) for dimensionality reduction as the dataset features were large in number.In the end I used Silhouette Score which is used to calculate the performance of clustering . It ranges from -1 to 1 and I got a score of 0.203.
Text Analytics : It is a project for Introduction to Text Analytics in NLP.I performed the important steps -
- Tokenization
- Removal of Special Characters
- Lower Case
- Removing StopWords
- Stemming
- Count Vectorizer ( which generally performs all the steps mentioned above except Stemming)
- DTM (Document Term Matrix)
- TF-IDF (Text Frequency Inverse Document Frequency)
Sentiment Analysis : I applied Sentiment analysis in MovieReview (Dataset from nltk library) and RestaurentReview Datasets to predict the positive and negative review . I used Naive Bayes Classifier (78.8%) and Logistic Regression (84.3%) to build the models and for prediction.
- Data Preprocessing : I perform various data preprocessin and cleaning methods which are mentioned below -
- Label Encoding : It converts each category into a unique numeric value ranging from 0 to n(size of dataset).
- Ordinal Encoding : Categories to ordered numerical values.
- One Hot Encoding : It creates a dummy variable with value 0 to n(unique value count in the column) for each category value.Extra columns are created.
Social Network Ads | Accuracy |
Support Vector Machine | 90.83% |
Random Forest Classifier | 90.0% |
Random Forest Regressor | 61.8% |
Iris Dataset | Accuracy |
KNN | 98.3% |
Decision Tree | 96.7% |