A website for people to completely virtualize queueing for a store. Users can join a store's queue, and store owners can create/edit stores, add store employees and manage customers in their queue. The website has many powerful features including intelligent store searching, store analytics tracking, real-time queue status monitoring, QR code validation, etc.
Click here to visit our website!
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, Express
, React
, Node.js
, Google Maps API
In the crisis we're in, store managers often face the challenge to limit the amount of physical interaction that goes on in their store. By using our website, store owners can manage the flow of people entering/exiting a store, minimizing the amount of in-person interaction that goes on.
Developed in a team of 3. Utilizes MongoDB to store users, stores, interaction events, a REST API built using Express to connect the front-end and back-end, along with React to create the front-end.