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Abílio Costa edited this page Oct 3, 2024 · 31 revisions

This page is intended as a guide for those who wish to build the HEAD of sway and wlroots for testing or development purposes. This page isn't relevant to end-users.


You're going to need the following tools to get started:

You'll also need the dependencies, which you can find in the README. If you don't have recent enough versions of some of the dependencies, you can build them as subprojects (see below).


Look at the package list in Sway CI manifest.

Arch Linux

The Arch User Repository (AUR) has the convenient sway-git and wlroots-git packages, which contain everything you'll need to compile their respective projects. Use your preferred AUR helper to install these.

Alternatively, look at the package list in Sway CI manifest.


On Debian-based distributions, library packages are commonly suffixed by -dev.

You can install most of the packages with

apt build-dep sway

Currently you need:

apt install glslang-tools libcairo2-dev libcap-dev libdbus-1-dev libdisplay-info-dev libevdev-dev libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev libinput-dev libjson-c-dev libliftoff-dev libpam0g-dev libpango1.0-dev libpcre2-dev libpixman-1-dev libseat-dev libsystemd-dev libvulkan-dev libwayland-dev libwayland-egl1 libwlroots-dev libxcb-ewmh-dev libxkbcommon-dev meson pkgconf scdoc tree wayland-protocols


Fedora requires installing all of the dependencies one-by-one. If a dependency is outdated, build it as a subproject (see below).

dnf install -y git gcc meson ninja-build wayland-devel mesa-libEGL-devel mesa-libGLES-devel mesa-dri-drivers xorg-x11-server-Xwayland libdrm-devel libgbm-devel libxkbcommon-devel libudev-devel pixman-devel libinput-devel libevdev-devel systemd-devel cairo-devel libpcap-devel json-c-devel pam-devel pango-devel pcre-devel gdk-pixbuf2-devel hwdata-devel


Look at the package list in Sway CI manifest.


A simple way to get all the needed packages is to use nix-shell. Note that packages should come from nixpkgs-unstable, and nix default hardening should be disabled:

nix-shell -p cairo gdk-pixbuf glslang hwdata json_c lcms libGL mesa libcap libdisplay-info libdrm libevdev libinput libliftoff libxkbcommon meson ninja pango pcre2 pixman pkg-config scdoc seatd tree vulkan-loader wayland wayland-protocols wayland-scanner xorg.xcbutilerrors xorg.xcbutilrenderutil xorg.xcbutilwm xwayland -I nixpkgs= --command "export NIX_HARDENING_ENABLE=; return"

Compiling as a subproject

You can build and run sway directly without installing it. A subproject allows to easily work on wlroots and sway at the same time.

# Clone repositories
git clone
cd sway
git clone subprojects/wlroots

# Build sway and wlroots
meson build/
ninja -C build/

# Start sway

To enable the address sanitizer (ASan) and the undefined behavior sanitizer (UBSan), add -Db_sanitize=address,undefined to the meson command.

In order to be able to collect core dumps on ASan failures (to inspect variable state at the point of failure, for instance), you must specify ASAN_OPTIONS=abort_on_error=1:disable_coredump=0:unmap_shadow_on_exit=1 in the environment that you launch sway in.

When pulling from the Sway repo, remember to also pull from the wlroots repo.

The wlroots CI ensures it always builds on Arch Linux, Alpine edge and FreeBSD. If you're using another distribution which doesn't ship new enough dependencies, it's possible to build them as subprojects, for instance:

git clone subprojects/wayland
git clone subprojects/wayland-protocols
git clone subprojects/libdisplay-info
git clone subprojects/libliftoff
git clone subprojects/libdrm
git clone subprojects/seatd

If you don't have Sway installed on your system or if you want to test swaybar/swaymsg/swaynag changes, you can populate your PATH like so:

export PATH=build/swaybar:build/swaymsg:build/swaynag:$PATH

Alternatively, you can also add swaybar_command/swaynag_command/swaybar_command to your config with custom executable paths.

System-wide installation

This section is relevant if you want to install both wlroots and sway system-wide (not using a subproject).


If you don't want to add the paths below to your ~/.profile, you can paste these lines into your terminal to set the variables for the current terminal session only.

Ensure that /usr/local/bin is in your PATH by executing echo $PATH. If it isn't, open ~/.profile and add:

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH

Ensure that your PKG_CONFIG_PATH contains /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig, /usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig, and /usr/local/share/pkgconfig by executing echo $PKG_CONFIG_PATH. If it doesn't, open ~/.profile and add:

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/share/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH

Ensure that your LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains /usr/local/lib/ and /usr/local/lib64/ by executing echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If it doesn't, open the ~/.profile file located in your home directory and add:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib64/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Execute source ~/.profile to update the variables for your current terminal session. You should ensure that your chosen shell sources ~/.profile on login (you may need to delete ~/.bash_profile for it to take precedent).


You're now ready to compile wlroots, which is the Wayland compositor library used by sway.

  • Clone the wlroots repository with git
  • Execute meson build, which will create the build directory
  • Execute ninja -C build to build
  • Execute sudo ninja -C build install to install
  • Verify that either /usr/local/lib or /usr/local/lib64 contain

Now that wlroots is built and installed, you can build sway.

  • Clone the sway repository with git
  • Execute meson build, which will create the build directory
  • Execute ninja -C build to build
  • Execute sudo ninja -C build install to install
  • Verify that /usr/local/bin contains the sway, swaybar, swaylock, etc. binaries

Since sway and wlroots development moves fast, it's common to have issues compiling sway if your installed version of wlroots is behind. As a first step of compile error troubleshooting, pull, build, and reinstall wlroots.