Online tool to help ease the small tedia of the board game The Witcher: Old World
The main goal is to create a few tools to make the randomized parts of the game more fluid and faster than the current methods, something akin to the automations in Tabletop Simulator.
The Witcher: Old World Helper is available here.
A few ideas:
- Lost Mount location randomizer (can be just a d20, but there are 19 locations, 0-18). Unsure how it integrates with Skellige expansion.
- 3 Monster panel with results button(s) adjacent which automatically randomize same level monster or increased monster level and randomizes location to same type
- Quest location randomizer
- Terrain tokens
- Monster Trail
- Location randomizer
- Terrain tokens
- Weakness tokens
- Destruction tokens (movement?)
- (Much more complex/longer term) Monster passive/ability calculator to help resolve any questions on how a passive would trigger/resolve/etc provided a current player's card combo
- Witcher/mage card randomizer.
- Rule book says shuffle and pick two, yet the backs of each player card has the school icon on the back, making it not truly random.
- can choose which expansion(s)
- All location randomizers will try to take already-used locations into account, when/where applicable. Until implemented, users can just reroll and there will be a notice when a location shouldn't be on the same space as another entity.
- Inventory list for each expansion
- Cards
- Action cards vs Advanced Action cards vs Unique Action Cards explanation (discord comment)
- TWOW(06) 1-4/4 = Base Set
- TWOW(21) 1/4 = Adventure Pack, Wild Hunt, Monster Trail
- TWOW(21) 2/4 = Adventure Pack
- TWOW(21) 3/4 = Wild Hunt, Mages, Adventure Pack
- TWOW(21) 4/4 = Monster Trail, Lost Mount, Ciri
- TWOW(22) 1/1 = Monster Trail, Wild Hunt
- TWOW(34) 1-2/2 = Mages
- TWOW(45) 1/1 = Legendary Hunt
- TWOW(46) 1/1 = Legendary Hunt
- TWOW(53) = Skellige
- Tokens
- Minis
- Where to locate some of the harder to find items
- e.g. closed tavern token being in plastic witcher trophy tokens, Ciri & Manticore minis
- How to fit all cards into the big box
- Cards
- List of each mini per number
- Summarized Setup doc
- Useful/helpful links to community resources