Docker image of filesender running within php-fpm, with nginx providing the webserver in front. All of the docker images are based off of debian stable.
This release of filesender can use simplesamlphp or shibboleth-sp for authentication. Questions directly related on using or configuring filesender should get posted to it's mailinglist.
This docker image of filesender requires the following environment dependencies:
- docker-compose is installed on the system.
- The host system's time synchronized with a master ntp server.
- No other service on the system is listening at port 80 or 443. This can be changed through modifying the docker-compose configuration and files.
- A public IP address if using shibboleth authentication. For production deployments, having nginx using an ssl cert associated with a public DNS entry is the ideal situation.
- For production deployments, planned disk capacity to store uploaded files.
- An smtp server to send emails. For the examples located in the compose/ directory, they use a gmail test account. For a production deployment an organization's smtp server should be used.
The following environment variables control the docker setup:
- FILESENDER_URL - full URL to enter in the browser to bring up filesender
- FILESENDER_AUTHTYPE - used by the 2.x series with the possible values:
- shibboleth - use shibboleth for authentication
- saml - use simplesamlphp for authentication
- fake - use a fake user to authenticate.
- FILESENDER_AUTHSAML - when using simplesaml for authentication, which is the only option with the 1.x series, the authentication type to use as defined in simplesamlphps's config/authsources.php file.
- shibboleth - the fastcgi environment variable containing the attribute value.
- simplesamlphp - the saml attribute name to use.
- fake - the actual value to use
- DB_HOST - the database hostname to connect to.
- DB_NAME - the database namespace to install filesender tables into
- DB_USER - the database user to connecto the database system with
- DB_PASSWORD - the database user password
- SMTP_SERVER - the SMTP server to send email through. It must be a valid server for filesender to work.
- SMTP_TLS - The SMTP server requires TLS encrypted communication
- SMTP_USER - the optional user account needed to connect to the SMTP server
- SMTP_PSWD - the optional SMTP user account password
- CHOWN_WWW - An optional uid:gid value for filesender to run as. It is most relevent when docker mounting the container's /data directory to store uploads on the host filesystem. Filesender should be running as the user owning the host system directory, otherwise upload permission errors will occur.
- ADMIN_EMAIL - email address of the filesender admin account, must be valid
- ADMIN_USERS - the set of user accounts that should be considered administrators
- ADMIN_PSWD - the password to use for the admin account
- SIMPLESAML_MODULES - the space seperated list of simplesaml module directories to enable for authentication and filtering. Usually enabling one of these modules requires setting configuration settings for it in the authsources.php file.
- SIMPLESAML_SALT - an optional simplesaml salt value to use. A value will get auto-generated on first time startup if missing.
These variables are set using the script, which runs in the filesender-phpfpm docker container the first time it starts up from the location /
To test out filesender using simplesamlphp authentication, run the following commands:
git clone
cd filesender-phpfpm/compose/simplesaml
docker-compose up
Then browse to http://localhost
To cleanup the above test instance, run:
git clone
cd filesender-phpfpm/compose/simplesaml
docker-compose rm -fsv
docker volume prune # Enter y
Look at the compose/simplesaml directory for a docker-compose example of how to quickly setup filesender with a fake user account using simplesamlphp.
Three docker containers will be created, validate by running docker ps -a
- simplesaml_web_1 - contains nginx
- simplesaml_fpm_1 - contains filesender running under fpm. Any docker mount of simplesamlphp configuration should get mounted to this container under /opt/simplesamlphp/config. External storage disk capacity should get docker mounted into the container at /data
- simplesaml_db-host_1 - contains mysql database used by filesender.
Quite a few more complex authentication options are available through simplesamlphp. Look at it's documentation for more details. In each case the authsources.php file will likely need to get modified and a module enabled through setting the SIMPLESAML_MODULES environment variable. More complex examples that would require certificates should have docker mount the /opt/simplesamlphp/config/ directory so the certs, config.php, and authsources.php are properly setup.
To test out filesender using shibboleth authentication, run the following commands:
git clone
cd filesender-phpfpm/compose/shibboleth
Closely follow the directions given at the end of running ./, following the REGISTER and FINALLY tagged instructions in order.
To cleanup the above test instance, run:
git clone
cd filesender-phpfpm/compose/shibboleth
docker-compose rm -fsv
docker volume prune # Enter y
Look at the compose/shibboleth directory for a docker-compose example of how to quickly setup filesender using shibboleth for authentication, using the following instructions. As previously mentioned, a public IP address or a valid DNS name pointing to a public IP address is needed to setup filesender with shibboleth.
Four docker containers will be created, validate by running docker ps -a
- shibboleth_web_1 - contains nginx
- shibboleth_fpm_1 - contains filesender running under fpm. External storage disk capacity should get docker mounted into the container at /data
- shibboleth_shib_1 - contains the shibboleth-sp instance. Any docker mount of shibboleth configuration should get mounted to this container under /etc/shibboleth
- shibboleth_db-host_1 - contains mysql database used by filesender.
If you have a DNS name pointing to a public IP, run:
./ dns_name
Otherwise, just run in the shell
It will attempt to auto-calculate your public IP address.
After running, follow the instructions ./ gives to REGISTER your shibboleth instance at
Finally, browse to the URL given at the end of ./
A public IP address is needed for the remote shibboleth-idp to send responses back to the local shibboleth-sp through nginx. If the docker image is running on a private IP behind a router NAT, it might be possible for the router to forward the shibboleth-idp responses through https to the private IP as long as the router has been given a public IP.
For production deployments, most organizations using shibboleth have a sample /etc/shibboleth/ that needs just a few configuration tweaks to connect the local shibboleth-sp docker image to the organization's shibboleth-idp. This tweaked /etc/shibboleth directory should be docker mounted into the shibboleth-sp docker container.
Note the organization's /etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml must have the following code block in it to correctly resource protect with nginx's fastcgi implementation of shibboleth-sp:
<RequestMapper type="XML">
<Host name="<change to your public ip or dns name>"
<Path name="/index.php"/>
<Path name="/rest.php"/>