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guojf edited this page Jul 10, 2024 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the three-tile-example wiki!

three-tile 最小化应用示例:



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="zh-cn">
		<meta charset="utf-8" />
			content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0"
		body {
			background-color: #333;
			height: 100%;
			width: 100%;
			padding: 0;
			margin: 0;
			display: flex;
		#map {
			flex: 1;

	<!-- 因three@v0.150+废弃了普通导入方式,需要改为使用importmap导入 -->
	<script type="importmap">
			"imports": {
				"three": "",
				"three-tile": ""

		<div id="map"></div>
		<script type="module">
			import * as THREE from "three";
			import * as tt from "three-tile";

			console.log(`three-tile v${tt.version} start!`);

			// MapBoxToken 请更换为你自己申请的key
			const MAPBOXKEY =

			// mapbox影像数据源
			const mapBoxImgSource = new tt.plugin.MapBoxSource({
				token: MAPBOXKEY,
				dataType: "image",
				style: "mapbox.satellite",
			// mapbox地形数据源
			const mapBoxDemSource = new tt.plugin.MapBoxSource({
				token: MAPBOXKEY,
				dataType: "terrain-rgb",
				style: "mapbox.terrain-rgb",
				maxLevel: 15,

			// 创建地图
			const map = tt.TileMap.create({
				// 影像数据源
				imgSource: mapBoxImgSource,
				// 地形数据源
				demSource: mapBoxDemSource,
				// 地图投影中心经度
				lon0: 90,
				// 最小缩放级别
				minLevel: 2,
				// 最大缩放级别
				maxLevel: 18,
			// 地图旋转到xz平面
			map.rotateX(-Math.PI / 2);

			// 地图中心坐标(经度,纬度,高度)
			const centerGeo = new THREE.Vector3(105, 30, 0);
			// 摄像坐标(经度,纬度,高度)
			const camersGeo = new THREE.Vector3(105, 0, 5000);
			// 地图中心转为世界坐标
			const centerPostion = map.localToWorld(map.geo2pos(centerGeo));
			// 摄像机转为世界坐标
			const cameraPosition = map.localToWorld(map.geo2pos(camersGeo));
			// 初始化场景
			const viewer = new tt.plugin.GLViewer("#map", { centerPostion, cameraPosition });

			// 地图添加到场景



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