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GraphQL Java Starter Kit is a SEO friendly boilerplate for Mobile and Web app development built on top of [Spring], Apollo, GraphQL, React 16, React Native, Expo with SQL storage support, for styling Twitter Bootstrap, NativeBase and Ant Design integration. Hot Code Reload of back end & front end and Hot Module Replacement to reflect your changes instantly and help you stay productive.
- Clone the latest stable starter kit locally.
git clone -b stable
cd graphql-java-starter-kit
- Gitter channel - questions, answers, general discussions
- GitHub issues - submit issues, send feature requests
- Wiki - community driven effort to document all the usage scenarios of the starter kit, editable by anyone
- FAQ - frequently asked questions wiki page
SysGears team provides advanced support for commercial partners. A commercial partner will have a premium access to our team whether this is to help you with your code based on this starter kit or related technologies used in the kit. Contact us using Skype or via email:
Copyright © 2018 SysGears INC. This source code is licensed under the MIT license.