This is a development helper program that generates a Golang interface by inspecting
the structure methods of an existing .go
file. The primary use case is to generate
interfaces for mockery, so that mockery can generate mocks from those interfaces. This
makes unit testing easier.
go install
Here is the help output of struct2interface:
$ struct2interface --help
struct2interface [flags]
-d, --dir string Go source file dir to read (default ".")
-h, --help help for struct2interface
As an example, let's say you wanted to generate an interface for the Method structure in this sample code:
package testdata
// Method describes the code and documentation
// tied into a method
type Method struct {
Code string
Docs []string
// Lines return a []string consisting of
// the documentation and code appended
// in chronological order
func (m *Method) Lines() []string {
var lines []string
lines = append(lines, m.Docs...)
lines = append(lines, m.Code)
return lines
The struct2interface helper program can generate this interface for you:
$ struct2interface -d testdata
struct2interface: testdata: wrote testdata/interface_Method.go
struct2interface: testdata: wrote testdata/interface_Method1.go