npm install --save jsxgraph-react-js
View a demo:
- default style for a JXGBoard is
width: 500;
height: 500;
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import JXGBoard from 'jsxgraph-react-js'
let logicJS = (brd) => {
var a = brd.create('slider', [[2, 8], [6, 8], [0, 3, 6]], { name: 'a' });
var b = brd.create('slider', [[2, 7], [6, 7], [0, 2, 6]], { name: 'b' });
var A = brd.create('slider', [[2, 6], [6, 6], [0, 3, 6]], { name: 'A' });
var B = brd.create('slider', [[2, 5], [6, 5], [0, 3, 6]], { name: 'B' });
var delta = brd.create('slider', [[2, 4], [6, 4], [0, 0, Math.PI]], { name: 'δ' });
var c = brd.create('curve', [
function (t) { return A.Value() * Math.sin(a.Value() * t + delta.Value()); },
function (t) { return B.Value() * Math.sin(b.Value() * t); },
0, 2 * Math.PI], { strokeColor: '#aa2233', strokeWidth: 3 });
class Example extends Component {
render () {
return (
boardAttributes={{ axis: true, boundingbox: [-12, 10, 12, -10] }}
border: "3px solid red"
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import JXGBoard from 'jsxgraph-react-js'
let logicJC = `
$board.setView([-1.5, 2, 1.5, -1]);
// Triangle ABC
A = point(1, 0);
B = point(-1, 0);
C = point(0.2, 1.5);
pol = polygon(A,B,C) <<
fillColor: '#FFFF00',
borders: <<
strokeWidth: 2,
strokeColor: '#009256'
// Perpendiculars and orthocenter i1
pABC = perpendicular(pol.borders[0], C);
pBCA = perpendicular(pol.borders[1], A);
pCAB = perpendicular(pol.borders[2], B);
i1 = intersection(pABC, pCAB, 0);
// Midpoints of segments
mAB = midpoint(A, B);
mBC = midpoint(B, C);
mCA = midpoint(C, A);
// Line bisectors and centroid i2
ma = segment(mBC, A);
mb = segment(mCA, B);
mc = segment(mAB, C);
i2 = intersection(ma, mc, 0);
// Circum circle and circum center
c = circumcircle(A, B, C) <<
strokeColor: '#000000',
dash: 3,
strokeWidth: 1,
center: <<
name: 'i_3',
visible: true
// Euler line
euler = line(i1, i2) <<
strokeWidth: 2,
class Example extends Component {
render () {
return (
border: "3px solid red"
MIT ©2018 sytabaresa