Welcome to the DBS311 repository! This course will guide you through mastering Oracle's DBMS and SQL, from basic commands to complex database schema design.
- Data Integrity: Implement constraints to ensure data integrity.
- Team Collaboration: Work effectively in teams to analyze requirements, create ERDs, and normalize schemas.
- Database Optimization: Identify and use indexes, views, and sequences.
- SQL Mastery: Utilize DDL, DML, TCL, and DCL commands proficiently.
- SQL*Plus Proficiency: Leverage SQL*Plus for efficient SQL command execution and output formatting.
- Advanced Data Retrieval: Execute complex queries using nested and correlated sub-queries.
- /assignments: Detailed assignments with instructions.
- /projects: Collaborative group projects.
- /resources: Additional reading materials and scripts.
- /scripts: Useful SQL scripts for assignments and projects.
- /docs: Documentation including ER diagrams and database schemas.
- Collaborate: Engage with peers and offer help.
- Document: Maintain clear documentation for all scripts.
- Commit: Regularly commit changes with meaningful messages.
- Review: Participate in code reviews and provide constructive feedback.
Happy coding and learning!