This gem provides a number of tasks which are useful for deploying Drupal projects.
These gems must be installed on your system first.
- capistrano
- rubygems
You can check to see a list of installed gems by running this.
$ gem query --local
If any of these gems is missing you can install them with:
$ gem install gemname
Finally install the capistrano-drupal recipes as a gem. # gem install capistrano-drupal
This project uses Jeweler (gem install jeweler
) to build and install the gem.
$ cd {capistrano-drupal-DIRECTORY}
$ rake install
Not using Jeweler you can build capistrano-drupal like this:
$ cd {capistrano-drupal-DIRECTORY}
$ gem build capistrano-drupal.gemspec
# gem install capistrano-drupal-{VERSION}.gem
Open your applications base directory and create a capfile like this:
$ cap install
Open your application's Capfile
and make it begin like this:
# Load DSL and Setup Up Stages
require 'capistrano/setup'
require 'capistrano-drupal'
You should then be able to proceed as you would usually, you may want to familiarise yourself with the truncated list of tasks, you can get a full list with:
$ cap -T
Backup old capfile and $ cap install
Add only one require require 'capistrano-drupal'
only needs
set :application, 'drupal-x'
set :repo_url, 'ssh://x.git'
set :user, 'x'
maybe you want to set the backup destination
set :backup_dest, "xxxxxxxx"
or the path to the drush cmd
set :drush_cmd, "/home/t3/drush/drush"
role syntax changed
role :app, %w{x}
role :web, %w{x}
role :db, %w{x}
server syntax added
server '', user: fetch(:user), roles: %w{web app}, my_property: :my_value