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Migration Guide to v2

Why has the API changed? - The problem is that when you use the [mfeOutlet] directive issue, it tries to find the component inside the compiled module by name (as a string), but in runtime the class name will be optimized and replaced with a short character. For example, you have a class TestComponent, it can be changed to the class name a and this causes this error.


  • To properly use the plugin-based approach in a micro-frontend architecture, or simply if you are use [mfeOutlet] directive, you must now expose both the component file and module file in which the component is declared to the ModuleFederationPlugin.

    Rarerly : or, if your micro-frontend component is standalone (a standalone component is a component that does not have any dependencies declared or imported in the module where that component is declared), then it is sufficient to provide just that component file to the ModuleFederationPlugin;

  • Now ngx-mfe does not use Micro-frontend string (or anouther name MFE string) is a kebab-case style string and matches the pattern "mfe-app-name/exposed-file-name" (it was used until version 2.0.0);

  • MFE string has been replaced by a new type RemoteComponent;

  • The validateMfe function has been removed (it was used until version 2.0.0);

  • The loader and fallback properties in the NgxMfeOptions has been changed from MFE string to RemoteComponent type:

    Before v2.0.0:

      declarations: [AppComponent],
      imports: [
          mfeConfig: {
            "dashboard-mfe": "http://localhost:4201/remoteEntry.js",
            "loaders-mfe": "http://localhost:4202/remoteEntry.js",
            "fallbacks-mfe": "http://localhost:4203/remoteEntry.js"
          loader: 'loaders/spinner',
          fallback: 'fallbacks/mfe-fallback',
      bootstrap: [AppComponent],
    export class AppModule {}

    Since v2.0.0:

      declarations: [AppComponent],
      imports: [
          mfeConfig: {
            "dashboard-mfe": "http://localhost:4201/remoteEntry.js",
            "loaders-mfe": "http://localhost:4202/remoteEntry.js",
            "fallbacks-mfe": "http://localhost:4203/remoteEntry.js"
          loader: {
            app: 'loaders',
            module: 'SpinnerModule',
            component: 'SpinnerComponent',
          fallback: {
            app: 'fallbacks',
            module: 'MfeFallbackModule',
            component: 'MfeFallbackComponent',
      bootstrap: [AppComponent],
    export class AppModule {}
  • Removed moduleName property from LoadMfeOptions type;

  • Now, wherever you need to specify the name of the exposed file through the config in the webpack.config in the ModuleFederationPlugin, you must specify exactly the same name as in the config itself, the kebab-style name was used earlier.

    // webpack.config.js
    exposes: {
      // LoginModule name of the exposed file login.module.ts
      	LoginModule: 'apps/auth-mfe/src/app/login/login.module.ts',

    Before v2.0.0:


    Since v2.0.0:

    loadMfe('auth-mfe' 'LoginModule')

LoadMfe function:

  • Arguments changed in LoadMfe function:

    Before v2.0.0:

    async function loadMfe<T = unknown>(mfeString: string, options?: LoadMfeOptions): Promise<Type<T>> {}

    Since v2.0.0:

    async function loadMfe<T = unknown>(remoteApp: string, exposedFile: string, options?: LoadMfeOptions): Promise<Type<T>> {}
    • remoteApp - is the name of the remote app as specified in the webpack.config.js file in the ModuleFederationPlugin in the name property;
    • exposedFile - is the key (or name) of the exposed file specified in the webpack.config.js file in the ModuleFederationPlugin in the exposes property;

MfeOutlet directive:

  • Since the Mfe string has been removed from the library, the API of [mfeOutlet] directive has changed:

    1. mfeOutletLoader and mfeOutletFallback now accept only TemplateRef, more details below.
    2. To load a standalone component, you must specify the following details: mfeOutlet with the name of the application, mfeOutletComponent with the name of the component's open file from the ModuleFederationPlugin in webpack.config. But to load a non-standalone component, you must additionally specify mfeOutletModule with the name of the open module file in which the component is declared for the ModuleFederationPlugin in webpack.config.
  • @Input('mfeOutletOptions')' options changed type from MfeComponentFactoryResolverOptions to LoadMfeOptions;

  • @Input('mfeOutletLoader')' loader and @Input('mfeOutletFallback') fallback now accept only TemplateRef, not TemplateRef or Mfe string. But you can still use micro-frontend component for loader and fallback in the [mfeOutlet], like in the example below:

    <!-- With Mfe loader -->
    <!-- Mfe component for loader -->
    <ng-template #loaderMfe>
        <!-- For loader Mfe you should set mfeOutletLoader to undefined, and mfeOutletLoaderDelay to 0. For better UX. -->
    <!-- With simple HTML content as loader -->
    <!-- Simple HTML content. -->
    <ng-template #loader>


  • The MfeComponentFactoryResolver has been replaced with MfeService and the API has been changed;
  • The MfeComponentFactoryResolverOptions type has been removed;


  • Now the MfeComponentCache not only saves ComponentFactory<T> but also Type<T>;
  • In version 2.1.0 ComponentFactory<T> was replaced to ComponentWithNgModuleRef<TComponent, TModule>;


  • The bindInputs() and bindOutputs() methods now require ComponentRef<any> in the first argument, MfeOutletInputs/MfeOutletOutputs are method dependent in the second, and the third argument has been removed;
  • The DynamicComponentInputs and DynamicComponentOutputs types have been removed because these types are replaced in bindInputs() and bindOutputs() respectively by the ComponentRef<any> type;
  • The validateInputs() method has been removed;
  • The validateOutputs() method is now private;