create and mount encrypted orbit-db docstores
DISCLAIMER: cryptography in this repo has been implemented by an amateur and has not been auditted.
Please 🔥roast🔥 me in Issues if u find a vulnerability.
NOTE: version 3.0.0 changes how EncryptedDocstore determines the orbitdb address, this is a breaking change. Some changes have been made to the api as well, mostly naming.
install with npm:
npm install @tabcat/encrypted-docstore
create orbitdb instance:
create encrypted docstore:
const EncryptedDocstore = require('@tabcat/encrypted-docstore')
// create the encryption key
const aesKey = EncryptedDocstore.generateKey()
// create the docstore with orbitdb:
const dbConfig = { name:'asdf', options: {} } // type will always be 'docstore'
const encAddr = await EncryptedDocstore.determineAddress(orbitdb, dbConfig, aesKey)
const docstore = await, dbConfig.options)
const encDocstore = await EncryptedDocstore.mount(docstore, aesKey)
// get,put, del, query all exposed on encDocstore and returned results should be identical to docstore methods
EncDoc = EncryptedDocstore
mount an encrypted docstore
docstore: orbit docstore made with name from EncDoc.determineEncDbName or address from EncDoc.determineEncDbAddress
aesKey: instance of AesKey from generateKey, deriveKey, or importKey static methods.
returns a promise that resolves to an instance of EncDoc
determine the docstore address for the encryptedDocstore, this is adding a way to check the aesKey against the db name
orbitdb: an instance of OrbitDB
dbConfig: an object containing name and options for an orbit store settings
aesKey: instance of AesKey from generateKey, deriveKey, or importKey static methods.
returns a promise that resolves to an instance of orbit address
check if an orbitdb address and aesKey are a match
encAddr: instance of orbit address from EncDoc.determineAddress
aesKey: instance of AesKey from generateKey, deriveKey, or importKey static methods.
returns a promise that resolves to a boolean
generates a new aesKey
length: number, aesKey length, defaults to 128. can be 128, 192, or 256
returns an instance of AesKey
derive an instance of AesKey from bytes and salt, uses PBKDF2 with 10k iterations
bytes: Uint8Array made from randomness or a strong password
salt: Uint8Array to be used as salt for deriving the key, optimally a 128bit random value
length: number, aesKey length, defaults to 128. can be 128, 192, or 256
returns an instance of AesKey
import an exported aesKey
rawKey: Uint8Array from EncDoc.exportKey
returns an instance of AesKey
export an aesKey
aesKey: instance of AesKey
returns a Uint8Array rawKey
- get, put, del, query all work by encapsulating the whole doc and pass docstore tests for the orbitdb repo:
- is an async function
no visible differences
no visible differences
- is an async function
- when calling with option fullOp:
- the payload.value is the decrypted/decapsulated doc.
- anything in the fullOp entry relating to hashing the real payload.value will not match the payload.value
- when not calling with option fullOp:
- no visible differences