"This website is an announcement for the upcoming entrepreneurship and technology conference. The conference will be held within Yıldız Technical University Technology Club. General information about the club and the conference is given throughout the site. Speakers are introduced in a separate section. In addition, a form page is defined for participants who want to buy tickets."
The website content is fictional. It was created using HTML, CSS and JavaScript to meet the requirements defined within the scope of the Microverse Capstone project. In particular, I would like to point out that I built this website completely from scratch.
It is built as a part of Microverse Web Developer Course. The mobile-first approach was used in this project.
-HTML -CSS -Javascript
The project you are going to build is based on an online website for a conference. We provide some design guidelines for you to create the website. It's very important the you personalize your project so that you have something unique in your portfolio to share with potential employers during job searching.
To get a local copy up and running usual steps.
👤 Tacettin Kustu
- GitHub: @tacettinkustu
- LinkedIn: tacettinkustu
Original design idea by Cindy Shin in Behance. But, I personalized for my purposes.
Feel free to check the issues page.
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