- STM32CubeIDE 1.6.0
- STM32CubeMX
- STM32F103C8T6 (Black Pill Board)
Part Name | Image Link | Implementation |
DFplayer Mini | 📌 | ✓ |
NRF24L01 | 📌 | ✓ |
1602 CLCD With I2C | 📌 | ✓ |
8*8 Dot Matrix With MAX7219 | 📌 | ✓ |
DFplayer Mini
- stm32f103_fw_module → src → common → hw → include → dfplayer.h
- stm32f103_fw_module → src → hw → driver → dfplayer.c
- stm32f103_fw_module → src → ap → ap.c → void apDFPlayerTest(void){...}
- stm32f103_fw_module → src → common → hw → include → nrf24l01.h
- stm32f103_fw_module → src → hw → driver → nrf24l01.c
- stm32f103_fw_module → src → ap → ap.c → void apNRF24L01TxTest(void){...}
- stm32f103_fw_module → src → ap → ap.c → void apNRF24L01RxTest(void){...}
1602 CLCD With I2C
- stm32f103_fw_module → src → common → hw → include → clcd.h
- stm32f103_fw_module → src → hw → driver → clcd.c
- stm32f103_fw_module → src → ap → ap.c → void apCLCDTest(void){...}
8*8 Dot Matrix With MAX7219
- stm32f103_fw_module → src → common → hw → include → max7219.h
- stm32f103_fw_module → src → common → hw → include → max7219_dotmatrix.h
- stm32f103_fw_module → src → hw → driver → max7219.c
- stm32f103_fw_module → src → hw → driver → max7219_dotmatrix.c
- stm32f103_fw_module → src → ap → ap.c → void apDotMatrixTest(void){...}
테스트를 하기 위해서는 stm32f103_fw_module → src → main.c
에서 주석을 해제 또는 설정해야 합니다.
#include "main.h"
int main(void)
/* Choose Test Function */
// apUartTest();
// apGpioTest();
// apDFPlayerTest();
// apNRF24L01RxTest();
// apNRF24L01TxTest();
// apCLCDTest();
// apDotMatrixTest();
return 0;
와 max7219.h
의 #define에서 0x00~0x0f 부분이 중복되어 오류가 발생합니다. 따라서 clcd와 dot matrix는 동시에 테스트할 수 없습니다. 양쪽(clcd & dot matrix)을 동시에 테스트하려면 max7219.h의 #define 0x00 ~0x0f 부분을 static const하게 선언하여 사용해야합니다.
An error occurs due to overlapping parts 0x00~0x0f in #define of clcd.h
and max7219.h
. Therefore, clcld and dot matrix cannot be tested at the same time.
To test both simultaneously (clcd & dot matrix), you must use the static const declaration of #define 0x00 ~ 0x0f (max7219.h).
프로젝트를 빌드할 때는 다음 경로에 있는 폴더를 빌드 및 디버그 항목에서 제외해야 합니다.
When you build a project, you must exclude folders in the following paths from the build and debug entries:
stm32f411ceu6_fw_module → src → lib → Core
8x8 Dot Matrix : https://github.com/eziya/STM32_HAL_MAX7219_8x8_MATRIX