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Tutorial for Windows

Takuya Takeuchi edited this page Jul 25, 2020 · 21 revisions


  • dlib
  • CMake
    • 3.0 or higher
    • If you do not want to add CMake path to environment variable, you must type fullpath of CMake when build library.
  • Visual Studio
    • Recommended 2017
  • PowerShell Core
    • 6.2 or higher
  • .NET Core 2.0
  • (Optional for using CUDA) CUDA
  • (Optional for using CUDA) cuDNN
    • Install it to CUDA_HOME directory


git clone
cd DlibDotNet

How to build DlibDotNet.Native


  1. Open DlibDotNet\src\DlibDotNet.Native in command prompt
  2. Type the following code in a console:
$ pwsh Build.ps1 <Release/Debug> <cpu/cuda/mkl> <32/64> <desktop/uwp> <optional: cuda version [92/100/101] or Install directory of Intel MKL>
  1. Binary files will be in build_*\Release or build_*\Debug

How to build DlibDotNet.Native.Dnn


  1. Open DlibDotNet\src\DlibDotNet.Native.Dnn in command prompt
  2. Type the following code in a console:
$ pwsh Build.ps1 <Release/Debug> <cpu/cuda/mkl> <32/64> <desktop/uwp> <optional: cuda version [92/100/101] or Install directory of Intel MKL>
  1. Binary files will be in build_*\Release or build_*\Debug

How to build DlibDotNet by Visual Studio


  1. Refer Prerequisites for .NET Core on Windows](


  1. Open DlibDotNet\DlibDotNet.sln in Visual Studio
  2. Do build command for DlibDotNet project

How to build DlibDotNet by Command Line


  1. Install .NET Core 2.0 by following the official page


  1. Open DlibDotNet\src\DlibDotNet in console
  2. Type the following code in a console:
dotnet build -c <Release/Debug>