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Scala Rules for Bazel

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This rule is used for building Scala projects with Bazel. There are currently four rules, scala_library, scala_macro_library, scala_binary and scala_test.

Getting started

In order to use scala_library, scala_macro_library, and scala_binary, you must have bazel 0.5.3 or later and add the following to your WORKSPACE file:

rules_scala_version="63eab9f4d80612e918ba954211f377cc83d27a07" # update this as needed

             name = "io_bazel_rules_scala",
             url = ""%rules_scala_version,
             type = "zip",
             strip_prefix= "rules_scala-%s" % rules_scala_version

load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:scala.bzl", "scala_repositories")

To use a particular tag, use the tagged number in tag = and omit the commit attribute. Note that these plugins are still evolving quickly, as is bazel, so you may need to select the version most appropriate for you.

In addition, you must register scala_toolchain - To register default empty toolcahin simply add those lines to WORKSPACE file:

load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:toolchains.bzl", "scala_register_toolchains")

read more here

Then in your BUILD file just add the following so the rules will be available:

load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:scala.bzl", "scala_library", "scala_binary", "scala_test")

You may wish to have these rules loaded by default using bazel's prelude. You can add the above to the file tools/build_rules/prelude_bazel in your repo (don't forget to have a, possibly empty, BUILD file there) and then it will be automatically prepended to every BUILD file in the workspace.

To run with a persistent worker (much faster), you need to add

build --strategy=Scalac=worker
test --strategy=Scalac=worker

to your command line, or to enable by default for building/testing add it to your .bazelrc.

Bazel compatible versions

bazel rules_scala gitsha
0.15.x HEAD
0.14.x HEAD
0.13.x 3c987b6ae8a453886759b132f1572c0efca2eca2

scala_library / scala_macro_library

scala_library(name, srcs, deps, runtime_deps, exports, data, main_class, resources, resource_strip_prefix, scalacopts, jvm_flags, scalac_jvm_flags, javac_jvm_flags)
scala_macro_library(name, srcs, deps, runtime_deps, exports, data, main_class, resources, resource_strip_prefix, scalacopts, jvm_flags, scalac_jvm_flags, javac_jvm_flags)

scala_library generates a .jar file from .scala source files. This rule also creates an interface jar to avoid recompiling downstream targets unless their interface changes.

scala_macro_library generates a .jar file from .scala source files when they contain macros. For macros, there are no interface jars because the macro code is executed at compile time. For best performance, you want very granular targets until such time as the zinc incremental compiler can be supported.

In order to make a java rule use this jar file, use the java_import rule.


Name, required

A unique name for this target


List of labels, required

List of Scala .scala source files used to build the library. These may be .srcjar jar files that contain source code.


List of labels, optional

List of other libraries to linked to this library target. These must be jvm targets (scala_library, java_library, java_import, etc...)


List of labels, optional

List of other libraries to put on the classpath only at runtime. This is rarely needed in Scala. These must be jvm targets (scala_library, java_library, java_import, etc...)


List of labels, optional

List of targets to add to the dependencies of those that depend on this target. Similar to the `java_library` parameter of the same name. Use this sparingly as it weakens the precision of the build graph. These must be jvm targets (scala_library, java_library, java_import, etc...)


List of labels, optional

List of files needed by this rule at runtime.


String, optional

Name of class with main() method to use as an entry point

The value of this attribute is a class name, not a source file. The class must be available at runtime: it may be compiled by this rule (from srcs) or provided by direct or transitive dependencies (through deps). If the class is unavailable, the binary will fail at runtime; there is no build-time check.


List of labels; optional

A list of data files to be included in the JAR.


String; optional

The path prefix to strip from Java resources. If specified, this path prefix is stripped from every file in the `resources` attribute. It is an error for a resource file not to be under this directory.


List of strings; optional

Extra compiler options for this library to be passed to scalac. Subject to Make variable substitution and Bourne shell tokenization.


List of strings; optional; deprecated

Deprecated, superseded by scalac_jvm_flags and javac_jvm_flags. Is not used and is kept as backwards compatibility for the near future. Effectively jvm_flags is now an executable target attribute only.


List of strings; optional

List of JVM flags to be passed to scalac after the scalacopts. Subject to Make variable substitution and Bourne shell tokenization.


List of strings; optional

List of JVM flags to be passed to javac after the javacopts. Subject to Make variable substitution and Bourne shell tokenization.


scala_binary(name, srcs, deps, runtime_deps, data, main_class, resources, resource_strip_prefix, scalacopts, jvm_flags, scalac_jvm_flags, javac_jvm_flags)

scala_binary generates a Scala executable. It may depend on scala_library, scala_macro_library and java_library rules.

A scala_binary requires a main_class attribute.


Name, required

A unique name for this target


List of labels, required

List of Scala .scala source files used to build the binary


List of labels, optional

List of other libraries to linked to this binary target. These must be jvm targets (scala_library, java_library, java_import, etc...)


List of labels, optional

List of other libraries to put on the classpath only at runtime. This is rarely needed in Scala. These must be jvm targets (scala_library, java_library, java_import, etc...)


List of labels, optional

List of files needed by this rule at runtime.


String, required

Name of class with main() method to use as an entry point

The value of this attribute is a class name, not a source file. The class must be available at runtime: it may be compiled by this rule (from srcs) or provided by direct or transitive dependencies (through deps). If the class is unavailable, the binary will fail at runtime; there is no build-time check.


List of labels; optional

A list of data files to be included in the JAR.


String; optional

The path prefix to strip from Java resources. If specified, this path prefix is stripped from every file in the `resources` attribute. It is an error for a resource file not to be under this directory.


List of strings; optional

Extra compiler options for this binary to be passed to scalac. Subject to Make variable substitution and Bourne shell tokenization.


List of strings; optional

List of JVM flags to be passed to the executing JVM. Subject to Make variable substitution and Bourne shell tokenization.


List of strings; optional

List of JVM flags to be passed to scalac after the scalacopts. Subject to Make variable substitution and Bourne shell tokenization.


List of strings; optional

List of JVM flags to be passed to javac after the javacopts. Subject to Make variable substitution and Bourne shell tokenization.


scala_test(name, srcs, suites, deps, data, main_class, resources, resource_strip_prefix, scalacopts, jvm_flags, scalac_jvm_flags, javac_jvm_flags)

scala_test generates a Scala executable which runs unit test suites written using the scalatest library. It may depend on scala_library, scala_macro_library and java_library rules.

A scala_test by default runs all tests in a given target. For backwards compatibility it accepts a suites attribute which is ignored due to the ease with which that field is not correctly populated and tests are not run.


scala_repl(name, deps, scalacopts, jvm_flags, scalac_jvm_flags, javac_jvm_flags)

A scala repl allows you to add library dependencies (not currently scala_binary targets) to generate a script to run which starts a REPL. Since bazel run closes stdin, it cannot be used to start the REPL. Instead, you use bazel build to build the script, then run that script as normal to start a REPL session. An example in this repo:

bazel build test:HelloLibRepl


The scala library suite allows you to define a glob or series of targets to generate sub scala libraries for. The outer target will export all of the inner targets. This allows splitting up of a series of independent files in a larger target into smaller ones. This lets us cache outputs better and also build the individual targets in parallel. Downstream targets should not be aware of its presence.


The scala test suite allows you to define a glob or series of targets to generate sub scala tests for. The outer target defines a native test suite to run all the inner tests. This allows splitting up of a series of independent tests from one target into several. This lets us cache outputs better and also build and test the individual targets in parallel.


load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//thrift:thrift.bzl", "thrift_library")
thrift_library(name, srcs, deps, absolute_prefix, absolute_prefixes)

thrift_library generates a thrift source zip file. It should be consumed by a thrift compiler like scrooge_scala_library.


Name, required

A unique name for this target


List of labels, required

List of Thrift .thrift source files used to build the target


List of labels, optional

List of other thrift dependencies that this thrift depends on.


string; optional (deprecated in favor of absolute_prefixes)

This string acts as a wildcard expression of the form *`string_value` that is removed from the start of the path. Example: thrift is at `a/b/c/d/e/A.thrift` , prefix of `b/c/d`. Will mean other thrift targets can refer to this thrift at `e/A.thrift`.


List of strings; optional

Each of these strings acts as a wildcard expression of the form *string_value that is removed from the start of the path. Example: thrift is at a/b/c/d/e/A.thrift , prefix of b/c/d. Will mean other thrift targets can refer to this thrift at e/A.thrift. Exactly one of these must match all thrift paths within the target, more than one or zero will fail the build. The main use case to have several here is to make a macro target you can share across several indvidual thrift_library, if source path is /src/thrift or /src/main/thrift it can strip off the prefix without users needing to configure it per target.


You first need to add the following to your WORKSPACE file:

load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//scala_proto:scala_proto.bzl", "scala_proto_repositories")

Then you can import scalapb_proto_library in any BUILD file like this:

load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//scala_proto:scala_proto.bzl", "scalapb_proto_library")
scalapb_proto_library(name, deps, with_grpc, with_java, with_flat_package, with_single_line_to_string)

scalapb_proto_library generates a scala library of scala proto bindings generated by the ScalaPB compiler.


Name, required

A unique name for this target


List of labels, required

List of dependencies for this target. Must either be of type proto_library or java_proto_library (allowed only if with_java is enabled)


boolean; optional (default False)

Enables generation of grpc service bindings for services defined in deps


boolean; optional (default False)

Enables generation of converters to and from java protobuf bindings. If you set this to True make sure that you pass the corresponding java_proto_library target in deps


boolean; optional (default False)

When true, ScalaPB will not append the protofile base name to the package name


boolean; optional (default False)

Enables generation of toString() methods that use the single line format


Scala toolchain allows you to define global configuration to all scala targets. Currently the only option that can be set is scalacopts but the plan is to expand it to other options as well.

some scala_toolchain must be registered!

Several options to configure scala_toolchain:

A) Use default scala_toolchain:

In your workspace file add the following lines:

# register default scala toolchain
load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:toolchains.bzl", "scala_register_toolchains")

B) Defining your own scala_toolchain requires 2 steps:

  1. Add your own definition to scala_toolchain to a BUILD file:
# //toolchains/BUILD
load("//scala:scala_toolchain.bzl", "scala_toolchain")

    name = "my_toolchain_impl",
    scalacopts = ["-Ywarn-unused"],
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"]

    name = "my_scala_toolchain",
    toolchain_type = "@io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:toolchain_type",
    toolchain = "my_toolchain_impl",
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"]
  1. register your custom toolchain from WORKSPACE:
# ...

[Experimental] Using strict-deps

Bazel pushes towards explicit and minimal dependencies to keep BUILD file hygiene and allow for targets to refactor their dependencies without fear of downstream breaking. Currently rules_scala does this at the cost of having cryptic scalac errors when one mistakenly depends on a transitive dependency or, as more often the case for some, a transitive dependency is needed to please scalac itself. To learn more about the motivation of strict-deps itself you can visit this Bazel blog post on the subject.

To use it just add --strict_java_deps=WARN|ERROR to your bazel invocation. In both cases of WARN or ERROR you will get the following text in the event of a violation:

Target '//some_package:transitive_dependency' is used but isn't explicitly declared, please add it to the deps.
You can use the following buildozer command:
buildozer 'add deps //some_package:transitive_dependency' //some_other_package:transitive_dependency_user

Note that if you have buildozer installed you can just run the last line and have it automatically apply the fix for you.


  • Extra builds- when strict-deps is on the transitive dependencies are inputs to the compilation action which means you can potentially have more build triggers for changes the cross the ijar boundary
  • Label propagation- since label of targets are needed for the clear message and since it's not currently supported by JavaInfo from bazel we manually propagate it. This means that the error messages have a significantly lower grade if you don't use one of the scala rules or scala_import (since they don't propagate these labels)
  • javac outputs incorrect targets due to a problem we're tracing down. Practically we've noticed it's pretty trivial to understand the correct target (i.e. it's almost a formatting problem)

Note: Currently strict-deps is protected by a feature toggle but we're strongly considering making it the default behavior as java_* rules do.

Building from source

Test & Build:


You can also use:

bazel test //test/...

Note bazel test //... will not work since we have a sub-folder on the root folder which is meant to be used in a failure scenario in the integration tests. Similarly to only build you should use bazel build //src/... due to that folder.


See for more info.


Scala rules for Bazel







No packages published


  • Python 49.9%
  • Scala 24.5%
  • Java 12.8%
  • Shell 12.4%
  • Thrift 0.4%