Learning more about Go reflection.
Go reflection/introspection during runtime of an application revolves around three concepts:
- reflect.Type ........... provides information about the data structure's name (User, Address etc), its field names (Name, Age), field tags metadata.
- reflect.Kind ........... tells if a data structure is a struct, pointer, map, string etc
- reflect.Value .......... holds information about the value of inspected data structure field
reflect.Type provides information about data structure and its fields for identification and metadata (User, Address, Age, field tags etc).
reflect.Kind identifies whether the data structure is a struct, pointer, string, float32 etc.
reflect.Value informs about the values fields hold and, if allowed, provides a setter.
| reflect.Kind
| |
type User struct {
Name string ....... field name Name examples of reflection
Age float32 ....... field name Age ............ reflect.Type: {Name:Age PkgPath: Type:float32
Tag:env:"USER_AGE" envDefault:"23.5"
Offset:16 Index:[1] Anonymous:false}
reflect.Value: 33
Address ........... an embedded field, has no field name
type Address struct { ............................. reflect.Type: {Name:Address PkgPath: Type:main.Address Tag:
Offset:24 Index:[2] Anonymous:false}
reflect.Value: {Street: City: Postcode: LatLng:{Lat:0 Lng:0}}
Street string
City string
Postcode string
type LatLng struct {
Latitude, Longitude float64
PkgPath is empty for exported fields
Anonymous is true for embedded fields
First step towards the env package.
The concrete types User2 and User3 have identical fields:
type User2 struct {
Name string `json:"user_name"`
Age float32 `json:"user_age"`
Note []rune `json:"note"`
NI []int32 `json:"ni"`
Address Address2 `json:"address"`
nationalInsurance string
type Address2 struct {
Street []rune `json:"user_address_street"`
City []rune `json:"user_address_city"`
Postcode string `json:"user_address_postcode"`
LatLng LatLng `json:"latlng"`
type LatLng struct {
Lat float64 `env:"USER_ADDRESS_LAT" envDefault:"40.0000" json:"lat"`
Lng float64 `env:"USER_ADDRESS_LNG" envDefault:"-115.1111" json:"lng"`
User2 has a custom marshaller and unmarshaller. Note, Street and City fields are rune slices, however they are required to be marsaled into strings and unmarshaled from strings to rune slices. Other fields, that are either rune or int32 slices are required to be marshalled and unmashalled as such.
Go treats []rune and []int32 the same because rune is an alias for int32. The custom marshaller marshals rune slices into string while leaving the NI field as is, ie it is marshaled as []int32.
Custom marshaling for User2 implements (User2).MarshalJSON. The implementation uses pure reflection.
Custom unmarshaling for User2 implements (*User2).UnmarshalJSON. The implementation uses type assertion and mapstructure library.