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Source code for fetching Connext Liquidity Transaction data and deploying it as a telegram bot


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Connext Telegram Bot for Liquidity Bootstraping Campaign

The script to automatically fetch Connext Liquidity transaction for it's Liquidity Bootstraping Campaign.

Table of Contents


For the cloud provider, we utilize AWS as it is the most popular cloud provider in the world. The architecture design is as follow:


To make the data available in real-time, we utilized CloudWatch Event to trigger the Lambda function every 5 minutes. The Lambda function will process the event and store it as a queue in AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS). Then, another Lambda function will be triggered to fetch the data from the queue and store it in AWS Relational Database Service (RDS) as a MySQL database. Note that we have 2 separate Lambda functions that will read from the queue to capture two types of events.

The first Lambda function will capture any addSwapLiquidity or removeSwapLiquidity transcation. In other word, the first lambda function will keep tracking of any mint/burn event of the Connext LP. The second Lambda function will capture all Transfer event. In other word, the second lambda function will keep tracking of any transfer of the Connext LP.

The EC2 instance will be used to compute time-weighted average (aka. score) of each user. The score will be calculated every 15 minutes, and stored in local computer. At the same time, this instance will run a telegram bot script that will listen to any command from the user. The user can use the telegram bot to query their score.

Both events will be stored in the same SQL database in the RDS. The schema of the database is as follow:


The data will be fetched from the following blockchain:

  • Binance Smart Chain
  • Optimistic Ethereum
  • Polygon
  • Arbitrum
  • Gnosis

Note that we don't need to fetch data from Ethereum Mainnet as the Connext LP is deployed only on the above blockchain.


This section will explain the prerequisite that you need to follow before deploying the Lambda function to your AWS account.

Setting up CloudWatch Event

  1. Natigate to CloudWatch in your AWS account.
  2. Click Rules in the left menu, then click Create rule.
  3. Select Schedule as the event source.
  4. Enter cron(*/5 * * * ? *) as the Rule name.
  5. Click Create rule.

Note that the cron(*/5 * * * ? *) will trigger the Lambda function every 5 minutes.

Setting up RDS

  1. Navigate to RDS in your AWS account.
  2. Click Create database.
  3. Select MySQL as the engine.
  4. Setup username and password. Also, make sure you save the username and password as you will need it later.
  5. You can use the default configuration, but if you want to save cost, disable Multi-AZ and proxy.
  6. Click Create database.

Make sure you save the Endpoint, username, and password as you will need it later. These information will be used when connecting to the database.

Setting up SQS

  1. Navigate to SQS in your AWS account.
  2. Click Create new queue.
  3. Select FIFO as the queue type.
  4. Name the queue as you wish. Note that this queue will be used to store any transaction fetching job from the lambda server. Make sure it ends with .fifo.
  5. Click Create queue.
  6. Repeat the step 2-5 to create another queue. This queue will be used to store any transfers fetching job from the lambda client. Make sure it ends with .fifo.

Make sure you save those Queue URL for both queue as you will need it later.

Setting up Lambda function that attached with CloudWatch Event

  1. Navigate to Lambda in your AWS account.
  2. Click Create function.
  3. Select Author from scratch.
  4. Name the function as you wish. This function will listen to the CloudWatch Event and trigger the Lambda function that will feed the data to the SQS.
  5. Select Python 3.9 as the runtime, Click Create function, click Add trigger.
  6. Select CloudWatch Events, and choose the Rule that you have created in the Setting up CloudWatch Event section.
  7. Click Add, then click Save.
  8. In the Function code section, copy the code from and paste it in the Function code section.
  9. Click Deploy.

At this point, you have successfully created the Lambda function that will listen to the CloudWatch Event and trigger the Lambda function that will feed the data to the SQS. You can check if the function is working properly by looking at the Monitoring tab. You should see the Invocations increasing every 5 minutes, and your queue should have some messages in it.

Setting up Lambda Function

This section will explain how to deploy the Lambda function to your AWS account. Note that you need to have an AWS account as well as already follow the instruction in the Prerequisite section.

1. Setup AWS CLI

1.1 Installation

First, make sure you have installed awscli and docker in your machine. If not, follow the instruction below:

1.2 Authrization

After installing the AWS CLI, you need to authorize it with your AWS account. To do so, follow the instruction below:

aws configure

Then, enter your AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key that you can find in your AWS account. You can also specify the Default region name and Default output format if you wish.

2. Create docker repository

To create a docker repository, follow the instruction below:

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name <repository-name> --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true --image-tag-mutability MUTABLE

This will create a docker repository in your AWS account. Note that you need to specify the repository-name and region in the command above.

3. Prepare docker image

Since our queue processor requires gcc to compile the cython script, we need to deploy the Lambda function with a custom docker image. To do so, follow the instruction below:

3.1 Docker login with AWS

First, you need to login to your docker repository. To do so, follow the instruction below:

aws ecr get-login-password --region <region> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <aws-id>.dkr.ecr.<region>

Note that you need to specify the region and aws-id in the command above.

3.2 Build a dockerfile

Then, you need to build a docker image. To do so, follow the instruction below:

docker build --platform=linux/amd64 -t <container-name> -f transactions.dockerfile .

Also, you need to specify the container-name in the command above. If you want to build the docker image for the transfers, you can use the transfers.dockerfile instead. Also, note that the --platform=linux/amd64 is required only if you are using M1 Mac.

3.3 Tag docker

After building the docker image, you need to tag it. To do so, follow the instruction below:

docker tag <container-name>:latest <repository-url>:latest

Remember to specify the container-name and repository-url in the command above.

3.4 Push a docker image to AWS ECR

Finally, you need to push the docker image to the repository. To do so, follow the instruction below:

docker push <repository-url>:latest

4. Create a function

After pushing the docker image to the repository, you can create a Lambda function. To do so, follow the instruction below:

4.1 Create an execution role

First, you need to create an execution role for the Lambda function. To do so, follow the instruction below:

aws iam create-role --role-name <role-name> --assume-role-policy-document '{"Version": "2012-10-17","Statement": [{ "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": {"Service": ""}, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"}]}'

This will create a role with the name <role-name> which will be used to attach the Lambda function.

4.2 Create Lambda Function

Then, you need to create a Lambda function. To do so, follow the instruction below:

aws lambda create-function --function-name <lambda-function-name> --package-type Image --code ImageUri=<repository-url>:latest --role arn:aws:iam::<aws-id>:role/<role-name-from-4.1>

This will create a Lambda function with the name <lambda-function-name> and attach it to the role that you created in the previous step. Note that you need to specify the repository-url and aws-id in the command above.

5. Configure Environment variables

After creating the Lambda function, you need to configure the environment variables. To do so, follow the instruction below:

Configure Environment variables in a Configuration tab. Make sure to add the following variables:

  • DEBUG: true if you wish the log to be verbose else false
  • ARBITRUMSCAN_APIKEYS: API keys for ArbitrumScan. You can provide multiple API keys by separating them with ,
  • BSCSCAN_APIKEYS: API keys for BSCScan. You can provide multiple API keys by separating them with ,
  • GNOSISSCAN_APIKEYS: API keys for GnosisScan. You can provide multiple API keys by separating them with ,
  • OPTIMISTICSCAN_APIKEYS: API keys for OptimisticScan. You can provide multiple API keys by separating them with ,
  • POLYGONSCAN_APIKEYS: API keys for PolygonScan. You can provide multiple API keys by separating them with ,
  • AWS_RDS_HOSTNAME: Hostname of the RDS Database from this section.
  • AWS_RDS_USERNAME: Username of the RDS Database from this section.
  • AWS_RDS_PASSWORD: Password of the RDS Database from this section.

6. Configure triggers

Repeat step 2-5 again, but for this time, you need to create another Lambda function for transfers event. Make sure you have two Lambda function for both transactions and transfers

After configuring the environment variables, you need to configure the triggers. Since we are using SQS as the trigger, you need to create a SQS queue and configure the Lambda function to listen to the queue. To do so, follow the instruction below:

  1. Navigate to the Lambda function created from step 2-5
  2. Click on Add trigger
  3. Select SQS
  4. Select the created queued from this section. If you are configuring the Lambda function for transfers, you need to select the queue that you created for transfers and vice versa.
  5. Click on Add

Make sure both Lambda function are listening to the correct queue. At this point, you should be able to see the logs from the Lambda function.

7. Initialize EC2 instance

For this step, you are creating an EC2 instance that will be used to initialize the python telegram bot. To do so, follow the instruction below:

  1. Create an EC2 instance with the following configuration:
    • AMI: Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type
    • Instance type: c5.large (This is the minimum requirement as a burstable compute-optimized instance is required to compute the cache data)
    • Security group: Make sure to allow SSH and HTTP
  2. SSH into the instance
  3. Preparing packages by copying src,, and requirements.txt from this repository to the instance
scp -i <path-to-pem-file> -r src ubuntu@<ec2-instance-public-ip>:/home/ubuntu
scp -i <path-to-pem-file> -r requirements.txt ubuntu@<ec2-instance-public-ip>:/home/ubuntu
scp -i <path-to-pem-file> ubuntu@<ec2-instance-public-ip>:/home/ubuntu
scp -i <path-to-pem-file> ubuntu@<ec2-instance-public-ip>:/home/ubuntu
  1. Install python3.8, pip3, and setting up virtual environment
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3.8 python3-pip
sudo apt install python3.8-venv
python3.8 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate  # Activate virtual environment
  1. Install required packages
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Create a telegram bot and get the API key from here
  2. Create a .env file and add the following variables:
  1. Setting up cronjob to run the script every 15 minutes
crontab -e

Add the following line to the file:

*/15 * * * * /home/ubuntu/venv/bin/python /home/ubuntu/src/ > /home/ubuntu/cron.log 2>&1
  1. Run the script

Fetching historical data

To fetch historical data, you need to run the script. To do so, follow the instruction below:

python scripts/ --start-date <start-date> --end-date <end-date> --time-window <window-size>

If you wish to fetch all chains, you can run the script with the following command:

chmod +x scripts/  # Make the script executable
./scripts/ <start-date> <end-date> <window-size>

This script will call the for all chains.

The start date and end date should be in the format of YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS (e.g. 2023-04-20T13:00:00). The script will fetch the data from the start date to the end date and store it in the database.


This is the final project for 2110524 Cloud Computer Technology for Chompakorn Chaksangchaichot (6472014221).


Chompakorn Chaksangchaichot


Source code for fetching Connext Liquidity Transaction data and deploying it as a telegram bot








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