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Peter Taoussanis edited this page Aug 30, 2024 · 2 revisions

Community appenders

A number of community appenders come pre-bundled with Timbre.

Thanks to the relevant authors! Please see appender namespace docstrings for details.

GitHub PRs very welcome for:

  • Maintenance of any existing community appenders (thank you!!).
  • Additional dependency-free appenders (see example template).
  • Additional links to the External resources table below.

External resources

If you spot issues with any linked resources, please contact the relevant authors to let them know!

Contributor Link Description
@fzakaria slf4j-timbre Route log4j/logback/sfl4j log output to Timbre (UPDATE: Timbre now includes built-in SLF4J support)
@palletops log-config Library to help manage Timbre logging config
@djblue portal Guide to using Timbre with Portal
@viesti timbre-json-appender JSON appender for Timbre
_ _ Your link here? PRs welcome!
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