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ptaoussanis committed Sep 7, 2024
1 parent 6963195 commit ae507e5
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Showing 4 changed files with 116 additions and 141 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ See for intro and usage:
;; :line 9,
;; :column 11,
;; :file "examples.cljc"}}

;; Assert inside collections using `:in`:
(have string? :in ["don't" "panic"])

That's everything most users will need to know, but see the [documentation](#documentation) below for more!
Expand Down
124 changes: 58 additions & 66 deletions src/taoensso/truss.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,43 +5,64 @@

(comment (require '[taoensso.encore :as enc]))

;;;; CLJ-865

(defmacro keep-callsite
"The long-standing CLJ-865 means that it's not possible for an inner
macro to access the `&form` metadata of a wrapping outer macro. This
means that wrapped macros lose calsite info, etc.
This util offers a workaround for macro authors:
(defmacro inner [] (meta &form))
(defmacro outer [] (keep-callsite `(inner)))
(outer) => {:keys [line column ...]}"

{:added "v1.8.0 (2022-12-13)"}
[form] `(with-meta ~form (meta ~'&form))))

(defn- clj-865-workaround
"Experimental undocumented alternative CLJ-865 workaround that
allows more precise control than `keep-callsite`."
[macro-amp-form args]
[macro-form args]
(let [[a0 & an] args]
(if-let [given-amp-form (and (map? a0) (get a0 :&form))]
[given-amp-form an]
[macro-amp-form args]))))
(if-let [macro-form* (and (map? a0) (get a0 :&form))]
[macro-form* an]
[macro-form args]))))

(comment (clj-865-workaround '() [{:&form "a"} "b"]))

;;;; Core API

(defmacro have
"Takes a pred and one or more vals. Tests pred against each val,
trapping errors. If any pred test fails, throws a detailed assertion error.
Otherwise returns input val/vals for convenient inline-use/binding.
"Takes a (fn pred [x]) => truthy, and >=1 vals.
Tests pred against each val,trapping errors.
If any pred test fails, throws a detailed `ExceptionInfo`.
Otherwise returns input val/s for convenient inline-use/binding.
Respects *assert* value so tests can be elided from production for zero
runtime costs.
Respects `*assert*`, so tests can be elided from production if desired
(meaning zero runtime cost).
Provides a small, simple, flexible feature subset to alternative tools like
clojure.spec, core.typed, prismatic/schema, etc.
;; Will throw a detailed error message on invariant violation:
(fn my-fn [x] (str/trim (have string? x)))
You may attach arbitrary debug info to assertion violations like:
`(have string? x :data {:my-arbitrary-debug-info \"foo\"})`
(defn my-trim [x] (str/trim (have string? x)))
Re: use of Truss assertions within other macro bodies:
Due to CLJ-865, call site information (e.g. line number) of
outer macro will unfortunately be lost.
;; Attach arb optional info to violations using `:data`:
(have string? x
:data {:my-arbitrary-debug-info \"foo\"})
See `keep-callsite` util for a workaround.
;; Assert inside collections using `:in`:
(have string? :in [\"foo\" \"bar\"])
Regarding use within other macros:
Due to CLJ-865, callsite info like line number of outer macro
will be lost. See `keep-callsite` for workaround.
See also `have?`, `have!`."
{:arglists '([x] [pred (:in) x] [pred (:in) x & more-xs])}
Expand All @@ -52,10 +73,10 @@

(defmacro have?
"Like `have` but returns `true` on successful tests. In particular, this
can be handy for use with :pre/:post conditions. Compare:
(fn my-fn [x] {:post [(have nil? %)]} nil) ; {:post [nil]} FAILS
(fn my-fn [x] {:post [(have? nil? %)]} nil) ; {:post [true]} passes as intended"
"Like `have` but returns `true` on successful tests.
Handy for `:pre`/`:post` conditions. Compare:
((fn my-fn [] {:post [(have nil? %)]} nil)) ; {:post [nil ]} FAILS
((fn my-fn [] {:post [(have? nil? %)]} nil)) ; {:post [true]} passes as intended"
{:arglists '([x] [pred (:in) x] [pred (:in) x & more-xs])}
[& args]
(let [[&form args] (clj-865-workaround &form args)
Expand All @@ -64,8 +85,8 @@

(defmacro have!
"Like `have` but ignores *assert* value (so can never be elided). Useful
for important conditions in production (e.g. security checks)."
"Like `have` but ignores `*assert*` value (so can never be elided!).
Useful for important conditions in production (e.g. security checks)."
{:arglists '([x] [pred (:in) x] [pred (:in) x & more-xs])}
[& args]
(let [[&form args] (clj-865-workaround &form args)
Expand All @@ -74,12 +95,11 @@

(defmacro have!?
"Specialized cross between `have?` and `have!`. Not used often but can be
handy for semantic clarification and/or to improve multi-val performance
when the return vals aren't necessary.
**WARNING**: Do NOT use in :pre/:post conds since those are ALWAYS subject
to *assert*, directly contradicting the intention of the bang (`!`) here."
"Returns `true` on successful tests, and ignores `*assert*` value
(so can never be elided!).
**WARNING**: Do NOT use in `:pre`/`:post` conditions since those always
respect `*assert*`, contradicting the intention of the bang (`!`) here."
{:arglists '([x] [pred (:in) x] [pred (:in) x & more-xs])}
[& args]
(let [[&form args] (clj-865-workaround &form args)
Expand All @@ -91,41 +111,36 @@
(macroexpand '(have a))
(macroexpand '(have? [:or nil? string?] "hello"))

(enc/qb 1e5
(enc/qb 1e6 ; [260.08 294.62]
(with-error-fn nil (have? string? 5))
(with-error-fn (fn [_] :truss/error) (have? string? 5)))

(have string? (range 1000)))

;; HotSpot is great with these:
(enc/qb 1e4
(enc/qb 1e6 ; [37.97 46.3 145.57 131.99 128.65]
(string? "a")
(have? "a")
(have string? "a" "b" "c")
(have? [:or nil? string?] "a" "b" "c")
(have? [:or nil? string?] "a" "b" "c" :data "foo"))
;; [ 5.59 26.48 45.82 ] ; 1st gen (macro form)
;; [ 3.31 13.48 36.22 ] ; 2nd gen (fn form)
;; [0.82 1.75 7.57 27.05 ] ; 3rd gen (lean macro form)
;; [0.4 0.47 1.3 1.77 1.53] ; 4th gen (macro preds)

(enc/qb 1e4
(enc/qb 1e6 ; [75.73 75.88]
(have string? :in ["foo" "bar" "baz"])
(have? string? :in ["foo" "bar" "baz"]))

(macroexpand '(have string? 5))
(macroexpand '(have string? 5 :data "foo"))
(macroexpand '(have string? 5 :data (enc/get-env)))
(let [x :x] (have string? 5 :data (enc/get-env)))
(macroexpand '(have string? 5 :data (enc/get-locals)))
(let [x :x] (have string? 5 :data (enc/get-locals)))

(have string? 5)
(have string? 5 :data {:a "a"})
(have string? 5 :data {:a (/ 5 0)})

((fn [x]
(let [a "a" b "b"]
(have string? x :data {:env (enc/get-env)}))) 5)
(have string? x :data {:env (enc/get-locals)}))) 5)

(set! *assert* false)
Expand All @@ -149,29 +164,6 @@

;;;; Utils

(defmacro keep-callsite
"CLJ-865 unfortunately means that it's currently not possible
for an inner macro to access the &form metadata of an outer macro.
This means that inner macros lose call site information like the
line number of the outer macro.
This util offers a workaround for macro authors:
(defmacro my-macro1 [x] `(truss/have ~x)) ; W/o call site info
(defmacro my-macro2 [x] (keep-callsite `(truss/have ~x))) ; With call site info"

{:added "v1.8.0 (2022-12-13)"}
[& body] `(with-meta (do ~@body) (meta ~'&form))))

(defmacro my-macro1 [x] `(have ~x))
(defmacro my-macro2 [x] (keep-callsite `(have ~x)))

(my-macro1 nil)
(my-macro2 nil))

(defn get-data
"Returns current value of dynamic assertion data."
[] impl/*data*)
Expand All @@ -197,13 +189,13 @@

;;;; Deprecated

(defn get-dynamic-assertion-data
(defn ^:no-doc get-dynamic-assertion-data
{:deprecated "v1.7.0 (2022-11-16)"
:doc "Prefer `get-data`"}
[] impl/*data*)

(defmacro with-dynamic-assertion-data
(defmacro ^:no-doc with-dynamic-assertion-data
{:deprecated "v1.7.0 (2022-11-16)"
:doc "Prefer `with-data`"}
[data & body] `(binding [impl/*data* ~data] ~@body)))

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