The 17MON IP database is widely adopted by Chinese Internet corporations. It's being actively built and improved from massive probing data, so accuracy is advocated. iploc provides a minimalistic set of C API that efficiently parses 17monipdb.dat(x) and searches for an IP's location infomation.
Why do I bother with creating a new C API for the 17monipdb given the fact that there've already been official and 3rd-party ones?
Elegent IP database deserves an elegent C API
None of the existing C/C++ APIs satisfies the criteria above
// Use ip_db_init_x instead if you have an extended version
// of 17MON IP DB file. Then the remaining part is the same.
// ip_db_t *ipdb = ip_db_init_x("17monipdb.datx");
ip_db_t *ipdb = ip_db_init("17monipdb.dat");
char buf[256];
if (ip_locate(ipdb, "", buf) == 0) {
printf(" -> %s\n", buf);
- CPU: 2.6 GHz Intel Core i5
- OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
$ make test -> GOOGLE GOOGLE
random_ip_bench: 5000000 ops 684.42 msec 136 nsec/op
The 17monipdb.dat in this repo is for test purpose only, and it's probably outdated. For any real-world usage, you should download the latest one from official site.