This is my Vim configuration.
It uses pathogen and git submodules. This makes it very simple to add, remove and update plugins.
It's also really simple to setup.
- Clone the repository:
git clone [repo url] ~/.vim
- Link the vimrc and gvimrc files:
ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
ln -s ~/.vim/gvimrc ~/.gvimrc
- Run the update_bundles script:
- Search and open files:
- command-t (needs ruby and gcc but it's totally worth it)
- Programming:
- Language specific:
- Clojure
- vimclojure
- CoffeeScript
- vim-coffee-script
- Erlang
- vimerl (some features need erl and escript)
- JavaScript
- jquery
- vim-javascript
- Python
- django-vim
- pyflakes (needs a python interpreter)
- Ruby
- vim-rails
- vim-ruby
- vim-ruby-debugger (needs ruby-debug-ide gem)
- vim-rvm
- Scala
- vim-scala
- Clojure
- Exuberant Ctags
- AutoTag
- taglist
- Fromatting, editing, etc.
- align
- autoclose
- matchit
- nerdcommenter
- Snippets
- snipmate-vim
- snipmate-django
- SQLUtilities
- vim-endwise
- vim-surround
- Markup
- textile-vim
- vim-markdown
- closetag-vim
- xmledit
- Language specific:
- Git
- gist-vim
- git-vim
- Vim
- decho
- gundo-vim (needs vim 7.3)
- indexedsearch
- vim-abolish
- vim-repeat
- vim-speeddating
- Color schemes
- anotherdark
- molokai
- solarized
- vim-vividchalk
- zenburn