This game is created as a 2nd year project at AIE. This did not make it through prototyping stages and was stopped to work on Meltdown VR instead.
Home Run is a top-down hack-n-slash game. Fight your way through a mafia compound with a magical baseball bat to retrieve your stolen ball.
I was the only programmer on this team during development. I created and managed most of the scripts that were used by this game.
I wanted to experiment with how physics objects can work within a scene. The project includs using ragdolls for humanoids and all objects in scene having a rigidbody. Something I would like to add to this project is more softbody physics, such as cloth, and diffrent joints.
I also wanted to be more reactive to this physics enviromnent. This involved being able to navigate changing environments The current AI is not that smart to use the new environment to it's advatage, but is able to move around fallen objects and react correctly when hit with one.
This project was completed in a month.
- Tarn (me)
- Charles
- Alex
- Gabby
- Jason
- Matt