Peetcode is a scons construction system for leetcode. You can use peetcode to create a project for a problem automatically, compile your code, test the solution with the input file and the expected-output file, and submit your final code.
Peetcode requires python3.6 or beyond version. Then,
git clone
cd peetcode
# remember to insatll scons in python3.6
pip3.6 install -r requirements.txt
If you meet error like Unable to find engine files
. Try following commands:
# change python to python3 or python3.6
sudo sed -i 's/#! \/usr\/bin\/env python$/#! \/usr\/bin\/env python3.6/' $(which scons)
# update PYTHONPATH variable
sudo sed -i '$a export PYTHONPATH="/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/scons-3.0.1"' ~/.profile
Peetcode put all files in the directory of itself. If you would like to construct in other paths, change to your working directory and use scons -f PEETCODE_PATH/SConstruct
instead of scons
Create a new project requires the problem ID and the programming language you would like to use. Then peetcode will create a new folder named with the problem ID, language, and the slug, e.g. 1-cpp-two-sum
scons update # download problems list
scons 1-create # create project folder for problem 1
The default language is C++. If you prefer other language (now only support C, C++, C# and Python)
scons 1-c-create # use C language
Super simple:
scons 1
# if the problem has mutiple language version
scons 1-c
When a project is created, peetcode automatically extracts the sample data in the problem description page and save it in ID-LANG-SLUG\test\
. You can add your test input file in this folder with the .in
extension. The output of the test is checked when a .exp
expected-output file is provided.
scons 1-test
# if the problem has mutiple language version
scons 1-c-test
# run gdb for 1-cpp project and use as input
scons 1-cpp-sample-debug
To submit your code, you need to log in leetcode first
scons login user=USERNAME pass=PASSWORD
Then peetcode saves the cookies in the .cookies
file. So, you don't have to log in again next time.
The submit command is similar to the previous commands
# you must specify both id and language to submit
scons 1-c-test
The result will be shown soon. If the code is not accepted, peetcode will extract the test case which your code isn't passed and save as the input file and the expected-output file (see also Test Your Solution).
Peetcode supports using templates to generate the initial code file so that you don't have to copy and paste the same code every time.
The template files should be placed in templates
folder and name with its language's extension, for example, template.cpp
To indicate the zone where peetcode put the problem default code and upload, you can use a placeholder $DEFAULTCODE
in your template.
A C++ template file could be
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;