VT Is a full-stack mobile-responsive web application that promotes student engagement through a student driven challenge/rewards system. Teachers will provide challenges for student body. Students will be able to accept and complete challenges. Once a challenge is completed a student will be awarded points. The points will be redeemable at the school store, which is maintained by a designated store manager.
SQL Javascript Heroku Express Moment.js Xditable AngularJS HTML 5 CSS 3 Bootstrap Filestack NodeMailer Node GoogleAuth
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
In Terminal Run
npm install
Link to software that is required to install the app (e.g. node).
- [Node.js] (https://nodejs.org/en/)
- To set up database
- read "database.sql" (located in the database.setup folder)
- Follow the steps
- Creates the Database
- 2-6 Set Up tables within Database 7-13) open all files in database.setup folder(except database.sql)
- Run each file as a command in SQL
- Review .env-dist file.
- Add your own API keys
- Students View
- View all challenges, view accepted challenges
- Accept challenges
- View all rewards
Teacher View
- View all challenges and/or challenges only by logged-in teacher
- Ability to create, update, and delete challenges
- Can mark students “incomplete” or award them points
Store Manager View
- Ability to add, update, and delete items
- Sell items to students (deducts from quantity, and deducts students points)
- Students can select their teachers/schedule
- Teacher can assign challenges to specific classes
- Different types of challenges teachers can make
- (Completed) Pass/Fail Challenges (a value that is either received or not)
- Gradient Challenges (a value between x and y can be received)
- Teachers can give points to an individual student for positive behavior.
- The ability for teachers to “warn” a student if in danger of missing a challenge
- A social Leader-board for all students to see the “Top-10 Lifte-time Points”
- Admin diagnostics
- Admin can view
- Number of points awarded per week
- Number of points redeemed per week
- How many teachers made challenges
- How many students are participating
To deploy with Heroku follow the Node.js Documentation Heroku-Deploy
Antonio Rice Ben Siegel Brendin Barone Dexter St.Pierre Ale Leyva