Since you might be changing code in here periodically... to make it easy, this repo should be a submodule of the individual projects
git submodule add
npm install file:frontend-shared
More to come soonish
- all BehaviorSubject / Observable named ____Stream (eg valueStream)
- if it's something that can be either stream or String/Bool/Number (useStream doesn't care), call it ____Streamy
- all Streams objects (has .stream and .next, is merged stream) named ____Streams (eg valueStreams)
- $$ and
in name for dom refs (typically $$ref)- $$ without ref in name refers to an actual dom element (not {current: $$el})
- order
- props
- useContext
- useErrorBoundary
- useRef
- useMemo for all observable instantiation / state prep
- useEffect
- be explicity about return for beforeUnmount, or use beforeUnmount fn
- always include return, even if no fn (return null)
- tbd if it's better to use this or rx.tap on a stream for side-effects
- probably this
- useStream for state
- usecallback functions
- normal functions?
- z
In general don't use wildcard imports, but for lodash and RxJS do (tree shaking means it's the same as explicit imports, and naming / collisions (map, filter, etc...) of the two would be annoying)
- figure out better solution for stream arrays that have components with a stream.
- eg array of items that have a checkbox with default value
- ex edit_role/index.js, see
comments- currently just remounting components so it uses the new stream
- also think fundraise filter_dialog has same issue (resetValueStream)