A magit-style interface to access Azure, AWS and GCP. This project is in its infancy.
Right now only manual installation is supported. Will add the package to melpa soon.
To manually install ecloud, clone ecloud to a directory. Then add the following two lines to your .emacs file.
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/path/to/ecloud/")
(require 'ecloud)
If you are using spacemacs add the line to you .spacemacs file.
(setq dotspacemacs/additional/packages '(
(ecloud :location (recipe :repo techniumlabs/ecloud :fetcher github))))
ecloud depends upon the cli version of the azure, aws, gcp tools. It also needs you to configure it and logged in before you can use.
ecloud depends for azure upon the azure cli. Make sure you have installed azure cli in the path.
In Mac, to install azure cli
brew update && brew install azure-cli
Right now azure is what mainly supported. Other cloud is also worked on. For azure, run M-x azure-overview
to get started.
You can contribute to this project in several ways.
- Raising Issues in github
- Contributing code to fix an issue, implement any feature, improve tests
- Reviewing the code and suggesting possible way to improve the elisp code.
This project would not have been possible if not for these exceptional projects
Thanks to all who contributed to the above projects and countless other emacs packages, without which emacs will not be a good place to live.