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Introduce AnnotatedIOBuffer (JuliaLang#51807)
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This allows for styled content to be constructed incrementally, without
resorting to repeated concatenation. It operates very similarly to
IOContext, just with a special `write` method and specifically wrapping
an IOBuffer.
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vtjnash authored Feb 1, 2024
2 parents c16472b + 2b9839b commit f117a50
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Showing 3 changed files with 194 additions and 7 deletions.
19 changes: 14 additions & 5 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -11,11 +11,20 @@ New language features
* The new macro `Base.Cartesian.@ncallkw` is analogous to `Base.Cartesian.@ncall`,
but allows to add keyword arguments to the function call ([#51501]).
* Support for Unicode 15.1 ([#51799]).
* A new `AbstractString` type, `AnnotatedString`, is introduced that allows for
regional annotations to be attached to an underlying string. This type is
particularly useful for holding styling information, and is used extensively
in the new `StyledStrings` standard library. There is also a new `AnnotatedChar`
type, that is the equivalent new `AbstractChar` type.
* Three new types around the idea of text with "annotations" (`Pair{Symbol, Any}`
entries, e.g. `:lang => "en"` or `:face => :magenta`). These annotations
are preserved across operations (e.g. string concatenation with `*`) when
* `AnnotatedString` is a new `AbstractString` type. It wraps an underlying
string and allows for annotations to be attached to regions of the string.
This type is used extensively in the new `StyledStrings` standard library to
hold styling information.
* `AnnotatedChar` is a new `AbstractChar` type. It wraps another char and
holds a list of annotations that apply to it.
* `AnnotatedIOBuffer` is a new `IO` type that mimics an `IOBuffer`, but has
specialised `read`/`write` methods for annotated content. This can be
thought of both as a "string builder" of sorts and also as glue between
annotated and unannotated content.
* `Manifest.toml` files can now be renamed in the format `Manifest-v{major}.{minor}.toml`
to be preferentially picked up by the given julia version. i.e. in the same folder,
a `Manifest-v1.11.toml` would be used by v1.11 and `Manifest.toml` by every other julia
Expand Down
128 changes: 126 additions & 2 deletions base/strings/annotated.jl
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Expand Up @@ -323,14 +323,15 @@ To remove existing `label` annotations, use a value of `nothing`.
function annotate!(s::AnnotatedString, range::UnitRange{Int}, @nospecialize(labelval::Pair{Symbol, <:Any}))
label, val = labelval
indices = searchsorted(s.annotations, (range,), by=first)
if val === nothing
indices = searchsorted(s.annotations, (range,), by=first)
labelindex = filter(i -> first(s.annotations[i][2]) === label, indices)
for index in Iterators.reverse(labelindex)
deleteat!(s.annotations, index)
splice!(s.annotations, indices, [(range, Pair{Symbol, Any}(label, val))])
sortedindex = searchsortedlast(s.annotations, (range,), by=first) + 1
insert!(s.annotations, sortedindex, (range, Pair{Symbol, Any}(label, val)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -386,3 +387,126 @@ annotations(s::SubString{<:AnnotatedString}, pos::UnitRange{<:Integer}) =
Get all annotations of `chr`.
annotations(c::AnnotatedChar) = c.annotations

## AnnotatedIOBuffer

struct AnnotatedIOBuffer <: AbstractPipe
annotations::Vector{Tuple{UnitRange{Int}, Pair{Symbol, Any}}}

AnnotatedIOBuffer(io::IOBuffer) = AnnotatedIOBuffer(io, Vector{Tuple{UnitRange{Int}, Pair{Symbol, Any}}}())
AnnotatedIOBuffer() = AnnotatedIOBuffer(IOBuffer())

function show(io::IO, aio::AnnotatedIOBuffer)
show(io, AnnotatedIOBuffer)
print(io, '(',, " byte", ifelse( == 1, "", "s"), ", ",
length(aio.annotations), " annotation", ifelse(length(aio.annotations) == 1, "", "s"), ")")

pipe_reader(io::AnnotatedIOBuffer) =
pipe_writer(io::AnnotatedIOBuffer) =

# Useful `IOBuffer` methods that we don't get from `AbstractPipe`
position(io::AnnotatedIOBuffer) = position(
seek(io::AnnotatedIOBuffer, n::Integer) = (seek(, n); io)
seekend(io::AnnotatedIOBuffer) = seekend(
skip(io::AnnotatedIOBuffer, n::Integer) = (skip(, n); io)
copy(io::AnnotatedIOBuffer) = AnnotatedIOBuffer(copy(, copy(io.annotations))

annotations(io::AnnotatedIOBuffer) = io.annotations

function write(io::AnnotatedIOBuffer, astr::Union{AnnotatedString, SubString{<:AnnotatedString}})
astr = AnnotatedString(astr)
offset = position(
eof(io) || _clear_annotations_in_region!(io.annotations, offset+1:offset+ncodeunits(astr))
_insert_annotations!(io, astr.annotations)
write(, String(astr))

write(io::AnnotatedIOBuffer, c::AnnotatedChar) = write(io, AnnotatedString(c))
write(io::AnnotatedIOBuffer, x::AbstractString) = write(, x)
write(io::AnnotatedIOBuffer, s::Union{SubString{String}, String}) = write(, s)
write(io::AnnotatedIOBuffer, b::UInt8) = write(, b)

function write(dest::AnnotatedIOBuffer, src::AnnotatedIOBuffer)
destpos = position(dest)
isappending = eof(dest)
srcpos = position(src)
nb = write(,
isappending || _clear_annotations_in_region!(dest.annotations, destpos:destpos+nb)
srcannots = [(max(1 + srcpos, first(region)):last(region), annot)
for (region, annot) in src.annotations if first(region) >= srcpos]
_insert_annotations!(dest, srcannots, destpos - srcpos)

function _clear_annotations_in_region!(annotations::Vector{Tuple{UnitRange{Int}, Pair{Symbol, Any}}}, span::UnitRange{Int})
# Clear out any overlapping pre-existing annotations.
filter!(((region, _),) -> first(region) < first(span) || last(region) > last(span), annotations)
extras = Tuple{UnitRange{Int}, Pair{Symbol, Any}}[]
for i in eachindex(annotations)
region, annot = annotations[i]
# Test for partial overlap
if first(region) <= first(span) <= last(region) || first(region) <= last(span) <= last(region)
annotations[i] = (if first(region) < first(span)
else last(span)+1:last(region) end, annot)
# If `span` fits exactly within `region`, then we've only copied over
# the beginning overhang, but also need to conserve the end overhang.
if first(region) < first(span) && last(span) < last(region)
push!(extras, (last(span)+1:last(region), annot))
# Insert any extra entries in the appropriate position
for entry in extras
sortedindex = searchsortedlast(annotations, (first(entry),), by=first) + 1
insert!(annotations, sortedindex, entry)

function _insert_annotations!(io::AnnotatedIOBuffer, annotations::Vector{Tuple{UnitRange{Int}, Pair{Symbol, Any}}}, offset::Int = position(io))
if !eof(io)
for (region, annot) in annotations
region = first(region)+offset:last(region)+offset
sortedindex = searchsortedlast(io.annotations, (region,), by=first) + 1
insert!(io.annotations, sortedindex, (region, annot))
for (region, annot) in annotations
region = first(region)+offset:last(region)+offset
push!(io.annotations, (region, annot))

function read(io::AnnotatedIOBuffer, ::Type{AnnotatedString{T}}) where {T <: AbstractString}
if (start = position(io)) == 0
AnnotatedString(read(, T), copy(io.annotations))
annots = [(max(1, first(region) - start):last(region)-start, val)
for (region, val) in io.annotations if last(region) > start]
AnnotatedString(read(, T), annots)
read(io::AnnotatedIOBuffer, ::Type{AnnotatedString{AbstractString}}) = read(io, AnnotatedString{String})
read(io::AnnotatedIOBuffer, ::Type{AnnotatedString}) = read(io, AnnotatedString{String})

function read(io::AnnotatedIOBuffer, ::Type{AnnotatedChar{T}}) where {T <: AbstractChar}
pos = position(io)
char = read(, T)
annots = [annot for (range, annot) in io.annotations if pos+1 in range]
AnnotatedChar(char, annots)
read(io::AnnotatedIOBuffer, ::Type{AnnotatedChar{AbstractChar}}) = read(io, AnnotatedChar{Char})
read(io::AnnotatedIOBuffer, ::Type{AnnotatedChar}) = read(io, AnnotatedChar{Char})

function truncate(io::AnnotatedIOBuffer, size::Integer)
truncate(, size)
filter!(((range, _),) -> first(range) <= size, io.annotations)
map!(((range, val),) -> (first(range):min(size, last(range)), val),
io.annotations, io.annotations)
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions test/strings/annotated.jl
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Expand Up @@ -107,3 +107,57 @@ end
@test reverse(str1) == Base.AnnotatedString("tset", [(1:4, :label => 5)])
@test reverse(str2) == Base.AnnotatedString("esac", [(2:3, :label => "oomph")])

@testset "AnnotatedIOBuffer" begin
aio = Base.AnnotatedIOBuffer()
# Append-only writing
@test write(aio, Base.AnnotatedString("hello", [(1:5, :tag => 1)])) == 5
@test write(aio, ' ') == 1
@test write(aio, Base.AnnotatedString("world", [(1:5, :tag => 2)])) == 5
@test Base.annotations(aio) == [(1:5, :tag => 1), (7:11, :tag => 2)]
# Reading
@test read(seekstart(deepcopy(, String) == "hello world"
@test read(seekstart(deepcopy(aio)), String) == "hello world"
@test read(seek(aio, 0), Base.AnnotatedString) == Base.AnnotatedString("hello world", [(1:5, :tag => 1), (7:11, :tag => 2)])
@test read(seek(aio, 1), Base.AnnotatedString) == Base.AnnotatedString("ello world", [(1:4, :tag => 1), (6:10, :tag => 2)])
@test read(seek(aio, 4), Base.AnnotatedString) == Base.AnnotatedString("o world", [(1:1, :tag => 1), (3:7, :tag => 2)])
@test read(seek(aio, 5), Base.AnnotatedString) == Base.AnnotatedString(" world", [(2:6, :tag => 2)])
@test read(seekstart(truncate(deepcopy(aio), 5)), Base.AnnotatedString) == Base.AnnotatedString("hello", [(1:5, :tag => 1)])
@test read(seekstart(truncate(deepcopy(aio), 6)), Base.AnnotatedString) == Base.AnnotatedString("hello ", [(1:5, :tag => 1)])
@test read(seekstart(truncate(deepcopy(aio), 7)), Base.AnnotatedString) == Base.AnnotatedString("hello w", [(1:5, :tag => 1), (7:7, :tag => 2)])
@test read(seek(aio, 0), Base.AnnotatedChar) == Base.AnnotatedChar('h', [:tag => 1])
@test read(seek(aio, 5), Base.AnnotatedChar) == Base.AnnotatedChar(' ', Pair{Symbol, Any}[])
@test read(seek(aio, 6), Base.AnnotatedChar) == Base.AnnotatedChar('w', [:tag => 2])
# Check method compatibility with IOBuffer
@test position(aio) == 7
@test seek(aio, 4) === aio
@test skip(aio, 2) === aio
@test Base.annotations(copy(aio)) == Base.annotations(aio)
@test take!(copy(aio).io) == take!(copy(
# Writing into the middle of the buffer
@test write(seek(aio, 6), "alice") == 5 # Replace 'world' with 'alice'
@test read(seekstart(aio), String) == "hello alice"
@test Base.annotations(aio) == [(1:5, :tag => 1), (7:11, :tag => 2)] # Should be unchanged
@test write(seek(aio, 0), Base.AnnotatedString("hey-o", [(1:5, :hey => 'o')])) == 5
@test read(seekstart(aio), String) == "hey-o alice"
@test Base.annotations(aio) == [(1:5, :hey => 'o'), (7:11, :tag => 2)] # First annotation should have been entirely replaced
@test write(seek(aio, 7), Base.AnnotatedString("bbi", [(1:3, :hey => 'a')])) == 3 # a[lic => bbi]e ('alice' => 'abbie')
@test read(seekstart(aio), String) == "hey-o abbie"
@test Base.annotations(aio) == [(1:5, :hey => 'o'), (7:7, :tag => 2), (8:10, :hey => 'a'), (11:11, :tag => 2)]
@test write(seek(aio, 0), Base.AnnotatedString("ab")) == 2 # Check first annotation's region is adjusted correctly
@test read(seekstart(aio), String) == "aby-o abbie"
@test Base.annotations(aio) == [(3:5, :hey => 'o'), (7:7, :tag => 2), (8:10, :hey => 'a'), (11:11, :tag => 2)]
@test write(seek(aio, 3), Base.AnnotatedString("ss")) == 2
@test read(seekstart(aio), String) == "abyss abbie"
@test Base.annotations(aio) == [(3:3, :hey => 'o'), (7:7, :tag => 2), (8:10, :hey => 'a'), (11:11, :tag => 2)]
# Writing one buffer to another
newaio = Base.AnnotatedIOBuffer()
@test write(newaio, seekstart(aio)) == 11
@test read(seekstart(newaio), String) == "abyss abbie"
@test Base.annotations(newaio) == Base.annotations(aio)
@test write(seek(newaio, 5), seek(aio, 5)) == 6
@test Base.annotations(newaio) == Base.annotations(aio)
@test write(newaio, seek(aio, 5)) == 6
@test read(seekstart(newaio), String) == "abyss abbie abbie"
@test Base.annotations(newaio) == vcat(Base.annotations(aio), [(13:13, :tag => 2), (14:16, :hey => 'a'), (17:17, :tag => 2)])

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