A threaded class that can be spawned to provide a specific value threadsafe via a queue
Subclass ThreadQueueProvider to set the _getVal()
method and control the values that will be pushed into the Queue
Queuesize defaults to 1, so whenever a requetor takes from the queue it is repopulated. this can be increased for more rapid requests if the _getVal()
method doesnt need to be as up-to-date
see example.py for an example where a separate thread pulls the value
Instance ThreadQueueProvider and set a function to return the set of values:
import random
from threadQueueProvider import ThreadQueueProvider
def myGetVal():
return random.randint(1, 100)
provider = ThreadQueueProvider(valueFunction=myGetVal)
SubClass ThreadQueueProvider and override the function to return the set of values - plus the other stuff you need since you chose to subclass!:
import random
from threadQueueProvider import ThreadQueueProvider
class MyProvider(ThreadQueueProvider)
def __init__(self, min, max):
self.min = min
self.max = max
def _getVal(self):
#This is the overridden method from ThreadQueueProvider
return self.getARandomNumber(self.min, self.max)
def getARandomNumber(self, a, b)
return random.randint(a, b)
provider = myProvider(0, 100)