✨ I'm a Data Science + Data Analysis enthusiast. I am passionate about making data accessible to everyone.
🎓 Graduating batch of 2023 : MBA in Business Analytics with a Minor in Finance @ B.M.S. College Of Engineering - Bangalore
💬 Ask me about: Data Science, Statistics, Business Analytics, Business Intelligence
🌱 I’m currently learning Big Data + Microsoft Azure
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on projects related to Data Science
⚡ Fact about myself: I believe everything has a set of rules/protocols to be followed. There are also patterns in most of the aspects of life which are yet to be discovered.
🎮 When I'm not coding, you can find me geeking about Pokemon, or writing blogs. I also enjoy playing badminton.
🌍 I'm based in Bangalore
🖥️ See my portfolio at https://wetypeit99.wixsite.com/tejus
✉️ You can contact me at tejusb9@gmail.com
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