It ain't a framework, it just a php garbage with its minimal package
Well, enjoy this garbage PHP, edit as you wish, it's just the end of the beginning
It includes the following composer package :
- Routing - "nikic/fast-route"
- Database - "illuminate/database"
- Dumb & Die - "larapack/dd"
- Error Log - "monolog/monolog"
- Dependency Injection - "php-di/php-di"
- Request & Response - "symfony/http-foundation"
- Template Engine - "twig/twig"
- Dotenv - "vlucas/phpdotenv"
- Beauty On Error - "filp/whoops"
- Migration & Seeder - "robmorgan/phinx"
it includes the following npm package if you are interested on art :
- PHP >= 7.0.0 (I don't want to stay in the past for longer !)
git clone myproject
cd myproject
composer install