This is a Product Store API that allows a User to Register, Log in and access Products, create products, update and get products
- Clone the repository...
- Install dependencies...
- Run the setup script...
Make sure the following is installed
Once Repo is cloned and the required software installed, Navigate to the root of the project and run the following command
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build
docker-compose up -d --build
These will build the docker image and run the API on your local machine.
To access the API, navigate to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser.
To use the API, all the endpoints are available on the API Documentation PageThe API documentation provides a list of all the endpoints available and the required parameters for each endpoint. To contribute to the project, fork the repository and create a pull request. Make sure to provide a detailed description of the changes you made and the reason for the changes. All contributions are welcome. Frontend developers who have built online products applications are encouraged to use the API and provide feedback on how it can be improved. PLEASE DO NOT PUSH TO THE MAIN BRANCH. Create a new branch and create a new pull request from that branch to the main.