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This is a setup package for replicating the ROS + husky simulation-based demonstrations presented the journal paper:

Robert Valner, Selma Wanna, Karl Kruusamäe, and Mitch Pryor. 2022. Unified Meaning Representation Format (UMRF) - A Task Description and Execution Formalism for HRI. J. Hum.-Robot Interact. (January 2022).


cd <your-catkin-workspace>/src
git clone --recursive
cd ..
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash

Install dependencies

cd ~/<your-catkin-workspace>
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y

# For ROS Noetic, point the python interpreter to your default python3 with this package:
sudo apt install python-is-python3

Test if the robot simulation is properly set up

Open a terminal and launch the sim_driver:

roslaunch robot_temoto_config husky_sim_driver.launch

You should see the Gazebo sim opening up. If you are launching it for the first time, then it might take some time for Gazebo to download the world models. Once the world is loaded, you should see the robot. There might be couple of warnings in the terminal about No p gain specified for pid or Failed to meet update rate! but that's nothing to worry about.

Next, open a second terminal and launch the controller:

roslaunch robot_temoto_config husky_sim_controller.launch 

Again, there might initially be couple of warnings about Timed out waiting for transform from base_link to map and Parameter max_trans_vel is deprecated. If any warning is periodically reported, then something is probably not right.

Finally, open a third terminal and launch the visualization:

roslaunch robot_temoto_config husky_sim_viz.launch

RViz should pop up and you should see the map, robot and lidar data. Use the 2D Nav Goal tool to move the robot somewhere within the map. If the robot performs sucessfully, then the simulation is set up properly.

Sequential and cyclical navigation actions example

This example shows UMRF notation can be used to define tasks that contain sequences and/or cycles. The underlying task in this example is to navigate through predefined waypoints, as shown below:

Enabling features

A navigation action is used as the basis of the examples. The navigation action accepts navigation coordinates via UMRF input parameters:

"name": "TaNavigateRobot",
"effect": "synchronous",
"input_parameters": {
    "robot_name": {
        "pvf_type": "string"
    "nav_goal": {
        "x": {
            "pvf_type": "number"
        "y": {
            "pvf_type": "number"
        "yaw": {
            "pvf_type": "number"

By combining such UMRF descriptions in the UMRF graph via parent/child relations, more complex behaviours can be achieved, including sequences and cycles:

Enabling features

Running the demo

First run TeMoto:

roslaunch robot_temoto_config temoto.launch

Open another terminal and go to the umrf graphs directory

roscd robot_temoto_config/../umrf_graphs

Invoke the UMRF graph that initializes the robot:

rosrun temoto_action_engine parser_node initialize_robot.umrfg.json my_temoto

Invoke the UMRF graph that starts the sequential waypoint navigation:

rosrun temoto_action_engine parser_node navigation_example_sequence.umrfg.json my_temoto

The robot should navigate through three waypoints and stop. Next invoke the UMRF graph that starts the cyclical waypoint navigation:

rosrun temoto_action_engine parser_node navigation_example_cycle.umrfg.json my_temoto

In order to stop the cyclical waypoint navigation graph, run:

rostopic pub /broadcast_stop_umrf_graph temoto_action_engine/BroadcastStopUmrfGraph "graph_name: 'navigation_example_cycle'
- 'my_temoto'"

Cargo delivery state machine example

This example shows how UMRF graph can describe a state machine based automation. The underlying task in this example is to transport "cargo" from a pick-up location to drop-off location. Additionally the robot has a simulated battery which must be charged whenever it discharges below a predefined threshold. Thus there are six states in the state machine, with following possible transitions:

Enabling features

  • Initialize - Loads the simulated robot and places markers of the charging, pick-up and drop-off locations into the simulated world. The ROS-based robot also contains a ROS node that simulates a continuously discharging battery, which can be set to charge via a ROS service. The feedback on battery's state is provided via sensor_msgs::BatteryState ROS message.
  • Navigate - Makes the robot navigate to the desired goal loacation provided via UMRF parameters. The navigation is performed via TeMoto Robot Manager.
  • Pick-up - Spawning a box on top of the simulated robot.
  • Drop-off - Deletes the spawned box.
  • Charge - Charges the simulated battery by invoking the charging ROS service in the battery manager node.
  • Dispatch - Decides how the navigation, pick-up, drop-off and charging states should be sequenced. Each of the aforementioned four states accept a UMRF parameter named state and via pvf_allowed_values the transition to a specific state, e.g., navigate, happens only if the right state name is used. For example if the dispatch state outputs state=navigate, then out of the four possible transitions, only the navigation state is invoked.

Screenshot of the simulated world with the charging, pick-up, drop-off locations and the robot:

Enabling features

Running the demo

First run TeMoto:

roslaunch robot_temoto_config temoto.launch

Open another terminal and go to the umrf graphs directory

roscd robot_temoto_config/../umrf_graphs

Invoke the UMRF graph that embeds the cargo delivery task:

rosrun temoto_action_engine parser_node cargo_delivery.umrfg.json my_temoto

In order to stop the cargo delivery task, run:

rostopic pub /broadcast_stop_umrf_graph temoto_action_engine/BroadcastStopUmrfGraph "graph_name: 'cargo_delivery'
- 'my_temoto'"


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