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DARPA Machine Common Sense (MCS) Multi-modal Open World Grounded Learning and Inference (MOWGLI) Extract-Transform-Load sub-project


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MOWGLI Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) project

This project consists of a series of extract-transform-load (ETL) pipelines for adding common sense knowledge triples to the MOWGLI Common Sense Knowledge Graph (CSKG).

The CSKG is used by downstream applications such as question answering systems and knowledge graph browsers. The graph consists of nodes and edges serialized in KGTK edge format, which is a specialization of the general KGTK format.

ConceptNet serves as the core of the CSKG, and other sources such as Wikidata are linked to it. The majority of the predicates/relations in the CSKG are reused from ConceptNet.

One-time setup

Create the Python virtual environment

From the current directory:

python3 -m venv venv

Activate the virtual environment

On Unix:

source venv/bin/activate

On Windows


Install the dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Optional: install LevelDB

The framework uses LevelDB for whole-graph operations such as duplicate checking.


brew install leveldb
CFLAGS=-I$(brew --prefix)/include LDFLAGS=-L$(brew --prefix)/lib pip install plyvel


pip install plyvel

Optional: install bsddb3

The RDF loader can use the rdflib "Sleepycat" store if the bsddb3 module is present.


pip install bsddb3

Running tests

Activate the virtual environment as above, then run:


Executing an ETL pipeline

Activate the virtual environment as above, then run:

python3 -m mowgli_etl.cli etl rpi_combined

to run all of the available pipelines as well as combine their output.

data directory

The extract, transform, and load stages of the pipelines write data to the data directory. (The path to this directory can be changed on the command line). The structure of the data directory is data/<pipeline id>/<stage>. For example, data/swow/loaded for the final products of the swow pipeline.

The rpi_combined pipeline "loads" the outputs of the other pipelines into its data/rpi_combined/loaded directory in the CSKG CSV format.



The mowgli-etl code base consists of:

  • a minimal bespoke framework for implementing ETL pipelines
  • pipeline implementations for different data sources, such as the swow pipeline for the Small World of Words word association lexicon


A pipeline consists of:

  • an extractor, inheriting from the _Extractor abstract base class
  • a transformer, inheriting from the _Transformer abstract base class
  • an optional loader (_Loader subclass), which is usually not explicitly specified by pipelines; a default is provided instead
  • a _Pipeline subclass that ties everything together

Pipeline execution

Running a pipeline with a command such as

python3 -m mowgli_etl.cli etl swow

initiates the following process, where swow is the pipeline id.

  1. Instantiate the pipeline by
    1. finding a module named exactly mowgli_etl.pipeline.swow.swow_pipeline (or adapted from another pipeline id)
    2. finding a subclass of _Pipeline declared in that module
    3. instantiating that subclass with a few arguments from the command line as constructor parameters
  2. Call the extract method of the extractor on the pipeline. See the docstring of _Extractor.extract for information on the contract of extract.
  3. Call the transform method of the transformer on the pipeline, passing in a **kwds dictionary returned by extract. See the docstring of _Transformer.transform for more information.
  4. The transform method is a generator for a sequence of models, typically KgEdges and KgNodes to add to the CSKG. This generator is passed to the loader, which iterates over it, loading data as it goes. For example, the default KGTK loader buffers nodes and appends edge rows to an output KGTK file. This loading process does not usually need to be handled by the pipeline implementations, most of which rely on the default loader.

Python libraries, patterns, and idioms in mowgli-etl

Coding conventions

We follow PEP8 and the Google Python Style Guide, preferring the former where the two are inconsistent.

We encourage using an IDE such as PyCharm. Please format your code with Black before committing it. The formatter can be integrated into most editors, to format on save.

Most code should be part of a class. There should be one class per file, and the file should be named after the class (SomeClass as

Implementing a new pipeline

The swow pipeline is the best model for new pipelines.

Implementing a new extractor

Extractors typically work in one of two ways:

  1. Using pre-downloaded data that is committed to the per-pipeline data subdirectory. This is the best approach for smaller data sets that change infrequently.
  2. Downloading source data when the extract method is called. The data can be cached in the per-pipeline data subdirectory and reused if force is not specified. Cached data should be .gitignored. Use an implementation of the EtlHttpClient rather than using urllib, requests, or another HTTP client directly. This makes it easier to mock the HTTP client in unit tests.

The extract method receives a storage parameter that points to a PipelineStorage instance, which has the path to appropriate subdirectory of data. Extractors should use this path (storage.extracted_data_dir_path) rather than trying to locate data directly, since the path to data can be changed on the command line.

Once the data is available, the extractor must pass it to the transformer by returning a **kwds dictionary. This is typically done in one of two ways:

  1. Returning {"path_to_file": Path("the/file/path")} from extract, so that transform is def transform(self, *, path_to_file: Path). This is the preferred approach for large files.
  2. Reading the file in the extractor and returning {"file_data": "..."}, in which case transform is def transform(self, *, file_data: str) or similar. This is acceptable for small data.

Implementing a new transformer

Given extracted data in one of the forms listed above, the transformer's task is to:

  1. parse the data in its source format
  2. create a sequence of KgEdge and KgNode models that capture the data
  3. yield those models

Transformers can be implemented in a variety of ways, as long as they conform to the _Transformer abstract base class. For example, in many implementations the top-level transform methods delegates to multiple private helper methods or helper classes. It is easier to test the code if the logic of the transformer is broken up into relatively small methods that can be tested individually, rather than one large transform method with many branches.

Note that KgEdge and KgNode have legacy factory classmethods (.legacy in both cases) corresponding to an older data model. These should not be used in new code. New code should instantiate the models directly or use one of the other factory classmethods as a convenience.

Testing a pipeline

The swow pipeline tests in tests/mowgli_etl_test/pipeline/swow can be used as a model for how to test a pipeline. Familiarity with the pytest framework is necessary.

Source control workflow

We use the GitHub flow with feature branches on this code. Branches should be named after (e.g., GH-###) or otherwise linked to an issue in the issue tracker. Please tag a staff person for code reviews, and re-tag when you have addressed the staff person's comments in the code and rebutted the comments in the PR. See the Google Code Review Developer Guide for more information on code reviews.

Continuous Integration

We use CircleCI for continuous integration. CircleCI runs the tests in tests/ on every push to origin. Merging a feature branch is contingent on having adequate tests and all tests passing. We encourage test-driven development.



DARPA Machine Common Sense (MCS) Multi-modal Open World Grounded Learning and Inference (MOWGLI) Extract-Transform-Load sub-project







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