This repository aims to provide runnable example of applications built as suggested in "The Clean Architecture" by Robert C. Martin.
I've read the article multiple times that resulted in different understandings, I thought that I understand what it advocates after the first read, however I found I didn't when I read it again carefully.
I realized that the architecture described in the article is very different from neither what I've written myself nor what I've read both in open source projects and private projects in the company that I've worked for, it doesn't event comply with code generated by popular MVC frameworks, which really aroused my interest.
So I try to put it into practice by writing code in this repository to verify if I really understand what I thought I have, and to test if the architecure actually works.
- ITkonekt 2019 | Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob), Clean Architecture and Design
- Norfolk 2015 | The Principles of Clean Architecture by Uncle Bob Martin
- NDC 2013 | Robert C Martin - Clean Architecture and Design
- COHAA 2012 The Path to Agility Conference | Robert C Martin(Uncle Bob) Clean Architecture and Design