The TextImager-Client is the API for communicating with TextImager-Servers.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
In order to run the TextImager Client you need
- Java 8
- Maven
Clone and star this repository
git clone
Navigate to the directory and build project
cd ../some/dir/textimager-client
mvn install -DskipTests -P CLI
After mvn install
the CLI script will be generated in target/textimager-CLI.jar
Instructions and help will be printed with: java -jar target/textimager-CLI.jar -h
Example client call:
java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar target/textimager-CLI.jar -I "This is a test." -p "CoreNlpSegmenter,CoreNlpPosTagger" -o "test.xmi"
The above example will parse the input document defined in -I
with the pipeline defined in -p
and writes the output as XMI defined in -o
TextImagerClient client = new TextImagerClient();
CAS output = client.process("Das ist ein Test. Das ist ein Test.", new String[]{"LanguageToolSegmenter", "ParagraphSplitter", "MarMoTLemma", "MarMoTTagger"});
- Instanciate an instance of TextImagerClient
- Set the configFile. This configFile contains the location and prerequierments of each service.
- process() input document with given pipeline. The names of the taggers must be defined in the previously set configFile.
- get CAS output.
- Documentation
- Add input/output support for different formats
- Support for Windows