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A Plausible Programming Environment

A new beginning on a heap of old ideas.

This file describes a number of interrelated ideas around building and sharing ideas and the context that gives them meaning, and a system in which to converse and work with them.

The end goal is a potential replacement for the web that puts people before technology.

It’s a big project. Be patient. Even I’m not holding my breath.

How to Read this Document

This was written and intended to be read with emacs and org mode.

Maybe one day I’ll port it to something web friendly, but that’s not my priority at present.

Design Constraints

The following is a partial list of the constraints I’m imposing on myself. Some of them I might drop, most I won’t. New ones might come up. The difficulty is unsurprisingly concentrated at the intersections.

Observationally Immutable

Transients are sort of nifty, but things like the crate are a much better idea. Rox has picked this up as well.

With strict immutability you can’t have cycles, which means reference counting will suffice for GC, but the if the current reference count is 1, functions which would retun a new collection can just mutate the one they have in place since no one will ever know.

Note that this doesn’t conflict with the idea of permanent partial hashes since if it’s in the hash trie, it’s either in memory (a reference), or it’s been serialised and you don’t have to worry about it.


Due to immutability, all values have known types. But that doesn’t mean that you should know exactly what kind of thing you’ll get when you write code that receives a value.

Writing a program is, from one perspective, about building up constraints bit by bit. Impose unnecessary constraints early on and you have less freedom to manoeuver down the line. That in turn forces what could be local changes to propagate across the entire code base.


I don’t need a tower of interpreters. Or maybe I do and don’t know it yet.

What I do want is something like fexprs, but we don’t (can’t) have full fexprs because of considerations with the environment that come from extending the notion of immutability into our notion of namespaces, packages, and linking.

We do want a homoiconic representation, and we want macros as first class values. The theory is far from trivial despite what Wall said 40 years ago.

There will be a lot more to say about this one in the linear notes.


There’s a lot to say here. First, I’m more concerned with the the speed of overall experience than with microbenchmarks.

Runtime optimisations like hotspot are very promising.

Also the compiler should be fast. But since code, namespaces, and packages are themselves immutable, nothing should ever need to be compiled more than once (except, notably, to try different optimisations), so the compiler should feel very fast in practice. This is one area where I find Julia disappointing: it’s very fast when used well, but the lengthy compilation for a big project makes interactive development of low level things that segfault or otherwise fail during development annoying.


Initially with C and Julia. Julia because I want access to all of the numerics and scientific code. C because of Vulkan immediately, but really because of everything. C ffi is still the lingua franca of all systems and rust can’t change that because of its closed world assumption and rigid type system.

In the end C interop is all that matters because julia is embedded via a C library.

This interacts with immutability in surprising ways. It turns out there’s a place in a persistent data structure library for a copy on write flat array. It’s also important to be able to take a persistent vector and quickly dump it into a linear array. An (into! [] …) method that collects values via a transduction pipeline and puts them into a linear array (dynamically resizing and copying as necessary) can also be useful. It certainly is for julia interop.

Furthermore, we need cells to work with C, which seems to contradict the immutability constraint above. But we want “effective immutability”, which is not the same thing. Effective immutability says that if someone has a reference to a thing, then they have the thing. It could even be interpreted as saying there are effectively no references, only values since no memory you can access can change. But that doesn’t mean that memory you can’t access can’t change. And there’s the trick. Memory needs to be written somewhere, we just need visibility guarantees. In this case, if we allocate space and pass a pointer to a C function, expecting it to write to that memory, then so long as nothing can see that pointer, it effectively doesn’t change. After the C function has returned control, we need to either 1) ensure that it has returned ownership of pointer, or 2) copy the data to somewhere we control. In both cases nobody can hear the tree fall, so we can safely pretend it didn’t.

It also interacts with sandboxing, to no one’s surprise. if we can do something like use the paging table to mark memory read only, then we don’t need to copy everything we pass to a C function. You have to really trust a library to assume that it won’t change data (even when it takes a const T*). That’s not something to rely on. So we need a stronger guarantee, or we need to copy data, or we need to punt and force the developer to choose which calls to trust and which not. That last is the most general, but is very error prone. A safe default with the ability to override might be best. I don’t know yet.

Sufficient Smartness

We’ve been able to design languages that automatically make use of all available hardware since the early days of computers. car and cdr are such a mechanism for using 2 boards of the IBM 704 in parallel. Linked lists very rarely (tempted to say never) make sense to use nowadays, but once upon a time they were an ingenious optimisation.

More recently look at Erlang and its derivatives, Haskell in many applications, Go, etc.. The problem of the sufficiently smart compiler becomes almost trivial when you stop assuming computers are single serial processors and then try to duct tape concurrency back on to them.

That said, Cilk was a very inventive bit of duct tape, and in a system of immutable values passed as messages, an analog of cilk should be able to keep all cores of a modern system loaded with minimal overhead. I’m willing to bet the farm on that.

Heterogeneous Compute and Distribution

But multicore cpus are only part of the game nowadays. At the very least we also need to be able to move computation to gpus via cuda/opencl/vulkan (I’m going with Vulkan because graphics are also something important to me), and other dedicated chips/peripherals/your old phones/a closet full of raspberry pis/&c..

I would take this much farther and say that you should never throw away a computer. If you kept each computer you ever had (including phones) and were able to link them into a grid, then assuming exponential growth (2ⁿ) you’d have twice as much compute as from the latest machine. Lower exponents just give you more power.

There will be a difference of implementation and performance between multicore and multi-machine, but it shouldn’t be a difference of kind. We have lots of fancy algorithms for optimising streaming workflows in the fact of network latency, node capacity, etc..

I don’t think distributing work to a gpu is a different kind of activity than distributing to a cluster of cpu machines. Choosing where to send what kind of work is a fun problem, but the conversation of sending and receiving is very much the same.

Reference by Value

The word “environment” is loaded when it comes to programming language design, so I’m going to try and avoid it in what follows.

When you type a form into an editor, say, (fact (+ x 5)) you mean something by the symbols fact, +, and x. Now x is very likely a placeholder for a value you don’t know yet. There will always be quantities you know that you won’t know until later. Often until runtime.

But what about fact and +? These you think you know statically. That is, when you write your code, you look at the source (or the docs) for the functions fact and + and assume that these are the thinks you’re referring to.

But you’re not. Not if they come from a library that is dynamically linked in at runtime. Not even if you use static linking (bundling) if the dependencies aren’t locks by your dev machine but can be chosen by a CI server (>=1.0 anyone?).

So at the end of the day you’ve produced a syntactic form whose meaning is entirely subject to the whims of machines and distro maintainers that you don’t have control over, or potentially even know.

That’s not acceptable.

When you type a form, you do so with a context in your head. The symbols you use mean something to you. If they didn’t you may as well be mashing at a keyboard.

I know that we all modify code we don’t understand to learn, which involves typing symbols we don’t understand, but we don’t mean nothing by the symbols we type. Even if we don’t understand what the symbols mean, we assume they mean something and that that something is the same as what was meant by the person who wrote the code we’re dumbly banging at.

Context is everything. We don’t want to lose context.

Symbols cannot be dynamically resolved by name. Not at runtime, not at compile time, not even when you’re writing the code in the first place. Unison, Roc, and other very new languages try to resolve symbols statically when you save a file. There’s a simplicity to this that’s appealing. It fits into the modern fad to type theory quite nicely to think of the entire codebase as a typed object that can only be modified according to typesafe methods.

But that doesn’t suffice. Dynamic linking has upsides. And see Types for a rant I won’t repeat here.

Symbols shouldn’t be resolved by name at all. When you write a name, you need to specify the exact value you mean by that name. Function parameters are a special case. They don’t have to resolve to anything, so it’s unclear how they fit in to this idea of context of evaluation.

Message Passing as the Only Side Effect

This is elaborated in Function, Proceedures, Coroutines, and Transducers.

Side effects exist for several reasons. One is that real world programs have to eventually do something. This aspect of side effects is easy to handle in a pure way. You simply encapsulate all of the transceivers and send them messages. The edges are never pure.

Aside: is transduction (in the engineering sense) necessarily impure? Think of literal data that eventually drives a speaker cone. If the sound produces is isomorphic to the data that drove the speaker, there’s a real (but useful?) sense in which the operation is perfectly pure. I keep returning to this kind of speculation, but let’s drop it for now.

Another major source of side effects is the fact that we often want functions to do more than one thing. Log a message and then return a value. Send a transaction to a database, then send an http response to someone, then send some metrics to a log aggregator, and then return a datastructure to your caller. This is what most programming is if you’re building a product and not just speculating about what programming is.

So there are two cases here. One is a chain where the result of each step influences the next, and the other is just “do N things at once, and do them in this order mostly because the syntax requires I specify an order even though I don’t really care”.

The first case can always be broken up into a typical callback structure where you send a message to a database and part of that message tell the database where to send its response. This is tedious, so let’s make the compiler do it. This is a solved problem nowadays.

The second case is where I suggest a novel solution. Functions (or whatever we’re building programs out of) don’t return a value, but always send a collection of messages from tail position. One of those messages might be to the caller (a return value), but the others can go to any receiver we can name.

Control of names is important for sandboxing, interop, and debugging, but we’ll get into that somewhere else.

So instead of doing a bunch of things in some order, we end every unit of execution by returning control to the event loop and giving it a bunch of messages to schedule. They’re then done in whatever order the execution framework decides upon. And in parallel if the hardware is currently underutilised.

In one sense, this is a radical departure from standard language semantics. We’re not returning control to the caller, we’re sending control to multiple places, possibly at the same time.

On the other hand, it’s not so different from what we do every day peppering fire and forget side effects all over our code to accomplish logging, metrics, etc.. We’re just being explicit and saying “these things all need to happen eventually, and don’t depend upon one another.”.

One thing I like about this style of thinking about control flow is that it makes concurrency natural. It’s a similar metaphor to smalltalk, but instead of “everything you can send a message to is a computer”, we say “everything that can do stuff is a computer, and messages tell somebody to do stuff.” who is just an optimisation.

So we don’t need to fork, or otherwise tell the computer how to distribute code. Rather we make dependencies explicit, and then just do as much of the work that’s ready to do as we can in parallel. This extends naturally to distribution, gpus, etc..

But now how do we order events? So far, I only offer two guarantees, and they seem to suffice: 1) Units execute only after receiving messages (and so messages they send are strictly happens-after the messages that “caused” them). and 2) if A sends a sequence of messages to B, then B receives each message exactly once and in order.

Note that if multiple senders are sending to B and no provision has been made to distinguish them, then the two sets of messages will be interleaved in some arbitrary order even though the messages from each sender will be received in order.

Since you can always tag messages with the sender, or a channel id, or something like that, it’s always possible — when you care — to distinguish senders. In earlier versions of this document I had considered named channels to be a first class aspect of message receivers, but I now believe that they can be implemented, rather than built in, on an as needed basis. And they’re needed less often than I had originally thought.

Note that this requires receivers with state. See Receivers for more about the functioning of message receivers, which are the other half of message emission.

One fact about receivers that bears repeating is that a receiver imposes a total order on the messages they receive. This order is subjective to the receiver (and to a degree arbitrary) but that’s enough for our needs. It means that the internal state of any receiver is self-consistent, and even if a receiver has no internal state, it means that the messages emitted by a receiver will be ordered accordingly with the messages received.

That fact, combined with (2) above should suffice to build well defined computation pipelines where the programmer only specifies real dependencies and leaves the runtime free to map work to hardware in the most efficient way it can.

Interpretation All the Way Down

This is rephrasing of Perspective: Interpretation all the way down. I’m not sure it’s really a design constraint, but it is essential to my ideas of interop, sandboxing, dynamism, and others.

This is an idea I’ve been trying (and failing) to express cleary for years. In his book “A Problem Oriented Programming Language” Chuck Moore asks: “What is a compiler-compiler that can execute the compiler it describes and in turn execute the program it compiled? That is the question!”. That’s my question too, but I’d ask it a little differently.

Think of a lambda as defining a new interpter. The new interpreter is generally very restricted, but it takes inputs and does something with them. Thus a form such as

((λ x. (* x x)) 4)

can be interpreted as “compile the thing on the left, and pass 4 to the result.” To generalise, the applicative execution model would be: “the first element of a form describes or names an interpreter, evaluate that and then pass the rest of the form to the new live interpreter (compiled proceedure, object, etc.) and go on recursively”.

So we can view λ as a builtin interpreter which when passed arguments constructs a new interpreter, which in turn expects arguments, …

Now, what about primitives? λ itself must be a primitive in most lisps. How about we define a primitive to be an interpreter in another language? Generally speaking, in the langauge in which our language is implemented, but potentially something else entirely if we have a far reaching ffi.

It’s interpretation all the way down, and it works, of course, because at the bottom, the circuitry directly interprets currents, which are controlled by values (data) in registers, often with one more layer of indirection via microcode.

But then what about byte codes and virtual machines?

Source code / byte code / machine code (binary) only describe a thing to be done. The agency to do something ultimately must bubble up from this active physical nature of the hardware. That’s the key.

That’s also why I’m talking about interpreters and not compilers. Compilers are pure functions that convert one data description of a program to another (hopefully equivalent) data description of a program.

In Search of Origins

“Since intelligence is primarily defined as one’s capacity to grasp the truth of things, it follows that what a culture means by intelligence is derived from the character of its important forms of communication.”

— Neil Postman (Amusing Ourselves to Death, chapter 2)

Perspective: Coordination Languages


The basic idea of a coordination language is that computers do two orthogonal things: they compute, and they communicate. Thus there should be two levels of design (and possibly two separate languages) in programming. One to define the computations and the other to specify how they communicate with one another.

The universal bubble (lambda expressible, turing computable, recursively definable, &c.) is a mathematics of closed formal systems. They express the notion of computation, but by being closed they proscribe communication.

In the same paper in which Turing defined his automatic machines (1936) he also defined a class of machines which he called choice machines which communicate with a human operator. He showed that choice machines, by being able to ask an arbitrary number of yes/no questions are qualitatively more powerful than automatic machines (which we today call Turing machines). The gist of the argument is that the set of Turing machines is countable, whereas the set of choice machines is not.

It shouldn’t be controversial that Turing universal is a small subset of “can be done by modern electronic devices” — it was clearly stated by Turing before any such devices existed — but I’ve spent too much of my life going over this in bars late into the night. Read the Standford encyclopedia of philosophy entry on the Church-Turing thesis.

So if Turing machines are very limited, why use them? The answer is because we have very powerful mathematical tools for creating, testing, proving things, and thinking about them. Our knowledge of communication is very poor in comparison. Except when it comes to telephony.

Hypothesis: We can build a pure functional language that has no side effects — no I/O, no mutable references, &c. — except for a single primitive `emit` which sends a bundle of messages and can only be called as the final step of a computation. We can then reconstruct a practical language for real software by using a DSL to wire together these pure units into networks (hypergraphs? simplicial complexes?).

Conjecture: If such a language can be built, then it can be built from primitive recursive units wired into networks. Branching and recursion can be expressed as message passing topologies, so we can build general recursive functions without choice. This also has practical significance because primitive recursive functions are easy to prove correct (induction) and always halt if correct.

Perspective: Special Relativity

  • Note taken on [2022-09-24 Sat 18:47]
    Originally dates [2020-05-12 Tue] in my notes

On an interstellar scale, consensus is not possible in any practical fashion.

This is a trivial consequnece of special relativity. It is not only possible, but necessary, that different observers will observe different sequences of events. Those sequences will often contradict each other in the short term, but both observers will nevertheless be correct.

So what can we do? Current solutions like paxos, raft, etc. work by builing consensus via coordinated communication. They guarantee that eventually everyone will agree, but they make no promises (because they can’t) about how long it will take for such consensus to arise.

Spanner, and other “reengineer the universe” style solutions build a frame of coordinates that spans the entire planet and using atomic clocks and gps impose a total order on all events happening on the earth. Again, this is a form of consensus in the long run, with a blind spot trailing ever so slightly into the past. If you’re running a server in Singapore, and you are sent messages from Sydney and London at about the same time (though according to the atomic clocks, the London message was first) you’ll probably receive the packet from Sydney first, and so there will be an interval of time in which you are inconsistent with the total ordering of the system simply because messages travel at finite speed.

On the earth this isn’t much of a problem, since that trailing blind spot is from about a second ago to now. That’s not much time. But what happens if we expand the network to include the moon? Mars? The moon is over a second away at the speed of light. Mars can be more than twenty minutes away. That means that the trailing blind spot will be at least 45 minutes for a network spanning the earth and mars if it only takes one round trip to agree to things. If you have a spanner like system, you can broadcast and get best effort consistency in 20 or so minutes, but you won’t know they know until at least one round trip.

Let’s make it harder. Imagine we send a ship to another star. If that star is 60 light years away, then as the ship travels, round trip time will increase until it reaches 120 years. If you won’t get acknowledgement of delivery for over 100 years, then you may as well never get it. Concensus becomes completely impossible, all that can be done is informing.

So instead of tcp, we’ll simply need to send a continuous stream of data and listen to one coming back.

Now imagine this ship comes back. It’s own web will have diverged significantly from ours, but because of the streaming updates back and forth there will be cross links. Once the two webs are brought physically close together it should be as if they were never apart. The network needs to be amorphous in this sense that pieces can break off, evolve in isolation, and then reconnect.

If the network is robust — at the highest level of content, not just at the wiring level — to continuous changes in topology, then being connected all the time will become a less pressing concern. Going through a tunnel shouldn’t break anything, being cut off from the outside world by censors should be equivalent to a lag in updates, instead of the current situation of only having access to anything when you find a hole in the firewall.

Perspective: A Generalisation of Homoiconicity

Or how to organise your information so that it won’t be forgotten.

Is Linear A information? Rather is a text in Linear A information? No. Not according to information theory, in any case.

Information revolves around two parties sending messages across a channel. Information is an emergent property of this setup whereby one party informs the other. This informing crucially depends on shared context, an establised message format. A shared view of the world.

Information cannot exist unless two parties share a context and messages.

If you are given a binary file, what can you do with it? look at the first few bytes, see if it looks like ASCII, unicode, some sort of format header, look for repeating delimiters that might indicate a sequence, or regular sized chunks that might indicate records. If you’re sufficiently familiar with conventions and lucky you can probably reverse engineer the code.

If you’re given a chunk of machine code for an old mainframe that you’ve never heard of and of which none exist anymore, then you’re shit out of luck.

This task is essentially the same as that of an archaeologist tasked with deciphering a piece of ancient writing in Linear A. If the surrounding context were known, that is if one knew linear B, and cypro-minoan, egyptian, etc. — not just in the sense that we “know” some of these today, but in the sense that one knows English, French, or Russian — then deciphering a text in Linear A might not prove incredibly difficult. Context is everything.

So what is on a tablet inscribed in linear A if it’s not information? A text is inscribed on the tablet, but if no one knows how to read it, then the meaning is lost. There is no message. No information can pass between the author and the reader across the intervening millenia.

When we program we send messages to machines. These messages take the form of source code, but what is source code? Does it contain information? If so, who, or what, is informed?

Let us call something that can receive messages and act on them an interpreter. If you send a message to an interpreter, and it does what you expected it to in response, then in some limited sense it understood you or “got the message”. You successfully informed the interpreter. Let us say that with respect to this interpreter, this message is code.

Not every text is a message to every (or any) interpreter. Most interpreters are only able to perceive a small subset of possible texts (inputs) as messages.

A piece of writing, or a blob of binary, or a group of dark spots on an optical disk, are texts. Those texts can only be called messages in reference to specific interpreters or classes of interpreters. There need not exist an interpreter. A text file full of random noise cannot be interpreted meaningfully. There is by definition (of martin-lof randomness) no information to be had in the file.

At the same time, a given message might be different code to different interpreters; see whitespace and polyglot code.

It’s important to stress that a text file by itself is not code in this sense. We can recognise a clojure source file by the .clj extension and so we know to which interpreter to feed it, but that knowledge is communal and contextual and can be lost. Without the interpreter the text is just a text and can go the way of linear A.

In fact even without the .clj extension, if the file has been misnamed, we can still recognise it as a clojure source file because we’re familiar with the language. But in this case even if we feed it to clojure it won’t work because the compiler won’t recognise it. So here we have a source file which we recognise as code, but which the interpreter with respect to which we call it code cannot, in fact, interpret it.

Of course we can ourselves execute the code (on paper, in principle) using the semantics of the language which we know. So the interpreter is an abstract “clojure” that exists only in our collective cultural context, and not the clojure program itself.

And this brings us to the point where we can ask the real question: if a written text is a message, and that message can be interpreted as code (with respect to an interpreter), what then is data?

We talk about data all the time. Code is data. Data driven design. Data is better than functions are better than macros. Homoiconicity gives lisp the power of arbitrary syntactic extension preciesely because macros operate on the source code as a data structure. These definitions contradict each other.

Or do they?

Let’s take a closer look at homoiconicty. Homoiconicity at its simplest is the statement that the text in source files is isomorphic to the AST of the language in memory. This isomorphism is the lisp reader. Its inverse is the printer.

The power of macros is that they operate on the AST, but they look and act as if they were acting directly on the textual source code itself. This transparency empowers programmers — who can only really “feel” their code in the textual form that our editors manipulate — to extend our intuitions into the compiler of the program, giving us further intuitive reach than is possible in a language without homiconic syntactic macros.

So if macros let us extend our intuitions about (static) source code into the runtime, why do we eschew them as a community? Why are functions better than macros?

To answer this, let’s extend our notion of homoiconity. Remember that homoiconicty is an isomorphism across the reader. Another way of saying this is to say that (print (read x)) is x for any valid sexp.

But we don’t just read source code. The LISP reader by itself is not very useful. After we read source files, we evalutate the ensuing sexp data structure. To phrase it a little differently the output of the repl is (print (eval (read x))).

To rephase again: the reader interprets a message (the source text) and the result is the sexp data structure which itself is a message. This second message is in turn interpreted by eval which is what we generally think of as “the language.

Note that messages are no longer homoiconic across this chain of two interpreters. The text “(+ 2 2)” comes back as the text “4”. Syntax quoting exists to disable evaluation so that we can work with homoiconicy across eval.

There is, however one class of text which is still homoiconic in a broader sense. What are those messages in text for which (print (eval (read x))) is identical to x?

These are precisely the structures we call “literal data” in clojure. Quoted forms are notably not literal data because the quoting is lost and a second pass through the cycle will evaluate the form.

This generalised notion of homoiconicity gives us a hint as to the nature of data. Or at least a definition that reconciles the apparent contradiction above.

Code whose interpretation is isomorphic to its underlying message is data.

This tells us that code is data with respect to the reader, but not with respect to the language as a whole.

data is better than functions are better than macros because data (with respect to the repl) lets us extend our intuitions about textual source into the runtime in the same way that macros allow us to extend it into compile time, and functions work on data with respect to the repl, but are themselves not data with respect to the repl (though they are data with respect to the reader which allows macros to act on functions as functions act on literal data).

This feels like semantic nitpicking until we rephrase the fundamental problem of programming (to paraphrase Dijkstra) as “knowing what is going to happen at runtime — given that the actual code executing is written not by a human but by another program (a compiler) — in terms of the textual code that we actually write”.

Being able to manipulate (and understand) the physical execution via a true isopmorphism with the text we write gives us an unparalleled avenue of attack on this problem. Data driven design is a qualitative improvement in a way that transcends all the petty bickering about so called programming paradigms (which are at best ideologies and all too often dogmata).

So code can be data, functions can be code, and data can be better than functions. You just have to realise that the meaning of the terms code and data is not well defined without reference to an interpreter.

To confuse matters even more, a message can be code with respect to two interpreters but only be data with respect to one of them.

Even more confusing, the interpretation of a message need have nothing to do with the intentions of the author (cf. Roland Barthes 1967).

Something decidedly less black and white than Barthes seems necessary to really understand this.

Barthes holds that to give full creative autonomy of interpretation to the reader, one must let the author die, but of course it’s more subtle than that.

The author creates a text and (presumably) intends it to have a meaning. The text is transmitted, the meaning is not. The reader gets the text and infers a meaning by reading it.

Traditional literary theory holds that one should look to the life, opinions, actions, etc. of the author when reading a text so as to try and infer the author’s intended meaning.

Post modern reading involves reading the text in and of itself — an act which is of course impossible because you cannot read except from the context of your own life and consciousness — and let the meaning come as it will.

I think that we have to be schitzophrenic about it. We need to maintain simultaneous opinions about what we think the author meant from the context of their life, and what the author meant (or to further confuse matters what the text itself “means”) from the text alone. These opinions will, in general, contradict each other. In a sense both will be true, in another sense neither will be true.

All we can hope to do is contrast the different readings and make a call in a given context.

— Aside on self description and indefinite archiving —

Self description in this framework is ill defined. Description implies communication which is only possible through shared context. So you would need either a universal context, which is impossible, or a message combined with an interpreter that is capable of building a context in which to communicate from scratch. A feat which may or may not be possible. Maybe scratch isn’t necessary, maybe lincos was onto something.

Maintaining contextual consistency through the ages allows archaeologists to bring dead cultures back in a somewhat hollow form. To really understand a message, you need to keep a body of native speakers — or contextual natives — around. I don’t know how long that can be possible.

Perspective: Linguistic Archaeology

Example of losing context

Sets, lists, maps (set theoretic functions) are very basic and seem like they will never go away. If that’s not a universal basis on which to build a future proof semantics, what is?

100 years ago log tables were the primary means of computation. They were considered indispensible to the point that sci fi into the 60s still assumed space ships would have log tables that you would use to program the ship’s computer (cf Spaceman Jones).

Log tables have ceased to exist. Computers are so fast that we directly compute quantities from power series. Often without using logarithms at all. This would have been inconceivable not so long ago.

Besides, ZFC is an ugly, unsatisfying theory. Assuming that it’s too fundamental to be replaced is a failure of imagination.

That said, barring cataclysmic loss, future archaeologists will know that we used sets and maps and the rest and there will be books on the subject for historians of technology.

It’s the trail of context that needs to be maintained. Universality is a myth. Gödel proved that in 1931, but it still hasn’t sunk in.

Perspective: Interpretation all the way down

“To be is to do” —Socrates “To do is to be” —Jean-Paul Sartre “Do be do be do” —Frank Sinatra

Notes adapted from [2020-01-06 Mon] on paper

  • Note taken on [2024-07-01 Mon 11:54]
    This largely repeats thoughts in the generalised homoiconity section. They should be merged.

Data is not a well defined term and I’m going to try and avoid using it for the moment. Is this possible?

What is an inscription on a tablet? Let’s call it a message for lack of a better word. How do we know it’s a message and not a natural phenomenon? or an unlikely outcome of random noise? We don’t. Intention comes right from the start: a message is something intended to be read. Intended to convey meaning. The author of a message meant something by it.

So we need another concept for an artifact — an inscription, a shape, a sound, &c. — that might be a message, or might not. For now, let’s call this a text. Not a good word, but I’ve got nothing else; signal, sign, etc. are loaded terms nowadays.

Can anything be a message? If so, do we even need a word for something that might be one?

A message only exists if a producer and a receiver share enough context to make communication possible.

So before we can have messages, we need agents with the intent to communicate.

Two sentient agents can communicate. This is an observation, not a definition.

But what does it mean to communicate with a machine?

If you send a message (from your point of view) to a machine and it behaves in an expected manner, then you can say that the machine interpreted your message correctly. Or maybe that with respect to that interpreter (machine), your message is code.

A message that means something to someone is different from one which does not.

We should likely relax this condition to say that if you send a message to a machine and it does something, then it interpreted your message (somehow).

Correctness is not a notion applicable to communication in general.

Is correctness essential to the notion of code? The rationalist tradition would say yes, after all the word ‘code’ orginally referred to a collection of laws in old French (though prior to that, codex just means ‘book’ in Latin).

Most computer code is not incorrect so much as not even wrong. So I think it’s a mistake to equate computer code with formal systems of any kind when thinking of practice.

What do we call a message that you can interpret meaningfully? Meaningful (to you)?

It’s important to consider that the meaning intended by the producer of a message, and the meaning interpreted by the receiver need not have anything to do with one another. In fact one end, or the other (or both?) might not assign any meaning at all.

So Barthes put it too strong: the author isn’t dead, they’re just another reader (of their own message).


Data is the medium in which computation can occur.

A message which causes an interpreter to do something is code. That something might be a side effect, or it might be a computation.

It’s important to see that from this point of view, computation is just another kind of effect we can have on the world. It is a form of doing. It just has much nicer mathematical structure than most other kinds of effect.

That which is done by an interpreter, given a message, is, in some sense, the meaning assigned to that message by that interpreter. Meaning is use.

Literal data are precisely those messages which pass through an interpreter without causing it to do anything beyond propagating the message. Semantic roughage. Sort of. Think of the machine that draws letters in the sand. There is a clear isomorphism between input and output and so there is a sense in which unicode chars are literal data, but equally a sense in which they are code. This is a point for further consideration elsewhere.

For now, let’s just consider literal data as a subset of (digital) data.

Notably, since literal data passes through an interpreter without causing it to do anything in particular, literal data is not code, and so the interpreter assigns no meaning to it.

(Literal) Data is purely syntactic. Semantics are external to it.

The fact of the existence of literal data says something about a shared structure between the data and the interpreter which emits it unchanged.

Note that the meaning that the producer of code assigns to it does not necessarily have anything to do with the meaning assigned to it by a given interpreter (though it may be important to others).

A symbol, say `identity`, is a message that refers to a form, that is, to another message `(fn [x] x)`.

A form which is intended to invoke a function referred to by a symbol, say `(identity 1)`, indicates by the grammatical position of `identity` — invocation position — that `identity` is in turn to be treated as an interpreter.

(eval (identity 1)) <=> (apply (eval identity) (map eval [1]))

The repl is an interpreter that interprets some parts of messages as interpreters and other parts as messages to those interpreters.

But this process must bottom out. At some level, messages must be interpreters.

Put differently, messages, being data, are inert. S-expressions, being literal data to the lisp reader are, furthermore, devoid of meaning. Meaning is assigned to the sexps by `eval`, which is the most important interpreter in a lisp.

Code by itself — be it a string, or a forest of sexps — does nothing, means nothing. It is inert. It must be interpreted.

`eval` in lisp serves two distinct purposes. It provides the grammar of lisp, which is to say that it decides which forms are the be considered interpreters, and which messages, and it transforms inert code into an active interpreter.

This initial spark is magical. It is the difference between computers and all media that came before.

This vivification of inert code into a reactive mechanism is not akin to compilation. A compiler is, in principle, a pure function that transforms one representation of computer code (text, sexps, etc.) into another (byte code, machine code, et al.).

Compilation is often part of the action which transforms text into a living process, but it’s not the magic.

I keep saying magic, but really it’s rather banal. At some point, you reach circuits which interpret messages directly into physical activity. You don’t need interpreters all the way down. It just looks that way to people raised in modern platforms like the web.

Does `eval` have to be singular? Is there any reason to restrict the set of meta-interpreters, the set of language defining interpreters, to a single thing?

Why can’t a single runtime platform accept messages in any format, so long as those messages are tagged in some way such that the runtime can deduce how to interpret them?

That’s basically how linux deals with requests to execute a file, after all.


What I’m calling an interpreter might better be called an executor, but interpretation has a meaning beyond Steele and Sussman’s art.

The difference between compilers and interpreters, for our purposes, is that compilers are pure functions, that is they are computations that operate in and on data, whereas interpreters take action based on their input. Real action in the (possibly digital) world.

In particular, a compiler itself needs to be interpreted, it’s just a program.

This is obfuscated because compilers are generally executables, which just means that the hardware interprets them somewhat more directly.

Perspective: Entropy (Cybernetics)

A message is a thing given or received. Being a message is orthogonal to the idea of information.

Remember that information is a probabilistic notion. The information in a message is the negative of its entropy, the unliklihood of its occurance.

But probability is not an ontological notion. Probability is an epistemological proposition (Cf Jaynes 2003).

So whether there is information to be had in a message or not, is a matter of context, a question of who receives the message.

The entire field of cryptography can only exist because of this contextuality of information.

What is the distribution from which messages are drawn? what does it mean for one message to be more likely than another? to have greater entropy? It means that given a prior, that is a given state of knowledge about the world, there are more configurations of the world leading to one message than another.

That prior is exactly what I mean by context.

Thermodynamics tells us that within a closed system, entropy always increases in the long run. That is to say that for any prior distribution (context), the posterior under observation of the system will approach the uniform in measure (this could use a lot more rigour) over the long haul.

A Turing machine (going back to Turing (1936)) is a closed system. This point is often glossed over in CS classes and textbooks, but is incredibly important. See Wegner (1997) and Hewitt (2007).

We take the perspective that a Turing machine is an information processing device — in the language of Weiner or Shannon which are close enough for our purposes to each other — and being a closed system, is a leaky information processing system.

A Turing machine receives messages (input placed on the tape before running the machine) and emit messages (the state of the tape on completion). If the action of the Turing machine is invertible, that is the Turing machine defines an isomorphism from its input set to its output set, then the signal of output messages have the same entropy as the input. In all other cases, the entropy of the output must be strictly greater than that of the input. In other words, information is lost in interpretation by a Turing machine.

This loss of information is independent of context. More precisely, information is lost no matter the context from which you define it. But the degree of loss may vary.

But the Earth is not a closed system, and neither is anything on it except in certain, very artificial, situations.

When you look up a word in a dictionary, you are reducing entropy. If that dictionary is on a website then the system of you, plus computer program, plus intervening network experiences an increase in information. But communication requires energy, which disipates as heat, so there is no violation of thermodynamics.

This leads us to the inescapable conclusion that communication creates open systems and so a system of communicating components is something strictly more than a Turing machine.

This observation isn’t new, but it’s widely dismissed as irrelevant. I hope to convince you otherwise.

Holons and Holarchy

On the surface this system looks a lot like smalltalk, and that’s not accidental.

A program is a collection of programs (or computers) which communicate by sending messages to each other. That has a fractal beauty, but we must remember that all fractals have cutoffs and there is no way to realise “everything is an X” in a real program.

Where I take issue with this approach is the freedom of communication. Any unit A can send a message to any other unit B, so long as the programmer who wrote A knew a name which resolves to B at runtime. Names take the place of symbols in linked object code; locations which introduce a disconnect between what the programmer thinks they’re saying and what the machine thinks the programmer said.

There’s also a defiance of physical reality. Communication by knowing a name creates the illusion that all communication is equivalent, that any component can equally well communicate with any other component. But that isn’t the case. Separate units running on CPUs and GPUs can’t communicate with complete freedom. Barriers need to be put in place which slows down the computation, plus the cross talk latency is relatively high. The problem gets worse as we start to distribute programs over networks.

Smalltalk was inspired by a biological metaphor, but in real life cells communicate by chemical signals which are 1) non-specific: everybody nearby hears every message (though not every cell exposed to a signal molecule reacts) and 2) local: chemical gradients get weaker by the inverse cube of the distance between cells. There are, of course, methods to extend this (hormones in the circulatory system, impulses in nerve fibres) but communication and coordination between distant cells is the exception, rather than the rule.

So instead, I’m basing the design of this on what Koestler called holarchic organisation.

Each flub (The word “object” used to be devoid of ideological baggage — and I suspect that’s why it was used — but that’s no longer the case) receives input on channels and emits output to channels. The flub has names for these channels since they must be referred to, but no knowledge of what’s on the other side.

This gives a flub autonomy from within. Given a set of inputs, the flub will do its thing, and that thing cannot be overridden or perverted from the outside. But since the flub has no notion of where inputs come from or where outputs go, when viewed from above it is fully subordinate to those “higher” flubs which decide how to network the channels of “lower” flubs together.

Notably this removes the need for a global name registry, or “phone book” by which to route messages through the system. Flubs have references (by value) to other flubs, and connect them together, so names are only for the programmer’s benefit. They resolve statically from the source itself (in context).

Applying this idea recursively down to the language primitives themselves creates a nightmare not unlike dependency injection. I’m still looking for an elegant escape hatch.

Research Aesthetics

The unconsciousness of a falling stone is something quite different from the unconsciousness of a growing cabbage — Bergson, H.L.

Dynamic Linking

I got this idea originally from the Unison language, but this is my interpretation and any faults herein are my own.

A codebase is shared mutable state between developers. Uncoordinated changes by different developers, or by individuals at different points in time are the cause of a large class of bugs (git catches some of these as merge conflicts, but not all).

I want to be able to modify code without fear of breaking anything I don’t touch. If no existing code can change, then no existing functionality can break.

In particular, this means that dynamic linking is unacceptable. The promise of dynamic linking is that bug fixes, security updates, and performance boosts will automagically trickle into your code as your dependencies release minor updates. The problem, of course, is that along with these come new bugs and breaking changes. We have a parallel with iatrogenics that puts us at the mercy of the gung-ho.

Let’s not forget that the real impetus that drove dynamic linking to become the standard was the fact that old machines didn’t have enough drum or core space to hold much, so pieces had to be continually swapped in and out. That just isn’t the case anymore.

There’s a synthesis of static and dynamic linking that I think gives us the best of both worlds. Given a reference by value scheme we can link code just as we do now, allowing shared libraries and small updates, but the links aren’t symbols to be dumbly matched at runtime, they’re unique references to specific bits of code that change if the code changes (think infinitely long hashes).

But we still have to address the issue of updates. Security updates aren’t going to go away anytime soon, so there needs to be a way to update large codebases wholesale.

But given these references are explicit, a tool can scan and index them. Thus given a new version of some function, say SSL_do_handshake from openssl, the tooling can scan the entire codebase and say “These 7,453 lines of code will be modified by this update, do you want to continue?”.

That sounds horrible, but is it worse than changing those 7000 loc and not even knowing it?


There is no such thing as a UUID. Every developer who has used them in the wild knows that, and yet they’re one of those pervasive myths we can’t seem to do without.

Collisions are inevitable. A bound we assume will never be broken (64k ram, 2 digit year, 32 bit counter, sha1) is a bug waiting to happen. Crockford wrote that somewhere a long time ago. Probably “Javascript the Good Parts”. The numbers are bigger now, but the thinking hasn’t improved.

IPFS uses sha256 to create a universally and for all time unique address of a page. They have made no provision to upgrade that hash function when there are collisions. But there will be collisions.

The idiot’s argument is that sha256 has more combinations than there are atoms in the univers (~10^80) and so we need never worry about collisions. I call this the idiot’s argument because it assumes implicitly that the best way to store information is to take all of the atoms you can get and line them up into an intergalactic ticker tape.

Or maybe they’re thinking that we can’t have more things to hash than there are atoms? But why can’t we?

How much information can one atom store? Well forget quantum states and whatnot and assume we have a single hydrogen ion and no way to measure it’s subatomic structure. Now assume that it is the only atom within a 1m^3 box and we have an apparatus that can measure its location to within 1nm reliably in any dimension. This pushes up against uncertainty, but just hold on for a little longer.

So our one atom can be in any of 10^21 discrete positions. That’s a lot of bits. More than any single chip we can manufacture.

If we take a more theoretical angle, the Berkenstein bound on maximum entropy of a system (number of states it can be in) is a hard limit on information density. The bound is 2πkRE/(ℏc) where R is the radius of a sphere enclosing the system and E the mass energy. If we ignore kinetic energy, and go by static mass, it becomes 2πkRMc/ℏ.

So if we built a storage system the mass of the sun filling a sphere of radius 1 light year, the maximum entropy would be about 1.55x10^58 or 1.23x2^193 bits. And that’s a tiny piece of the universe.

Now it’s easy to show via the birthday paradox that once you have 2^n things to hash you’re virtually guaranteed collisions on a hash of 2^2n bits. So with 2^193 possibilities sha256 is useless and even sha512 can’t be relied upon without some amount of willful ignorance.

So what do we do? Do we take a hash so big that the probability of a collision is sufficiently small based on the maximum entropy of the observable universe (>2^433 bits)? That would have to be at least a 2048 bit hash. But how do we decide the probability is low enough that the system is safe? What is safe? Both of which depend on what we plan to do with the information. Not to mention, are we certain the bound is valid?

These are a lot of assumptions to make up front when building a system intended to be used forever. Chances of failure converge to one.

The fact is that nothing with a fixed hash length can be considered to take the long view. This follows from the same reasoning that tells us a 16 bit date field will eventually be problematic, just extended over a longer period of time.

Not to mention, requiring 256 bytes for every reference will be an enourmous bloat.

So we have two constraints that actually fit rather nicely together once you think about it.

  1. References within a small unit of context should be small. If you’re only referring to a couple of hundred things, you don’t need 64 bit pointers.
  2. All references within any unit of context must be unambiguous and unique.

There is no universal point of reference, no God’s eye point of view, from which to number and order all things. Special relativity, quantum mechanics, and Gödel’s proofs of uncertainty and incompleteness all assert this in different ways.

By extension there is no meaning without context. And context is bounded, finite. Context can grow, contexts can merge, but by knowing the history we should still be able to uniquely identify any reference within these expanded contexts.

I’m thinking of contexts as forming something like a σ-field. But that’s not quite the right structure.

A Potential Implementation

This is largely derived from Phil Bagwell’s 2001 paper “Ideal Hash Trees”.

In that paper Bagwell begins with an ideal hash which is effectively an infinite lazy sequence of bits with the property that for any two values which are not equal, the hash sequences will eventually differ. Modern hash algorithms like Blake2 can be used as ideal (effectively ideal? I don’t know about proofs) hashes. With this approach there can never be collisions, but the depth of the tree (and length of hash required) can grow without bound.

After defining the HAMT according to an ideal hash, Bagwell “gets real” and shows how to make the structure work in practice with fixed (32 or 64 bit) hashes and collision handling. That’s all well and good for performance, but it’s the ideal hamts that could solve our problem.

Given a fixed ideal hash function — which need never be upgraded since it’s ideal, FIXME: that’s too good to be true — we can define a context to be an ideal hash tree which only stores the keys (an ideal hash set?) and the keys are the values to which we wish to refer later.

If a context evolves over time by new entries being added, then we can uniquely identify any value by the hash prefix at which it was initially stored so long as we modify the hamt such that when a collision is detected requiring another level of the tree to be created, we add a field to that node containing the leaf that used to be at that location. So every internal node is increased in size by one entry, but the short preficies of early additions are valid for all time.

Thus a totally ordered collection of thing-to-reference events will lead to a hamt which automatically assigns to each of those things the shortest name it can under the circumstances. Small contexts lead to short references and large collections to long references, exactly as desired.

But now we need a total order on new things to which to refer. This comes back to the discussion on relativity and the idea that receivers must receive messages in some definite order.

This ideal hash tree based context is thus well defined and well suited to use as the context data structure for receivers. When you receive a message, you must know from whom you received it (or what’s the same, the message must keep a link to the context in which it was defined) and so you know the context in which to interpret the message.

But how do we merge contexts? Well if every reference carries a reference to the context in which it refers then we simply need to keep the original leaf value from each parent context in the internal nodes of the merged context.

If c = (merge a b), then a message m contains a reference r in context (a, b, or c). References are just like symbols. They’re things that mean things because we mean things by them. Thus they must be interpreted in context. Thus if m contains r and r is a short hash from a, then we can look in c (which might be all we have on hand) and find what r meant in a.

These trees will obviously bloat. It also seems obvious (need evidence) that some orders of adding values to a hamt will be vastly more efficient than others. Think about Huffman encodings vs random population of the tree.

So we need to be able to remodel context, repopulate the hamt from scratch, but maintain a translation table to be used with old references so that they aren’t invalidated.

The temptation to speculate about implementation is very strong right now, but would be useless without more experience. I deem it best to leave off, implement the basic structure, and see where it starts to fail. Gather some data and come back to this.

Open question: Can we change hash functions? We’d better be able to, but it’s not obvious that it could be done in practice.


There are two ways in which the word “type” is used in programming.

The first are the types in C, llvm, etc. which are just tags on chunks of bits. Given two machine words, how do you know that one is to be interpreted an an interger and the other as a sequence of unicode characters? You don’t. To the hardware they’re just words.

The semantics (A is a long, B is a double) are separate from the syntax (the bitseqs themselves) by design. That was the entire goal of the Hilbertian formalist program, after all.

But the idea that these types (semantics) need to be static is incidental baggage we’re still carrying from the days when machine code had to be stored on and read off of punch cards, or a drum; there simply wasn’t space to store words about words.

It’s not especially hard to write a program that looks at pairs of words and has a hard coded semantics — definitions must end somewhere — that uses the first word to know what to do with the second dynamically at runtime. It would double the size of the program in memory, but for many applications that’s a non-issue.

JIT compiling makes the proposition even simpler. As long as the runtime can figure out what words mean before passing code to the JIT, then the actual machine code being executed can be incredibly fast (this, and heavy caching, is the secret to Julia’s impressive performance).

The other use of “types” is to refer to type systems of the Hindley-Milner variety, and their descendents.

These, frankly, don’t interest me. Gödel showed that no such system can ever be expressive enough to encompass arithmetic, let alone the things I want to work with.

The retort to Gödel currently in vogue is that any Gödelian proposition can be added to the system so that we can create a tower via iteration expressing whatever we want to express (this argument is ignorant of transfinite set theory, but let’s leave that aside for now), thus solving incompleteness.

Furthermore, consistency can be achieved via a tower of meta languages, where each one proves the one below it to be consistent (assuming it itself is consistent). This is an induction argument that can never have a base case, so it’s fallacious, but in practice it actually works out pretty well. The meta languages get simpler and simpler until we’re convinced they have to be consistent (or sometimes we can prove them consistent by other means).

This is a lot of work. It’s so much work that most people don’t bother to do it properly. And if you’re writing software whose greatest danger is someone’s web browser crashing, it’s simply not worth the effort.

Don’t get me wrong, if you’re writing air traffic control software, or an autopilot for a car, you’d damn well better prove your software correct.

But that’s a small fraction of software, for most programs, proofs of correctness amount to Adams’ 42.

I’m also not convinced that logic is the most effective way to prove programs correct. In no other endeavour is logic used to construct proofs. Logic is a method of rigourously verifying proofs which already exist. And “rigour” is a target that has been moving through the entire history of mathematics.

Software needs more Polya and less Plato, but we’re a long ways off from that as yet.

The Stack

Return stacks, parameter stacks, env stacks, etc. have their origin in the poorly recorded prehistory of our field (cf ALGOL-60, Forth, Interlisp-D,…). But the modern callstack and the prevalence of stack machines when defining languages stem directly from Dijkstra’s Notes on Structured Programming (1970).

Dijkstra’s goal was to achieve a one to one correspondance between the text of the program and the instructions being executed in the hardware. He managed to do this with extreme elegance using just a stack and a couple of counters. It signaled certain death for the goto statement. Knuth not withstanding.

And the stack works brilliantly for sequential, synchronous code. It works so well that stacks ops are part of the instruction set of modern chips, and students leave university thinking that stacks are an inherent part of programming languages.

The problem, though, is that they suck at concurrency, especially in the face of asynchronicity.

The problem is obvious if you ever worked in javascript pre ES6. It’s also apparent in Rust’s red/blue function kerfuffle when you realise the difference between red and blue is that one uses the stack and the other uses a scheduler / event loop.

The program always needs to know where to go next, in particular functions need to know where to return to, but do we need to store this information on the stack?

React is playing with the idea of virtualising the stack because when you have hundreds of ui tasks going on asyncronously and you want to interrupt, reorder, and resume them, when you need to modify or cancel them on the fly, then you need a different data structure.

The early versions of Akka had a great hack to use the stack where is was beneficial and then blow it away: an actor would proceed like a normal function calling functions, until it hits a send call. Send would just build the current continuation, and throw an exception containing that continuation, the message, and the receiver. The scheduler catches that exception, queues the message and loops back. I always admired the cleverness of this approach.

But concretely. I hypothesise that if we rethink the stack abstraction we can have asyncronous code that looks synchronous. Async/await without the keywords and dual nature.

It should also help optimisers that want to reorder larger chunks of a program, or automatic parallelisation.

Cf. Interlisp’s “spaghetti stack” (actually a tree), which was manipulable as a first class data structure at runtime, allowing coroutining, continuations, backtracking, and other control flow operations to be implemented as library features. Try adding coroutines to Java

Cf. core.async

Functions, Proceedures, Coroutines, and Transducers

Are functions a good fundamental unit for programming?

Can you guess what I think?

Example: is (get m k) a pure function (clojure semantics, not a trick question)?

The answer depends on whether you consider `nil` a first class thing.

Hoare’s null pointer blunder is due, at the end of the day, to the fact that (get m k) often has nothing meaningful to return. If k is not in m then there is no answer. But by the semantics of function calls, something must be returned. And so we reify nothing into null, nil, None, NotFoundException, etc..

Type theory gives you a way of reifying nothing without the danger of null references, but it’s still just a kludge to fix an older kludge.

Why can’t (get m k) just not return anything if it has nothing to return?

Because functions always return a value. In set theory a function has a value for valid input, type theory lets you enforce this, but what is a reasonable k in (get m k)? Any value is a valid key, so should be part of the domain, but m is a finite map, so almost all inputs yield no valid output.

So get is really a partial function whose domain depends on its first argument.

Now what about `when`?

Can we build a language that just short circuits instead of returning a reified nothing? Do nothing, don’t say “nothing”. `when` sends a message somewhere if its predicate comes back true, and if it comes back false, the current fibre of execution just dies and unwinds.

If we add a mechanism to catch this unwinding, then we can build `if` from `when` and (get m k default) from (get m k). But by default it just unwinds all the way to the runtime and something else gets scheduled.

So under the hood, these “functions” are proceedures that might jump to the return pointer when they finish, or might just `GOTO HALT`. Weird, but still structured in its own way.

We now have “functions” that return zero or one value to the caller. Why stop there? A transducer is just such a “function” that passes on zero or more values for every input. It doesn’t quite return to the caller, but we’ll come back to that.

Orthogonal issues: to whom to we “return” these values? and when?

Conjecture: if we get the whom right, then when ceases to matter. This will take some justification in a separate point (see The Myth of Synchoronicity).

A coroutine is a proceedure (aka routine) which decides for itself where control goes next. Instead of a call stack which decides what “return” means for you, (symmetric) coroutines end in a (yield X value) statement which says “send this value to X and give it control”.

I’m still trying to work out what a persistent (ie stateless) coroutine would look like at the assembly level. I’m pretty sure I want the solution to this problem, but it’s not trivial and until I hit the point where I 100% need it, it only gets background thought privileges.

Now take a toy program like (fn [k] (let [v (get m k)] (when (even? v) (* v v)))) This says given a `k`, look it up and get back a (presumably) number, if it’s even square it.

What does (let [v (get m k)]) actually do? Is m local? does get park and wait for a remote server?

It shouldn’t matter. If we have control over where functions return, then `let` tells `get` send a value back to “here” (label?, call_cc()?), `get` then gets control and goes about its business. If it parks, `let` will be none the wiser, so long as `get` passes on the correct place to yield the eventual value.

So if `get` finds a value to return that value finds its way back to the let statement which binds it to the name `v`, and control moves on to the body of `let`. Similarly if `when` decides to pass on control to its body then eventually `*` is passed `v` twice, does whatever it does and sends it’s value to ???

That’s a good question. `*` should inherit its return pointer from `when` which inherits it from `let`, which in this case gets it off the return stack since we’re invoking the `let` as the body of a function.

Thus we get standard stack based funcall semantics even if get (and `even?`) actually have to park and wait for data. We have async handling without red/blue dichotomy or confusing keywords.

But notice that we also get short circuiting. If `(get m k)` returns nothing, then we don’t need to test `(even? nil)` because the computation just ends at `get`. We get a cheaper version of nil punning with no risk of using a null pointer because there is no null pointer. “nil” isn’t a thing. We don’t return “nothing”, we don’t return anything.

But what if `m` is a multimap and `(get m k)` returns multiple values?

N.B.: what follows is still actively in churn and I might consider it idiotic next week.

One option is to require the programmer to have known that `m` was a multimap to begin with and plan for a collection at all points downstream.

But blaming the user is too easy.

A better option might be to fork the computation. Remember that coroutines are persistent and stateless, so each value `get` returns flows through the rest of computation (possibly in parallel) resulting in multiple return values getting passed back to the outermost caller. Note that this doesn’t return a collection, if returns multiple values.

If not everything returned from `get` is even, then the `when` statement acts like a `filter` transducer.

This whole way of thinking about multiple return is inspired by transducers, but with immutability enforced at the lowest levels, these are all trivially parallelisable transductions.

So multiple returns cause the computation to fork, nodes in the computational topology get replaced by lists of nodes (we should preserve order of messages even as things fork).

This swelling of fibres of execution needs to be balanced by some form of joining. Aggregations like reduce are natural join points in the topology, but there won’t always be a foldy step at the end, How to deal with this forking phenomenon in general needs more thought.

Let’s push a little further: is it reasonable to allow a “function” as defined above to only return to a single place? What if it has multiple messages (return values) that are fundamentally different and should go different places?

As a practical example, how do you implement eval without mutability? Eval needs to keep a context of evaluation around (to store `def`ed things), but it also needs to return values to its caller. In a repl, eval must both send a message back to itself (recursively), and send a separate message to print. It can emit a pair, but then something downstream needs to split that pair and do two different things with it.

Current idea: replace `yieldto` with `emit` but have a special form `fork` which takes zero or more emit statements. This is a low level construct that I don’t see a way to avoid, but if it creeps its way into quotidian development, the language might be a failure. I’m not really sure yet.

The Myth of Synchoronicity

  • Note taken on [2024-05-04 Sat 13:53]
    I’m not especially interested in real time requirements and not entirely sure why I brought it up below.

What is the meaning of `async` in contemporary programming languages? It’s a negation, and so only makes sense in relation to that which it’s negating. Is there such a thing as `sync` to give it meaning? I happen to think it’s a relic of legacy and habit.

What’s a fully synchronous operation? Adding two fixnums? Well are the numbers in registers or being loaded from ram? Are they in cache? Is the needed memory address paged out to disk? Has GC paused the world?

And don’t forget pipelining, speculation, and out of order execution.

Synchronicity is an illusion we create so that we can visualise our programs as a linear sequence of instructions that happen one at a time and in order.

All sync really means in this context is “while I’m waiting, nobody else can use the cpu”. And in that sense, sync must die.

So does this mean we can’t meet hard real time requirements? Not at all. A program that assumes the cache will always hit is going to miss hard deadlines. A properly written real time program knows that even if the cache misses and everything possible goes wrong, the worst case bound is still acceptable.

The goal is to bound the worst case, and the more we can do while waiting the better.

Admittedly reasoning about async programs is harder because it’s harder to pretend we know things we don’t, and the scheduler brings in its own dynamics. But in the end, the more we admit the limits of our knowledge and work within them, the more reliable systems will be.

Start counting at 1

The idea that real programmers start counting at zero comes from two related conflations. A conflation of cardinal and ordinal numbers, and a conflation of lists with allocated memory.

When we learn to count in school we learn to start at 1. This is the first wug, this is the second wug, and so on… There is no zeroeth wug, but there can be zero wugs. That’s the distinction between cardinality (the number of things in a set) and ordinality (the rank of something in a queue).

Are array indicies cardinal numbers or ordinal numbers? That, like so much else in life, depends on the context. If you know that an array is a pair and you want to access the second element, then the index is ordinal. We want the second element, not the first element as there is no zeroeth element.

But arrays aren’t just lists. In modern computer architectures, memory is abstracted away as an enormous array. Everything you store has an address in this array, and we have to perform computations to find those addresses (which are really indicies).

Say you have a pointer p to a struct {int32, int32, Char*} where we know that the second int is the length of the String. The length of the string, say n, is *(p+4) and the String itself is n bytes starting at the address pointed to by *(p+8).

Now we’re doing arithmetic with array indicies. So in this case we’re treating array indicies as cardinal numbers (you can define arithmetic on ordinals, but only set theorists ever do that).

So why do real programmers start counting at zero? That’s because if you’re treating indicies as cardinal numbers, then you want the first thing (no offset) to be *(p+0).

Take Dijkstra’s famous argument regarding for (i=0; i<N; i++) {…}. This basically avoids having to fiddle with end conditions when concatenating arrays. Again this is about computing indicies and offsets.

In the language being designed, there are only names and values. There are no explicit places. You can’t say “find where x is stored and then give bytes …”, you can only refer to values that you know, or things whose names you know.

Pointer arithmetic is out, so the need to facilitate it is gone.

As for Dijkstra’s example, modern languages don’t use indicies to walk arrays anymore. All significant languages now provide a facility based on R.S. Bird’s constructive programming theory. That is they use fold, reduce, iterators, transducers, whatever you want to call it. This modern approach is not only higher level and easier to reason about, it’s faster because the simplicity makes new optimisations possible. You should never be walking over a list with for (i=0; i<N; i++), so Dijkstra’s argument is moot.

Essentially, if you have a list of things, then they have an order, and that order is ordinal. You want the first, second, third, … elements.

If you need to compute an index nowadays then what you’re really doing is constructing an indirect reference. The order of the things referenced is arbitrary and extrinsic. That means you aren’t really talking about lists at all, you’re talking about maps. Using arrays is an implementation concern based on current architectures.

Confounding what we want to do with what we (incidentally) have to do creates inertia which prevents improvement of both our languages and our hardware. Linear RAM isn’t the only way to build computers, but we have a feedback loop between low level programming languages which get performance by assuming things about the hardware which binds the hardware designers to meet the languages’ expectations so that they stay fast which binds the language designers to make assumptions about hardware … ad nauseum.

Only put data in lists if it has an order which is important in some way. If order is arbitrary or otherwise unimportant, use a set or a map.


Why Numbering Should Start at Zero — Dijkstra Lectures on Constructive Functional Programming — R. S. Bird (1989)

SI is Irrelevant When Programming

It’s less than useful when reading hiking maps for that matter.

The appeal of SI is the ocd grail of objectivity and consistency. But it’s a lie. At the end of the day this great achievement of the Enlightenment was to replace one arbitrary quantity, roughly the length of a human step, with two arbitrary quantities, the distance from the north pole to the equator and ten million, the quotient of which is… roughly the length of a human step.

Now in engineering and low energy physics, SI is very useful because of the consistency that lets you convert between units using simple formulae. This doesn’t work with the old units because quantities like torque, angular momentum, charge, field strength, pressure, et al. are new in human knowledge and we haven’t had time to come up with useful units organically.

But when it comes to length, mass, and other units that have been in use for thousands of years, we shouldn’t just throw them out because they don’t measure up to a false idol.

Given a hiking map scaled one inch to the mile, you know that the width of your thumb on the map equals roughly one thousand paces on the ground. Curiously, while the width of thumbs and the length of legs vary considerably from one person to another, the ratio varies far less, so this exercise tends to work for most people. Of course the “roughly” is critical, this isn’t for building airplanes.

Now, given a map scaled 1cm:1km, you know that one one hudread millionth of the distance from the north pole to the equator on the map is equal (exactly!) to one ten thousandth of the distance from the north pole to the equator on the ground. Good luck with that. Of course you could approximate with the width of your pinky and a thousand steps, but what have you gained from that?

Note that I’m not saying SI units are bad, I’m saying systems which purport to be universal are bad. That’s because the universe isn’t closed and any attempt to pretend it is quickly becomes scholastic. Using different units for different purposes is completely natural.

A pound is roughly the weight of a lead cylinder that fits snuggly in your fist. Try and explain how to make a standard kilogram to someone who doesn’t have an undergraduate degree in the sciences.

Embrace units that work for the task at hand even if they won’t work for some other task that isn’t at hand. Unless you know it soon will be.

And now to programming. Computers do not operate on base ten. They’re surprisingly bad at it. You do know you need special types to deal with money in software, right? Floats are a hack grandfathered into everything, but let’s not get into that now.

So why have we decided that KB, MB, GB, etc. all operate as powers of ten? This wasn’t the case 20 years ago. Do you rememeber the first harddives over 1GB? Do you remember how harddrive manufacturers cheated and said 1KB = 1024B, 1MB = 1024KB, and yet 1GB = 1000MB because they were struggling to push it past the boundary and saw a way to save 7% with an asterisk?

One could be cynical and say it’s all about hardware manufacturers trying to save a little bit of money. And there is certainly pressure from that direction. But there’s also pressure from the “kilo means 1000, not 1024” pickers of nits. Fun fact: the prefecies kilo, mega, milli, etc. were invented along with the metric system at the end of the eighteenth century. The fetish for round numbers notwithstanding, it makes perfect sense to think of them as orders of magnitude, rather than exact multipliers, which is how they are used by most people in any case (microscope, nanobots, megalith,…).

I don’t think either argument is useful for programming. Words mean what we use them to mean. Let the manufacturers say what they want, you can’t stop them, but the sector size on my disk is not 4.096 KB.

Applications to Think About

The test of any language is the kinds of systems it facilitates creation of. Alogorithms are easy.

Interactive Graphics

Something “simple”, like the mandlebrot example from lowbrow. Don’t forget to do things like resizing that require invalidating a large swath of objects by recursively amputating the entire invalid branch of the computation and regrowing it from scratch with the new info.


Emacs is terrible. How is it that there’s nothing better? VS code isn’t better, it’s just cooler. Aside from looking better, it’s mostly inferior, but a few bits are pretty decent. LSP is not a good substitue for slime/cider/rope, or any other deeply interactive editing experience.

Orchestration without Containerisation

Why can’t you write your own k8s?

We need containers to ensure applications run correctly and safely because we’re dealing with a leaning tower of shit from which we recoil and want to isolate ourselves. If we can get cleanly down to bedrock, why can’t the services running in a cluster be as light as unix processes?

Of course we can’t do anything clean if we’re depending on other people’s code. And we need to be able to run third party code in a contained fashion. So maybe what I really mean is containers that can be compiled away to nothing under the right circumstances.


The modern web browser is a monumental ball of crap that works shockingly well, considering. What’s actually important? What can we forget about?


What’s the difference between an OS and an orchestration system? Is one a subset of the other?

What if the OS spans multiple devices? Think of your phone and laptop and personal cloudlet as not just being syncronised, but as different physical aspects of the same thing, running each other’s programs as appropriate.

Multi user computing is essentially dead. I’m sure somebody still does it, but there are far more computers than people in the world now and that isn’t likely to reverse.

The Language as it Stands

If you’re going to try, go all the way, otherwise don’t even start it. — Bukowski

This is a constantly changing description of the form which the thing I’m describing takes. The code is a much better description, but that changes too fast.


A receiver is (surprise!) a thing that receives messages. You might think of it as a lambda, but it would be better to think of it as a first class macro, but even that isn’t quire right. See :reflection: and :metaprogramming: for more about that.

I’m going to use the symbol ν to represent the built in receiver which when sent a description of a receiver, produces a new receiver.

A receiver is a single observer from the point of view of special relativity. The only information it gets from the universe are the messages sent to it and it gets them in some total order.

Note that this means that two receivers that receive the same messages from the same senders (has to be plural) might receive them in different orders. This is a reflection of the physical universe in which they operate. There’s nothing to be done for it.

A receiver (logically) processes each message it receives, serially, in the order in which they are received. Thus a receiver is effectively a serial computation. A linear view of some subset of the universe.

Of course this may not actually be what happens in the face of optimisations, but nothing in the system can be allowed to observe it not happening. For example a receiver that receives a message, squares it, and sends the square somewhere, can (and should!) be run in parallel on a long stream of input messages, but the outputs must be buffered and sent in the correct order so that an outside observer can’t see an inconsistent ordering of events.

Some receivers maintain internal state. This makes it hard to parallelise their activity. Sometimes it makes it impossible. But stateful units often have a periodic character which allows the work graph to be partitioned somehow. Whether or not I can actually make use of that remains to be seen.

Notably, receivers are not functions, proceedures, subroutines, etc.. They’re routines in an old sense of the word. Every receiver terminates in an emit instruction which basically jumps back to the event loop after setting some registers. The use of return stacks is a potential optimisation, but not part of the language’s control flow.

Namespaces and Dependencies

All code exists within a namespace. A namespace must be defined before code is written because the namespace is the context in which the symbols in a unit of code are to be interpreted.

There are two basic types of reference to other code:

  1. References to code in external libraries.
  2. References to code within the current project.

Every reference, or either type, has to be unambiguous and immutable. The code to which a symbol refers cannot be changed without changing the context of evaluation (namespace).

An external dependency can be uniquely defined by coordinates (source, package, version, symbol), where we think of a source as a location plus a signatory (public key), and all artifacts are signed. You could also think of a source as a git remote and a version as a signed commit, or tag.

It is critical that versions are calculated by value, most likely a secure hash. They’re not just numbers that devs make up (semver).

Packages aren’t a natural thing. They’re an abstraction to help us organise. Ultimately it’s the things symbols point to that have versions. I’ll refer to a think referred to by a symbol as a code unit, for lack of a better term. It could be a function, it could be literal data. I don’t think there’s much else it could be. Of course even a function is sent as literal data + context of evaluation (also literal data) + possible analysis and compile cache + possible cache of ready to execute binary for a given arch.

The immutability of code units makes caching the outputs of compilers and optimisers trivial. All code is jit compiled on the fly, but anything to be used in production should ship with a hot cache. The root entry of a shipped program is just another immutable code unit, so it should be possible to do something like whole program analysis and optimisation on it and still act like we’re jit compiling (so that everything still works if the user starts to edit the code, for instance). This is getting off topic.

A package is just a (presumably curated) collection of code units from a single publisher. A publisher can be an individual or an organisation. But orgs don’t write code, so a package published by an org is just a collection of code units published (internally to the org) by individuals.

So the real coordinates of an external code unit are (source, symbol, version). Packages aren’t going away, it’s useful to have something organised for you by the people who know it best, but they’re not primary artefacts. They’re just directories. Source code listicles? Well there’s no shortage of junky packages out there in any ecosystem.

In theory everything published by a given publisher could be available on an à la carte basis. But that’ll quickly become a soup of symbols. Documentation will be hard to organise. Imports will become insanely verbose. Can’t say I like that.

But we’re forgetting that extenal dependencies, even if you only depend on one symbol, are written within namespaces, just like your code. So under our assumptions, the namespace is the natural unit or level of granularity at which to group dependencies.

So we import namespaces from sources, and every symbol in our codebase can be uniquely referred to by something like source://namespace.symbol#version. Namespaces can be nested arbitrarily, but the source is always required since there’s no way to police publishers and enforce unique namespace names. Nor would I want to. Sources do need to be unique in some way. A domain and a public key should suffice for that. But we’ll probably need more flexibility. Plus a key upgrade scheme.

In order not to have to refer to sources repeatedly, we can add an indirection at the interface of external and internal code units. Essentially we would import source://namespace#version as xyz and require that the name xyz be unique within our project. We can, of course, ensure that.

That sounds nice, but I don’t know that it’s necessary.

Message Passing and Metaprogramming

These things actually play very closely together.

We’re going to adopt the planner convention that the form (f x y z) means send [x y z] to the receiver to which f evaluates. If f does not evaluate to a receiver execution fails.

Note that we send [x y z] directly, in contrast to the typical metacircular applicative pattern of (apply (eval f) (map eval [x y z])).

A receiver can choose to evaluate the message it receives, but does not have to. Thus we can define λ based on ν. A very rough sketch would be:

(def λ (ν [params body]
          (ν args
             (eval (with-env (bind params (map eval args)) body)))))

Receivers do evaluate their body when they receive a message. They’re not fexprs. Without that, everything would stall unless the top level of the program would have to be a carefully coordinated tree of eval calls.

Details glossed over above: body is only defined in an environment, which we extend with new parameters. How do we access it? Is it a first class thing, or internal state of the runtime which isn’t accessible?


© 2024 Thomas Getgood


Experiments in Language Design






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