Suppee is an e-commerce platform built with the MERN stack, creating extensive back-end with Express, managing global state with Redux, working with a MongoDB database and the Mongoose ODM, using JWT authentication and integrating the PayPal API.
- Suppee
- Table of contents
- Demo
- Features
- Install
- Setup ENV
- Highlight Dependencies
- Highlight Technology
- Login with user authentication secured by JWT
- User profile edit page with order details
- Full-featured shopping cart
- Checkout process (login, shipping address, payment method, etc.)
- PayPal / credit card integration payment method
- Mark orders as delivered option
- Product reviews and ratings
- Admin user management
- Admin product management
- Admin order details page
- Product search feature
- Product pagination
- Top rated products carousel
- clone this git on your computer
- install node.js
- run command
npm install
for install backend package.json - run command
cd .\frontend\
andnpm install
for install frontend dependencies - setup .env file
- run command
cd ..
on terminal - run command
npm run dev
on terminal - go to
NODE_ENV : development
PORT : 5000
JWT_SECRET : --whatever you want--
version 16.13.1express
version 4.17.2mongoose
version 6.1.3react
version 17.0.2react-bootstrap
version 2.0.4react-router-dom
version 6.2.1redux
version 4.1.2
- Node.js
- Express
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- React
- React Router
- Redux