- This project goal
- Features
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- After Install
- Upgrading
- Keybindings
- Video Showcase + Guide
- My Configuration features
- Autocomplete + Snippets = <3
- Tips
- Getting help
- Want to learn how to use advanced commands from this config inside emacs?
- Installing Emacs on Ubuntu
- Installing Emacs on Mac
- What i need to know to start using ?
- Buy me a coffee
This project goal is bring emacs and its powerful features to people that don’t want to lose time searching and configuring stuff. The doom-emacs-on-rails config is ready to use and easy to customize. The user can change the user-settings.el the way he wants, receiving a lot of tips. Doom Emacs + this dotfiles is the fusion of power and simplicity.
To access your personal settings, just press SPC f m.
The user can print a manual accessing Emacs Handbook.pdf, also has a video demonstration with some cool commands below.
- Made for Ruby on rails
- Works with rbenv or docker
- Works with rspec or minitest
- Javascript support out of box
- Cool stuff for Ruby Refactoring
- Advance autocomplete and snippets management
- Code Diagnostics
- Best git client integrated (Magit)
- Vim Keybindings
- Git 2.23+
- Emacs 27 with GNUTLS support
- ripgrep 11.0+
(sudo apt install ripgrep)
- GNU find
- OPTIONAL fd 7.3.0+ (improves file indexing performance for some commands)
(sudo apt install find-fd)
(good for large projects) - typescript-language-server
(npm install -g typescript-language-server)
# Install my config
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs ~/.emacs.d
git clone https://github.com/otavioschwanck/doom_emacs_dotfiles.git ~/.doom.d
~/.emacs.d/bin/doom install
# Some dependencies (ubuntu)
sudo apt install fd-find ripgrep libtool-bin cmake tidy
# If you use mac
brew install fd ripgrep
# Install dependencies for LSP
npm install -g vscode-css-languageserver-bin vscode-html-languageserver-bin typescript-language-server @tailwindcss/language-server@0.0.4 stylelint js-beautify
gem install solargraph
Open your personal configuration with SPC f m
and read the file.
To upgrade, just press M-x and search for upgrade-doom-emacs-on-rails
I’ve write an emacs handbook to use this config. You can access using emacs with SPC f p, than searching for handbook. (Require M-x pdf-tools-install).
The PDF is on this project root: Emacs Handbook.pdf
This PDF is perfect to be printed out or be used on second monitor.
I made a video showcase with the principal commands (See description all the video highlights)
Here is an example of some features that i made for Ruby:
Please ignore the wrong comment at line 8 =D.
- To toggle an snippet, press tab.
- On Snippet, Tab also goes forward on snippet
- To go backward on snippets, press Shift + Tab
- To delete selected text on snippet, press C-d
- To go forward on autocomplete list, press C-n OR C-j.
- Use C-enter to complete any text in editor (SUPER USEFUL)
- To use enter ignoring the autocomplete (create a new line, send on rails console), press Alt + Enter.
- To confirm the selection on autocomplete, press Enter
Resume: Tab is ONLY for snippets and ENTER and C-n / C-p is only for autocomplete.
1 - Go to https://github.com/settings/tokens and create a personal token with repo (all)
, read:org
and user
2 - Don’t forget to configure your user in github with git config –global github.user youruser
3 - Create a file called ~/.authinfo
4 - add machine api.github.com login youruser^forge password yourtokenhere
and machine api.github.com login otavioschwanck^github-review password yourtokenhere
to this file
5 - M-x epa-encrypt-file
and select ~/.authinfo
to encrypt with gpg.
6 - delete the ~/.authinfo
See: https://practicalli.github.io/spacemacs/source-control/forge-configuration.html and https://magit.vc/manual/ghub/Getting-Started.html
Use Emacs Server: https://wikemacs.org/wiki/Emacs_server
Resume: run emacs --daemon
on system start. To open an emacs window, use emacsclient -c instead emacs.
For getting help, access doom official github page: https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs
Just follow this gif: https://imgur.com/J3KzrPK
Just run `sudo snap install emacs –classic`
Just install from https://emacsformacosx.com/
Tip: To work, go to applications, right click and then, open.
I really recommend you to learn the basics of vim first, choose one:
- Vim Udemy Course (non-free) (for vim) (3h course) (very good course, i did this) (Very Complete!)
- Vim Tutorial pt 1 and Vim Tutorial pt 2 (free) (basic)
- Vim Youtube Course - 6 Videos, ignore the 6 (free) (basic-intermediary)
After that, you can see the Doom Casts to learn the basics of doom emacs (optional)
Don’t forget to see the evil cheatsheet pt-BR.png
on the root of this repository!
Don’tt forget the Doom Emacs Discord Server, is always full of people that always helps! You can get help of any command on doom with SPC h p (function) of SPC h k + keybinding = (to see the options, etc.)
If you want to support my work, please, buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/otavioschwanck