Provides the HIOB-Tracker as ROS-node (network service) which can receive a video stream and track any given object therein.
Note: This is only a server application, you need to use or write a client to make use of it. An example client is being provided here.
- Python >= 3.5
- A ROS distribution (Kinetic or above)
- (optional, required for GPU support) CUDA and CUDNN versions compatible with your desired Tensorflow version (e.g. CUDA 9.0 + CUDNN 7.0.5 for Tensorflow 1.6.0)
The fastest way to run HIOB as a ROS service is via the provided docker image. If you want to do so you can skip this section and continue directly with the Usage section.
Assuming that you have already installed the Requirements (see above), these are the steps for installing HIOB-ROS from the terminal:
- Source the ROS distro setup script, e.g.
. /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
- Create or reuse a directory for a ROS workspace and change to it, e.g.
mkdir -p hiob_ros_ws/src cd hiob_ros_ws
- Clone HIOB-ROS and depending ROS packages into the src directory inside the created workspace (use
!)git clone --recurse-submodules src/hiob_ros git clone src/hiob_msgs
- Install the ROS dependencies with rosdep:
Note: Replace 'kinetic' by your ROS distro.
rosdep init rosdep update rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro kinetic
- Install the ROS packages with catkin
Note: This will print some syntax errors, which is because you will be using a different version of python than ROS expects (see step 6). You can safely ignore these.
catkin_make install
- Setup a virtual environment for HIOB - this needs to be
outside of the ROS workspace (this step is explained in-depth in
the HIOB repository), e.g.
virtualenv -p python3 ../hiob_venv . ../hiob_venv/bin/activate pip install -r src/hiob_ros/hiob/requirements.txt # or: pip install -r src/hiob_ros/hiob/requirements_cpu.txt
Now you should be able to continue with the Usage section.
The fastest way to run docker is running the docker image. In order to do so, you need to setup nvidia-docker first and then run the image, for example:
docker run -e RUN_ROSCORE=true -e HIOB_ROS_SUBSCRIBE=/hiob_client/myTopic -e HIOB_ROS_PUBLISH=/hiob/object --network="host" --runtime=nvidia --rm thecalcaholic/hiob_ros:latest
This will download and run ROS from the docker hub. If -e RUN_ROSCORE=true
is being provided, a roscore
node will be started together with the HIOB server. The latter will then listen on the topic /hiob_client/myTopic
for images and publish the object position to /hiob/object
The command above acts (for network purposes) like it was run on the host natively (because of --network="host"
which is the easiest way to spin up a ROS server, but might not be your best option, if you want to host the server
continuously (if you require a different port/network setup, refer to
the networking section of the docker docs).
If you have roscore already running on another machine or on the host directly, you can remove the
parameter -e RUN_ROSCORE=true
and specify a core URI (only necessary if running roscore somewhere else than on the
host or if not using --network="host"
) by adding -e ROS_MASTER_URI=http://roscore-address:port/
This section assumes that you have followed the steps in Installation section carefully.
If so, you should be able to follow these steps in order to run HIOB-ROS:
- Source the ROS distro setup script, e.g.
. /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
- Start an instance of roscore
- Open a new terminal window and source the ROS setup scripts of both the ROS distro and your ROS workspace, e.g.
. /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash . hiob_ros_ws/install/setup.bash
- Enable the virtual environment you created earlier, e.g.
Note: Alternatively you can pass the path to the python interpreter to hiob via the
. hiob_venv/bin/activate
parameter. - Run HIOB-ROS
rosrun hiob_ros launcher --ros-subscribe </ros/subscribe_topic_name> --ros-publish </ros/publish_topic_name>
are placeholders for the topics you want to have HIOB subscribe/publish to. These can technically be any strings that comply to the naming convention for ROS graph resource names and need to be equal between server and your client.