Earthquake Zen Garden
- Clone the repo
- Create a new branch
- Build all the requested features on the new branch
- Either commit the local branch or zip the code and send it to interviewer
This is a simple app that shows a homepage with a list of earthquakes. It has a header with a logo (link back to home), and a link to a profile detail view. Each entry in the table links to a detail view of that particular record. See the screens and reference data below.
Page navigation
- Instructions:
- Create an app called ‘earthquake-zen-garden’ (suggest Create React App )
- Use the provided data.js JSON file to create the app according to the diagram above
- If possible create a Github repo to host the app
- The app should have 3 main views:
- Home
- Detail
- Profile
There should be no errors or warnings in the console (eg missing key in the loop ) The expectation is to be able to:
Screens References