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Allow pytest to respect word boundaries of CamelCaseWords in class name patterns.


pip install pytest-camel-collect


This plug-in augments the pattern matching of python_classes in your pytest.ini, tox.ini, or setup.cfg file.

A - (dash) now represents a CamelCase word boundary.

python_classes = Camel-*

Camel-* will match class names like CamelClub and CamelCamelCamel, but not Camelizer.


Mixin classes can be helpful to reduce boilerplate. One might use these mixin classes to add tests verifying API response status codes when authenticated as different users:

class ForbidsAnonymousUsers:
    class TestAnonymousUsersAreForbidden:
        def user(self):
            return AnonymousUser()
        def test_anonymous_user_is_forbidden(self, response):
            assert response.status_code == 401

class ForbidsNonAdmins:
    class TestNonAdminsAreForbidden:
        def user(self):
            return User(is_admin=False)
        def test_non_admin_is_forbidden(self, response):
            assert response.status_code == 401

Now, these mixins can be used to declare "traits" of certain test environments:

class DescribeMyAPIEndpoint(BaseAPITest):
    def url(self):
        return '/my-endpoint'

    class DescribeList(
        def method(self):
            return 'GET'

    class DescribeCreate(
        def method(self):
            return 'POST'

As it goes, business requirements change, and the API endpoint must now respond differently depending on the user's language.

No sweat! As experts in nameology, we add well-named context classes to test other languages:

class DescribeMyAPIEndpoint(BaseAPITest):
    # ...

    class DescribeCreate(
        # ...

        class ForEnglishSpeakers:
            def user(self, user):
                user.language = 'english'
                return user

            def it_returns_english(self, response):
                assert response['message'] == 'Created new thing'

        class ForSpanishSpeakers:
            def user(self, user):
                user.language = 'spanish'
                return user

            def it_returns_spanish(self, response):
                assert response['message'] == 'Creado cosa nueva'

Hmmm, but when pytest is executed, it doesn't collect our two new tests...

Ah, right! python_classes in pytest.ini!

python_classes = Test* Describe* For*

Run pytest again and it picks up our tests! Oh, and also picks up our ForbidsAnonymousUsers and ForbidsNonAdmins mixins... but because they don't inherit BaseAPITest, the response fixture doesn't exist, and they fail.

What ever will we do?

Introducing: pytest-camel-collect, the pytest plugin enabling you, the hard-working, dependable, definitely-not-sleep-deprived developer to explicitly match CamelCase words during pytest collection.

No longer must you run tests from your ForbidsAnonymousUsers mixin, just because you also want to run tests in your ForSpanishSpeakers context! Hell no!

python_classes = Test-* Describe-* For-*

That's the spirit! Now, TestStuff will be collected, but not Testimony; DescribeStuff will be collected, but not DescribesCosas; and most importantly, ForSpanishSpeakers will be collected, but not ForbidsAnonymousUsers.


To play around with the project and run its tests:

  1. Clone the repo
  2. In a virtualenv (or whatever you wanna do, I don't control you), run pip install -e .[dev,test]
  3. Run py.test to run the tests