Project from the online course Spring Framework 5: Beginner to Guru by John Thompson — Section 2.
- Introduction
- Spring Initializer
- Open Project in IntelliJ
- GitHub Workflow
- JPA Entities
- Equality in Hibernate
- Spring Data Repositories
- Initializing Data with Spring
- Publisher Relationships
- H2 Database Console
- Introduction to Spring MVC
- Configuring Spring MVC Controllers
- Thymeleaf Templates
- Project: Maven
- Java: 11
- Spring Boot: 2.4.5
- Dependencies
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring Web
- H2 Database
- Spring Boot Starter Test
- Thymeleaf
- Spring Security
- Bucket4j
- Spring cache abstraction
- Ehcache
- Plugins
- Spring Boot Maven Plugin
- Heroku Maven Plugin
App deployed on Heroku